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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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This is a family I have created...


The dad has the unibrow,

the son is the punk-rocker,

the daughter is the geek,

and the mother is "normal" :) of course


I am rigging these little "people" right now...I'm going to use quite complex setups for these types of characters


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Alright..I worked out a rig for the mohawk...this does not use dynamic constraints...many will ask why. My answer is that I want full control over how much bounce there is to the spikes..I know you can find that in the dynamic constraint properties, but I want to be able to DO the dynamics.

Also, with this method I get keyframes for the after effects of the dynamics...with that constraint, keys aren't made for the after effects.


Note: At the end there is a bit of weird jittering. I will fix that eventually.


The hair is controlled by one null.

mohawk_works.movFetching info...

  jamagica said:
Alright..I worked out a rig for the mohawk...this does not use dynamic constraints...many will ask why. My answer is that I want full control over how much bounce there is to the spikes..I know you can find that in the dynamic constraint properties, but I want to be able to DO the dynamics.

Also, with this method I get keyframes for the after effects of the dynamics...with that constraint, keys aren't made for the after effects.

You did that with one null by hand? Pretty impressive...


So far so good! They look like they could co-exist with the Rolly Polly Ollie characters at this point. I like the spike motion. Are you using 'lag' or 'orient like' with varying percentages?


Looking forward to seeing what you do with their bodies.




Have you used the Osipa rig?



I really hope someone will make a good tutorial on that one... a tutorial easy to follow...


With this rig I only see faces animated... not bodies... why?

And I have not seen lipsynch used with it... why?


But it seems easy to handle... and giving a lot of possibilities...

I hope on seeing more of the Spheres... a little plot in the Speres family... a melodrama... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melodrama

  Paul Forwood said:
So far so good! They look like they could co-exist with the Rolly Polly Ollie characters at this point. I like the spike motion. Are you using 'lag' or 'orient like' with varying percentages?


Looking forward to seeing what you do with their bodies.



Let me rephrase what I said...In order to create the ability to only use one null I had to create many hidden nulls :) I go simple. All I did was place a null above each spike and apply an "aim at" constraint aiming at the null above. These nulls are a child of the one control null. If the head moves down, but the nulls don't, the spikes stray back. Sure it uses a lot of nulls, but I didn't want to fool around with lag or certain enforcement percentages.


I meant that after preparation I could move that one null to control all spikes.

I didn't mean that I prepared the hair with just one null


acutally that looks pretty cool to tell you the truth

looks very cartoony

thumbs up to that

just got to make the lines a little thiner

and the heads have like a grid effect on the sides




Yes... very cool! Sure...

But give us the .prj-file or better give us a tutorial on the way you are thinking just now and what you are going to do in the future? What is your aim? A MeloDrama?


I like to have some music... some lipsynch... some Rap... I really want this family to get going... but I understand that is a long way... before you can get some quids in your pocket for this stuff... I believe it is something wrong with A:M... we cannot produce half an hour of MeloDrama with it instantly... How to get the program... to express our feelings? I want to cry... I want to shout... I want to keep quiet... I want all the family members of the Spheres to do it... I want to see the Spheres engaging in a half an hour Melodrama now!



I believe you will never make half an hour of melodrama with your family heads!

Why? because Animatiion Master is a stupid program...

And Mr Martin will not understand this... telling him this... he will only get mad... accussing you... Well, I believe Mr Martin is a nice fellow... but a little ----.


Having four heads... a family of Spheres... and I like to have a melodrama after two weeks... to get some quids in my pocket... Animation Master will never make it...


Mr Martin have to begin to think... or we have to learn him to think?


There are the bodies to your four Sphere heads?

And if you make the bodies some day... there are all the movements of the bodies? And there are all the expressions of the four faces? No, Animation Master will not give you this standards... It is something wrong with the program... Mr Martin has not been thinking... he is satisfied...


OK! Mr Martin is a nice guy I believe... but there is something wrong with his thinking... we all want to do melodramas... instantly... but his program will not allow us to do it... we have to figure out this for ourselves... that is not good... he has got our money... he has to let us do what we want to do...


Animation Master is a general program... that is good... but most of us do not want to have a general program... we want to have a program being able to tell a story... Mr Martin has not understood this... I think he better give us the program for free... Sure, I am trying to make Mr Martin to react.... for his own best...


What I want to have is a nice program... giving me the opportunity to make half an hour of melodrama in a fortnight.


Well, Mr Martin - how to make that program?


Mr Martin - often get angry at me - you are not allowed to tell him things... perhaps he has not understand that I am telling him things for his own best...


Well - can we believe in him? I have never seen an animation done of him - have you? Give us an example of an animation made by Mr Martn himself - and I will believe he is undestanding the problem of doing a half an hour melodrama in a fortnight getting the quids...

Posted (edited)

Seven is taking advantage of Hash going to Siggraph. That is my guess. He knows they are preoccupied and will not be paying a lot of attention.


His statements are intentionally antagonistic to Martin AND to anyone who uses AM and knows better. He just wants to get an argument started... as usual.


You notice he "hides" these comments in the middle of other threads... harder to see.


Your best bet to avoid dealing with this nonsense is to ignore it.


The link below will place the Seven in your ignore list.




Vernon "!" Zehr

Edited by heyvern

Hey Vern!


Since you seem to have the whole scoop, do you have any ideas on why Seven was invited back into this forum? It would also be nice if you labeled the link you gave so people will know that it adds Seven to their ignore list. I know you never like to hide things in your posts :)


What happened was that Seven had gotten a bit out of hand.


On a temporary basis he was "limited" in his posting abilities.


Strangely enough... I can't understand why ;) ...he changed his attitude... he stopped being provocative and became a somewhat useful member of the community.


After this so called "change" lasted for a period of time he was given access again to the rest of the forum.


Now he is back.


And once again behaving pretty much as would be expected. He didn't "learn" anything. He just bided his time.


I apologize for not specifically stating what the link would do. Error on my part.


Vernon "!" Zehr


So, what's going on here? lol. Seven seemed like he was babbling and I took vern's words for what he said...I just added Seven to my ignore list :)



I still have to add some more pose sliders and think up a story for the family.

I'm thinkin' I'll make two minute episodes involving one of the members of the family.


For my first episode I was thinking that the son would run out of gel for his hair and it's only a few minutes 'till school. In a rush, he runs to the store to get gel and when he gets back he notices he accidently bought shampoo.


Something like that :)


They're already rigged and right now I'm at a freezing point with these guys..I'm busy with work and some other stuff...I'll be sure to get back to the ball family later.

  jamagica said:
So, what's going on here? lol. Seven seemed like he was babbling and I took vern's words for what he said...I just added Seven to my ignore list :)



I still have to add some more pose sliders and think up a story for the family.

I'm thinkin' I'll make two minute episodes involving one of the members of the family.


For my first episode I was thinking that the son would run out of gel for his hair and it's only a few minutes 'till school. In a rush, he runs to the store to get gel and when he gets back he notices he accidently bought shampoo.


Something like that :)



jamagica cannot see this - I am on his ignore list...

But I believe he is so curious so he have to take me away from that list...

And heyvern he is curious too...


I think it is better to make friends! - not ignoring others - making yourself ignorant!


Well I will try to make friends with jamagica and heyvern and Mr Martin too...


What I tried to tell Mr Martin was only one thing... I want to do half an hours melodramas in a fortnight - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melodrama


I want to be effective and I want to give every else that chance too!



For my first episode I was thinking that the son would run out of gel for his hair and it's only a few minutes 'till school. In a rush, he runs to the store to get gel and when he gets back he notices he accidently bought shampoo.


jamagica - wants to make a melodrama - a soap opera!




each with a classic dramatic structure of conflict/complication/resolution in which central and supporting characters return week after week; the serial, which features a continuing story line, carried forward from program to program (this is typical of soap opera, both daytime and prime-time);


But he has not the opportunity in A:M to do the half an hours episodes:

I'm thinkin' I'll make two minute episodes involving one of the members of the family.


I want Mr Martin to alter the program a little so we can use some type of marionettes some kind of Barbie and Ken Dolls that are preprogrammed for sitting down and standing up - being able to open a book and reading a bit in that one...


We being able to do or own character heads and using a lot of nice clothes to dress them in - just like Barbie and Ken


And we having the opportunity to make a group called lips and one group called tongue on our own character heads and A:M will lipsync it automatically...


Having such a program I believe we will be able to make longer episodes faster - telling oour stories with those characters of our own.


Hope you have understand what I am hoping for to do with A:M.

And I hope Mr Martin understands my thoughts - I just want A:M to have new possibilities...


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