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Hey, Just wanted to show and gather oppinions as I develop this project. I don't want to rush this short so before I started modeling i spent weeks trying to finalise just one of three/four characters! Named just Gobelah right now - hes a goblin of sorts. here is a side view but bear in mind i think id preferr bigger ears.


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Very nice modell... seems like a character to be loved... till he punish you for not going out enough with him ;)


I like it... a goblin or what excactly is it?




Hes a goblin of sorts yes, Thats actually part of the story, what is he? but anyway theres lots to be done before its through, I need him to look loveable but at the same time i need to be able to make him look sinister (using lighting or not alot of it anyway!) Im working on his body now which will probably take me a while.


Regards - Nixie


Yeah, the nice thing about cg 3d is that it doesnt dry! the model sheet was the main reference for the splined version. I expect il spend a while tweaking yet! hopefully Il keep him looking as little yoda' ish as possible, but i see what you mean scott!


tar - Nixie


just a little update, Iv been busy with real life unfortunately :angry:


not happy with his lips and other bits, and as you can see iv a lot of work to do on his body...


Regards - Nixie


Posted (edited)

Trajce - a goblin could never grow up to be an orc, as they're two different species. A goblin is a wee creature, sneaky of character, who always wants gold. Orc are either savage creatures, only looking for a fight, or honorable opponents, fighting to death no matter what. Just to clear that up :P


Nixie - Awesome model, though I do agree on the lips, maybe you should try making the mouth a bit smaller? A very good, basic storyline: "who am I?". I'm looking forward to getting more content to look at ;)


BTW, what's this "real life" you're talking about? :huh::P

Edited by Mr. Jaqe

I wouldnt say, the lips are too big.. leave them as they are... it is a goblin and he looks a bit like he is tiffing or so...


That is a personal thing of a goblin... he should like to let something explode and he should like the sound of gold and he should hate everything else ;)




sweet dude! :D



Just give him some bright green eyes, a little snicker, and a furrowed brow, and hes ready to steal some gold ;)



Nice job




Cheers for the encouragement guys, Il have more to show soon! Mr Jaqe -my real life is working over the summer to earn money to pay the bank back! (so I can start even again for my second year at Uni!)


As for harry potters house elf, Im not a big fan but iv been told this before, Trying to make him look distinctive isnt easy it seems!


Regards - Nixie


little progress here, spent some time making the hand and rest of the body. Bought the setup machine 2 and weight mover also today so when this is finshed i can play!


Thanks for looking, comments welcomed as usual!

- Nixie



Its all modelled at the moment, its just 3 double-hook-ended slines, They shold help te armpit crease hopefully, that and help make his skin look strethed when he lifts his arms. More to come

Regards - Nixie


Mr J, His armpit or his back muscle? Il have a look at that for you! Here is the almost finished Gobelah, heavily lit up. Still to do - Tweaking (will take forever) colour, bump, specular, displacement, transparency maps and a little bit of hair!


Then with the rigging...


Regards - Nixie



ok ok, this wasnt part of the tweaking but iv given him a way to pee! please give your oppinions on this addition - Im not yet sure if hel wear anything in the short film im planning, but his groin looked emty without it!


Regards -nixie



Great Character!!!


Has personality, looks as if there is some real bones and muscle in him... I see a lot of animation potential... If only I could see some wires... ;oP




No one has commented on his genetalia? what do you think, should I keep it (or rather should he) or not?


Perhaps your more feet people!? :blink:


- Nixie


No one has commented on his genetalia? what do you think, should I keep it (or rather should he) or not?


Perhaps your more feet people!? :blink:


- Nixie

The feet look great! As for the anatomically correctness. If he runs around naked I suppose having it would not raise the question of "how does he pee?" or "is it male or female?". I dont think it's offensive but you would probably want a lion cloth or something if he were used in an other than adult viewed animation. I think it's a matter of choice.


Re: pee or no pee...


It depends where are you going with this anim... If it is intended for general public... well, you know the works... On the other hand, there is 'crazy frog' anim that gets censored in the english - speaking countries (I think I saw it on the german version of MTV with all the parts present ;oP)... decisions... decisions...




hmm, then i think il leave him with for now, then either cover it or remove it later!

Regards - Nixie


Well, I'd remove the dangly bits before you submit your reel to Disney.


Otherwise, it's your character, and your animation. Do what you like.


My questions would be this...


Is his penis an integral part of the story?

Is it there for more than just controversy?


If you don't care about any of the resulting "side issues" that will result, then... leave it in.


If you want the animation and story to be the focus, and his penis is just a bit of "fluff", leave it out.


If the animation and story are fantastic and wonderful... this one small element... may become the focus instead (or lack there of if it gets pixelated).


Just my 2 cents...


...uh... yeah... 2 cents.


Vernon "??" Zehr


I think that Vern got things right...


About half of humanity has one, but people tend to wear them behind the clothes - and there is not controversy about that ;oP...


Character with all the things in the open would probably get the unintended publicity (it would create more publicity than if it wore clothes) but I think of the wong kind...


Just my thoughts... and again, decisions... decisions...





Haha! cheers guys,


I was thinking of using a loincloth but I'm not sure if il bother with clothes; that is unless i can afford to upgrade to V12...


Vern, you make me laugh pretty much every post you write; this one... no exception! but you have a point, its the story thats important so Il get rid of it, it's not necessary.


I need to focus!


Regards - Nixie

...Vern, you make me laugh pretty much every post you write; this one... no exception! but you have a point, its the story thats important so Il get rid of it, it's not necessary....

Thanks Chris!




I was concerned you would take it the wrong way. The character is great and very well done. I would hate to see it get "criticized" for the wrong reasons.


I also hate to see too much stifling of artistic expression... but... you know... there is a giggling snorting 13 year old in all of us... or an offended Mennonite looking for trouble...




Doesn't have to be "Disney" appropriate... you could show a little arse crack... that would be okay... and funny!


p.s. I changed some of the dialogue in my Happy Bear scripts for this very reason. I figured... Ethel the fairy didn't really have to swear so much...


Vernon "Giggling snorting 13 year old" Zehr


Dont be silly Vern! I wouldnt take anything you said badly! This is a WIP and as such is here for scrutiny and constructive critiscisms from my peers and those with more age/beauty/experience (delete as apprpriate!)


Walt - Look away now, this one's for Verns eyes only!


- Nixie



A little more done, Skinned a keekat to make a temporary soution to the issue of nudity and then followed William Suttons UV tutorial. Gotta say thanks Will for producing it, we need more wills around here!


As usual, point out any issues efore i go too far, I tend to miss theobvious sometimes


TTFN - Nixie



Update: Coloured and bumped, there are still more details i want to paint in before im through, but as long as the geometry stays the same, I can change this at any point. I'v employed Yves Skin shader also, not sure if i have set it up corectly; am I right in thinking it increased my render times considerably?


Critiques more than welcome!





If you don't get a lot of responses at this point, it may be because no one can think of anything to criticize.


Those shins are looking a little sharp to me, but apart from that, I'm speechless.


woah! how did i miss this section!

man that is an awsome character! he so... so... life like!

man that one is going to win some awards someday, im sure of it!




nixie, GOOD work!


You have made great textures, great looking character!


just two things that come to mind:


1. For a goblin, he has really good looking tan - too healthy looking for his own good ;oP


2. I think that (if I was modeling), I would give him bigger belly - more goblin like...


keep us posted




Wow, cheers guys!


I'm happy now! Yeh i was thinking the shins were too sharp, as for his tan, im changing that, It could be a combination of me not setting up the skin shader right and accidintly leaving ambient on! hold on I'l look see. (he looks like a morticians been at him with the makeup!)


Thanks again for the support you three! need any help? just ask me.


Regards - Nixie


Thats really really good!


i saw this last night at 2 am, but i wastn supposed to be on and didnt want to leave any evidence :D


The only crit i have is about the skin, I agree, he looks to healhty, maybe Uv map some veins in there, mostly on the arms bicepts and hands.


I have a hand that im proud of to show you what i mean, It should be much more exagerated for a goblin, but it will give you an idea.






  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ben, im changing the textures soon il add more details, been surfing for a week so i havent been near a computer!


Here is a demo of Yves Skin shader, on the left its not used, on the right iv used it as standard, If anyone or Yves himself knows how this works id Appreciate knowing how to keep the iris from going green and the whites pink, Its only set up on his skin group.


- Nixie





He now has teeth and a tounge.

Still having problems with the skin shader but At least im starting to conquer rigging!


I think Yves himself would be the best to explain whats going on - The Iris's are meant to be bluer the eyes whiter and I only applid the shader to his skin.






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