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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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. . . and I made this, im currently working on the legs and hips of the robot, but this is what i have.


*Note* yes i know about the bone problem with the left arm




The Robot so far is made up of about 22000 patches :o I wonder why . . .


Edited by bentothemax
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Impressive :D Love it. Nice material reflectivity.. Only thing that i did't like was the chin (a bit pointy), but that is just my personal opinion.


O Gosh . . . i wish i could animate him . . . but unfortunately it took about 8 hours at 16 pass to get what you see there :( I would be able to animate if i got rid of the skylight rig, and cut down on the plastic effects . . . maybe if i can find a good light setup that doesnt take so long to render. Im doing some tests with different eviorments to see how he looks in differant eviorments (city, underground, the apocolyptic backround i used for my demon guy [you can see that in the showcase]). I belive im going to have to make a few adjustments to allow him to look good in differantly lit scenes . . . and to allow for shorter render time


In short . . . still alot of work, I'll post a render of him with my first attempt at legs. I got a much better idea today though in Intervention (time our middle school gives us to do our homework). I will work on that then post when finished.


12 actually lol and thanks . . . i dont turn 13 until august . . . i look forward and hoping to go to the Art Institure of Chicago and a career at Weta, or ILM or anywhere i can animate, model, or do somthing 3D.


22000 patches!?!? :o I could model the Eiffel Tower with that sort of budget! :P I'd really like to see a wireframe of your robot. It looks good!


i love the material you have. but i remember some clear spots on him. but you probably dont wanto model all the chips and junk inside of it. lol. maybe you already did with how many patches you have.


ya id have to agree that its a little to bulky but it look ok.


great job!


Ok, I'm posting a wire frame . . . and . . . I deleted my 9 hour render that i did last night accidentally (saved WF over it . . . dum me). I model all my parts seperately then put them into one model, so i opended each model and clicked info. One arm has about 10000 patches in it. I dont no how. Look at the wirframe for yourself, i think it should only be about 2000 or 3000 . . . at most


*next chance i get (it will probably be tommorow, because i have to render over night) i will post a closer to final version, with the new leg setup i thought of. Bulkiness = good for a soon to be robot cop



You know... what scares me the most isn't the amount of patches, but the fact that I can barely find a spline that doesn't seem necessary


Oops...sorry bout that. It doesn't seem like that many indeed. I suppose you could loose some of the detail to cut down on the render times.

I suppose you could loose some of the detail to cut down on the render times.
Cut down on details? CUT DOWN on details? Are you MAD?! :P I love details, give daung about the long render, just detail detail detail! :lol:

ya, the legs in the wireframe are a bit to detailed for my liking, unfortunatly, the detail in the arms almost all shows :( I must fix the problems !!!


by the way. . . its pretty cool . . . my topic is considered "hot"


One way to compensate for slow renders is to render out seperate passes and then composite them in post production. That's what they did in I-Robot and yet they still had to do a great deal of manual tweaking to get it to look right = All that translucent plasticish look which changes depending on what angle you look at the surface.


I'm almost done with the legs . . . I'm rendering my robot now . . .


I'll post my results tommorow, I hope you guys like it . . . he is in the kinda great city of Cleveland (the only great things are: The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, Lebron James, and Breylon Edwards . . .)


and by the way, do you mean for animation, render each seperate frame?? OR do you mean render like 16 one passes, then merge them together???


plz explain




Nice robot. No, I think they mean render a color pass, a shadow pass, a highlight pass, diffused light pass, specular light pass, etc. Then composite it in Photoshop or After Effects (or for real fun if you have the latest CD, try rendering it in different layers (EXR format) with AM 12, then bring it back in and give AM composite a try. It's alpha, but shows a lot of promise. Or if you have PS, then download the free EXR plugin for it.




heh, I'm kinda a noob, so . . . would there be a tutorial on how to render a shadow pass, color pass, light pass and such ????? Do i just turn on the shadow buffers, and reflections and everything else off??



Thanks for all the support and comments so far!




OK, Here is a more finalized version, I consider it to be about 75% done ( no feet yet . . .)


A few problems occured when i was rendering him in the cleveland setting . . . so i might not be able to show that for a while :(


BUT!!! Here's what i have so far ! :D


C&C plz!






I see what you mean, however . . . I'm not going for an exact replica, that would take a very very long time. The idea of this robot is to be a later model, specificly designed to help on the Police force (hence the larger more powerful type of structure). I agree now that there should be eyes, at first i thought . . . what if the eyes were just big light receptors, that would allow for much greater night vision. Still, I did say only about 75% done, I estimate that I'll be working ont his for another 2 weeks, before I'm pretty happy with it.


I root for black eyes! Looks a lot cooler and more "thug"-like. Since he's s'pose to be a "Policerobot", he needs to look tough, aka. black eyes. ;)

I see what you mean, however . . . I'm not going for an exact replica, that would take a very very long time. The idea of this robot is to be a later model, specificly designed to help on the Police force (hence the larger more powerful type of structure). I agree now that there should be eyes, at first i thought . . . what if the eyes were just big light receptors, that would allow for much greater night vision. Still, I did say only about 75% done, I estimate that I'll be working ont his for another 2 weeks, before I'm pretty happy with it.

More advanced??? Tough?


I'm sorry for the tough critiques, but these are true thoughts on my mind.



- head is too wide, mouth does not look robotic (too small)

- Eyes should be wider/bigger. Mr. Jaqe, the eyes don't look tough at all or thug-like. I think they should have a bit of reflectivity/transcluency


- the legs are attached to the pelvis wth a little pole...examine pics of the other robots. You'll see there is more mechanics involved to stabilize the leg.




- Great body material...looks exactly as in the movie

- body anatomy is pretty good, except for the wide head

- arm structure (black wires, etc.) is great


Just think about this...I have never modeled a robot like this, but surely if I did these would be some big thoughts on my mind


If you're only going for an aproximate look, than I think you got a good one here.


I agree, the legs are just connected by sticks lol


Would you suggest somthing like the shoulder area? Or somthing more complex . . .








I suggest something like this that connects the shoulder and arm: (beveled edges would apply, but I didn't want to take my whole time doing this :)


Or you could make the shoulder gaurd in the shape of a football-like gaurd


I agree, the legs are just connected by sticks lol


Would you suggest somthing like the shoulder area? Or somthing more complex . . .







Also watch the bicep/forearm connection (elbow). It looks like it can be wacked off with a butter knife.



Police robot! Scary thought :unsure:


Are you using "Displacement" for the tubes... if so- That is where your going to "pay up" in time. If so ... try using a heavy bump map instead, just so you can see the difference in time there. That is, if you are using displacement.


Looks fantastic! The robot does look different than in the movie, but I see the direction you're going, and it makes aesthetic sense. Excellent work! How long have you been modelling? And how long have you been using A:M?


Thanks, I've been modeling and animating since I was 9, i used a free program called 3d canvas, then i uprgraded to pro, and then for my 11th birthday, I got AM V2003 (i think). It's been almost two years now with AM.


About the elbow joints, yes, lol butterknife, my dad pointed that out to me and I have been meaning to change it, just havnt gotten around to it.


As for the "muscles" or tubes that look segmented, those are just 300% bump maps. I think it's the skylight rig mixed with my material and resolution that make the render take so long.


Ok, here's a render i did last night . . . it took an 1:30 min, but im not sure if it looks as good as the other renders. Thats the first test i have for the eyes and i made the elbow joints a bit thicker.


I'm still working on the hip joints (using all of those tubes takes a while to make and constrain correctly)


Ok, here's a render i did last night . . . it took an 1:30 min, but im not sure if it looks as good as the other renders. Thats the first test i have for the eyes and i made the elbow joints a bit thicker.


I'm still working on the hip joints (using all of those tubes takes a while to make and constrain correctly)



Thanks for supporting me :) But, really bentomax...the reason why I stress that about the joints is because if one part of the body looks complex, so should the rest of it...the torso and such seems like it'd match up with complex joints, instead of sticks..that's why I said that.


Truthfully, I wanna check out the model file after you're done with it


lol, I see what you mean. Just spent about an hour making the new leg joints (actually about 10 minutes making them and 50 minutes thinking of how they would fit together, actually bout 25 minuts of thinking because of american idol :D ) I might have the render up later tonight, if not defianatly tommorow


thanks again for everything




BTW: Render time for image right there at 40 min AND, my "model" isnt exactly ONE model . . . thats all im saying



Sorry for the little activity lately, I've been wrapped up in the new sweeper plugin and a whole bunch of new projects i have started


I started a render of the robot, I tried using soft relections for the first time . . . after 36 hours, i probably should have let it finish, and gotten an F on my paper, but, My lang. Arts. grade is slowly slipping from the B status . . .


I stopped the render, and re-did it without soft reflections


Here it is . . . more to come . . .








"Who you lookin at, FOO?!" :P


Really nice, like the guns aswell. Wouldn't want to be a badguy with him on watch.


Wow, really nice!

Only one thing ... the fingers look so thin, that it looks to me like 'Don't touch! Brittle!' But I know, it's made of titanium and splines :o


Cheers Maszie


PS.: Spell Check ... how nice!

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