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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Exercise 3: Move it

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Name: Tyson Oswald


Exercises Completed: 3

Date Completed: Sunday March 19, 2006


Instructor: The Art of Animation


Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement:[none] but I reserve the right to change my mind :lol:


Once I viewed the Web tutorial I finally got moving bones to work for me. Reading the tutorial wasn't very helpful.



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Name: Daniel Michael Lisa (Technodandy)


Exercise Completed: Exercise 3


Date Completed: March 21, 2006


Instructor: The People of the A:M Forum, Martin Hash's Book and Hash, Inc. Video Tutorials.






Exercise 3: Move It



How am I doing Rodney?


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Name: Elizabeth S. Borkowski


Exercise Completed: Exercise 3


Date Completed: 4/4/06


Instructor: TAoAM manual, Hash support, and the AM Forums


Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: My Mac ate the sad bunny too :(


I decided I needed the practice and did the extra poses on page 34.





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Good job on the exercise. Your poses came out excellent. One thing though, the faces are all the same. You would add alot of emotion to the poses by adjusting his facial features under the pose sliders control. This would add another level of emotion to them. Just my .02 though.

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Name: sam wiley



completed: 3 move it


suggestion: post it on the day i made it cause i did not copy the other guy that did a pic like this one :D





man i should have posted the ones i did while i made them these things are old


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good job on exercise 3. My only crit would be to maybe relax him a little bit. You get the impression that he is excited to see the person he is waving to, but you can get that feeling along with some relaxation in his pose too. Just my .02 though

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Nice Pic Cubos. Ive not seen a matrix pose like this on ex 3 so its a first. If you can check out Jeff Lew's Killer Bean animation- its got a scene like this and its well worth watcjing. One crit -If you think about it, this is a high speed capture of the movement, yes? So next time try and pose the character as though he's moving. Act out the pose yourself and try and work out how you got there.Try and give the limbs an indication of direction Avoiding having the arms and legs doing the same thing if you can( called twining- a bad thing). If you could twist the head and torso, you would give the pose a little more dynamism. Also use the pose sliders for the hands and face. Dont be afraid of moving the finger bones either.


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Name: Kenneth Wong


Exercises Completed: Exercise 3: Move It


Date Completed: 26th April 2006


Instructor: Just the book


Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement:


Its been a while since I did the last exercise so I decided to do a Bruce Lee pose just to see what he would look like I know I could improve on it. Like the right fist should be rotated a bit to the right compared to the original and some other little bits



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Name: Tom Jansen

Exercise: Here's my #3.

Comments: I was imagining the second rabbit saying "You are one good looking rabbit" to the first :-)


Date Completed: April 16, 2005


Thanks for offering this chance for us to learn together!





this is my picture its kinda simple. But i just felt like doing it :lol:




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Thats nice! :) (refering to David's image here. For those that haven't seen it see below)


...and fits well with the theme of Exercise 1: You're the Director.


I don't suppose you'd let me use that for the TAoAM page when its eventually created (Note: unknown delivery date but it is in the works).


Lazydude also said:

this is my picture its kinda simple. But i just felt like doing it


Simple is good too. Good job!


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Thats nice! :) (refering to David's image here. For those that haven't seen it see below)


...and fits well with the theme of Exercise 1: You're the Director.


I don't suppose you'd let me use that for the TAoAM page when its eventually created (Note: unknown delivery date but it is in the works).

Use it. Use it. I'm not entirely sold on the eyes. I'm not sure I can get what I'm looking for with this limited face setup though. Anyone have any ideas for better looking eyes here?

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jason young

exercise 3


the manua + web guyl


Massive thanks to Leo73 & Rodney for their encourgement on ex 1 & ex2 respectfully.

Here is my contribution to exercise 3.I got a little carried away doing this and spent god knows how many hours trying to model the cross bar & vault pole(i really should look @ the manual and video guy before i start.)

I hope you like my effort as i am really enjoying doing the exercises right now,and i really look forward to obtaining my certificate on completion(whenever that is?).





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David: Thanks! I'm starting to organize some of the TAoA:M art that has been submitted and hope to get it published for all to see soon. (Soon being quite realative these days)


Mark: Cool! That guy in the background makes me think that if it was an episodic animation he would keep sneaking into the shots and stealing our attention. The effect (on me and I'm sure other people) of adding similar characters to a scene facinates me. There is some phenomenon of visual communication going on there... I'm just not sure what to call it. It might be 'mirroring'... but in a good sense of the word.

The same effect was put to extremely successful use with Walt Disney's Huey, Dewey and Louie. For those of you that have the time you should review the 'Shaggy' related animations of Zach BG here in the forum and on his site. He uses that 'mirroring' of familiarity to great effect which helps to bring us (and the audience) into that world.


Jason: Way to go above and beyond. You seem to having an understanding that the characters actually must have a purpose for being in view. Your characters have that purpose and the story starts to immediately unfold in our minds. Good job!

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Name: ronn trevino


Exercise Completed: Exercise 3

Date Completed: 04.30.06


Instructor: (web movie and Manual)


I did the first pose.. and the sitting pose, Also decided to make a Balarina Pose..

I got the idea from doing the first pose... I took some dance classes in High School (Nothing like being the only guy, in a room full of girls in Tights.. B) ) back to my story. The first pose for the rabbit starting me thinking of "first Position" in dance.. thats with your heels touching and your feet in a V angle.. so I thought the rabbit was a natural dancer.. and gave him a more Dance-ee pose.. Also thought I might try out the Toon render..



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Nice Ronn!


There is just something about a strong pose that satisfies the eye.

I guess that is why it works so well in dance.


Apologies for taking liberty with your image.

I wanted to isolate the last rabbit to see what the effect might be.

Verdict: The first two are pretty good poses too. The third (as you know) is near perfect.


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Nice Ronn!


There is just something about a strong pose that satisfies the eye.

I guess that is why it works so well in dance.


Apologies for taking liberty with your image.

I wanted to isolate the last rabbit to see what the effect might be.

Verdict: The first two are pretty good poses too. The third (as you know) is near perfect.


No Apologies needed..

I wanted to go back and try out a different camera angle on the rabbit myself..


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I have so much fun doing my own things as I work on these exercises that I don't really stick to the assignments. Anyway, my picture goes along with the idea from my previous exercises. I wasn't sure if I missed the concept, so I also did the exercise as it is explained in the book.


Name: Always A Kid


Exercise completed: Exercise 3


Date completed: 6/22/06







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Name: Bruce Winn


Exercises Completed: 3

Date Completed: July 3, 2006




Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: The little guy is supposed to have his fingers crossed behind his back while he is being scolded by adult rabbit. I think in an animation the camera could move through a place that makes it more obvious.




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Great job Achilles. You really nailed the sad depressed pose.


Bruce, I am glad to hear that you are enjoying this. When your doing these tuts, realize that they are not set in stone and you are free to put your own spin on things. Its not like your going to fail or anything if you do something different. These are designed to get you animating in A:M but remember to also be creative and think outside the box as well.

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Thanks Leo!

Actually I never finished my TAoAM....I got up to the door is stuck and then I took a super long break....but then I realized that it is extremely hard to work on TWO if I don't know how to use the program so that is why I'm finishing TAoAM! :)

Then I want to start a boot camp thread.

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There is a reason I often say this exercise is my favorite!


Here (in simple still imagery) the animator really starts to appear as characters come to life through the art of animation.

To me this is what its all about... character animation and all the great performances that come with it.


Keep up the great work everyone!

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