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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Welcome to the New Users forum!


The idea behind this forum is to provide help and support for users who are new to Animation:Master and are going through the Art of Animation:Master tutorials. We encourage you to post your Works-In-Progress (WIP) from these tutorials to this forum. You will learn a lot from the feedback you get.


Rodney Baker has gallantly volunteered to be the moderator for this forum and will be here to answer basic A:M questions. We encourage everyone to pitch in and give encouragment to new users. It's always exciting to see artists emerge from being a beginner, to next hotshot animator.


And don't forget, we have the New Users Page at



New users may post to any of the forums, but this is the place to ask basic questions. Everyone here started out as a beginner, so don't be shy. You will soon see how amazing the A:M community is.


Let's all help new users feel welcome, and excited that they made the right decision in buying Animation:Master.

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  • Admin
Rodney Baker has gallantly volunteered to be the moderator for this forum


I sure am glad I'm not that guy! He's gonna be one very busy moderator... ;):lol::D


Thanks Ken! (I think)

I look forward to seeing everyone exercise their talents via the Art of Animation:Master tutorials.


All you old timers feel free to re-experience what it's like to be a new user too!




New Users Home --- The Art of Animation:Master--- A:M Films --- Useful Links and Tips --- Search


Welcome to the New Users Forum.

In the New Users Forum those who are new to Animation:Master can expect to recieve help and support in learning the basics of Animation:Master and 3D animation. New users are welcome to post to any of the forums, but this is the place to ask basic questions.


It is suggested that you work your way through the The Art of Animation:Master tutorials first to get going in the right direction. Completing the exercises early on has led to dramatic progress in understanding the world of 3D animation. Not convinced? Find someone who has completed the exercises themselves and ask them!


Everyone here started out as a beginner, so don't be shy. You will soon see how amazing the A:M community is. We encourage you to post your Works-In-Progress (WIP) from these tutorials to this forum. You will learn a lot from the feedback you get.


We encourage everyone to pitch in and give encouragment to new users. It's always exciting to see artists emerge from being a beginner, to next hotshot animator.


Welcome to Animation:Master and the A:M Community.

You've definitely come to the right place!

  • Admin

Standard Disclaimer Follows: ;)


I am not now nor have I ever been a Hash employee. I have no affiliation with Hash Inc. other than the deepest respect for their efforts and product: Animation Master. My appointment as moderator of the New Users Forum allows for only my 2 cent inputs from time to time. I'm not paid to do this.


I do this, as many others on the list do as well, out of a strange facination with Animation Master and (at least for me) an underlying belief that Animation Master is the best product on the market at the best price! It simply rocks!


I'm really just a new user myself as I don't know half of what Animation Master has to offer. Thanks to the Animation Master forum I find new techniques, features and applications every day!


I see glimpses, from the newest user to the oldest of what Animation Master (and Hash Inc.) has enabled the artists of the world to achieve... and that really excites me!


Wow! Now I even have the opportunity to mingle with these artists in a Forum moderated by me.


I look forward to the challenges ahead.


I do this, as many others on the list do as well, out of a strange facination with Animation Master and (at least for me) an underlying belief that Animation Master is the best product on the market at the best price! It simply rocks!


Well said Rodney :D And congratulations on your appointment as moderator here. Volunteered eh?! Very brave... but definitely the right person for the job as you`re always eager to help people and offer solutions. You`re made for this.

  • 1 year later...

Heh, thanks. A little update, I got notified that my copy shipped today...so the wait officially starts. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd say hello. I've actually been playing with AM for a few years now, as time would permit. With 2 young children, it did not permit often! They are a little older now, so I thought I'd try and focus a little more time on AM. I am hoping to work through the TAOA:M exercises and then maybe move on to the boot camps.


I work as a software developer and I have a M.Sc in Nutrition/Biology, so I am hoping to combine the 2 and get into producing educational material in the area of science. I've been a lurker on these forums for a long time, so I suppose it is time to start participating!

  • Admin

If you've been lurking that long then its more than time to welcome you to the A:M Community.


The educational interest you show is a growing concern that is shared by many A:M Users. You mention 'the bootcamps' so I assume you are more than familiar with the Student Forum. That's an area where I personally hope to see teachers and educators from all walks come together and share experiences in applying what we learn to the benefit of students everywhere.


By all means work through the exercises in The Art of Animation:Master. They'll help refresh your skills and interest at the same time.


Now that you are no longer lurking we hope to see a lot more of you so...


Welcome! :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Howdy! Just ordered AM!!! Yeha!! Now just waiting for Fedex to show up..lol.. won't be here 'til thursday. "Patience is a virtue"... blablabla. ARGGG.. "we wantsis the preccioussss!!!" Anyway, I've played around a little with Cinema 4DXL and Rhino3d, so hopefully my learning curve won't be tooooo steep. Can't wait!!

  • Admin


While you are waiting for your copy to arrive I highly recommend taking the time to view the Hash Inc Videos.



While it will make more sense to click through while using A:M it certainly won't hurt to be familiar with the basics of navigating in A:M before diving in.


Glad to have you with us!



Hello...I'm new to this forum. I bought my AM at this last years Emerald City Comic Con after having regretted not buying it the previous year.


I'm about half way through the manual and I'm already trying to enter a contest hosted by the 10second club..and animation contest.


Couple of real quick questions if I may..is there a way to render the clips in Black and White..I'm hoping to reduce the file size by doing so..4.5 megs is too much to be able to enter this particluar contest..they also request that the rendering be in MPG1 file..is there a way to convert the .avi to this?


thanks for any assistance I can get.




Yes - you can add a new Post Effect > Tint (I think) and there is a Black and White default that you can choose.



  • Admin

David nailed it. Tint will get you the black and white effect.


Welcome to the A:M Community it sounds like you are already settled in. :)

Looking forward to seeing your contest entries.


Thanks..well I tried to add tint..but it didnt seem to work..am I adding it to the model or to the whole screen?


BTW..if there is a better forum to ask these questions..let me know which one it is.


Thanks again..




It depends what you have done.


If you have already rendered the scene then import the rendered images and apply the post effect to the images in the image folder then right click and render out again from there.


If you are doing it for the render then apply it to the camera you are rendering from.



  • 3 weeks later...

I've been lurking here off and on for almost a year and finally got around to ordering this morning. Thanks in advance for all the help, because I'm sure I will need it. I can't wait to get started.

  • Admin

Congrats for taking the plunge Josh.

I think you'll find your lurking has paid off for you.


As concerns the pending questions.... Bring em on! :)


Welcome to the A:M Community!


Thanks for the welcome. Right now the only thing I'm wondering is whether my order that shipped today is v11 or v12. I guess I'll find out for sure in a couple days.


Oh, OK. I was a little unclear on whether the subscription was for a calendar year or until the next full version. I was just hoping I wouldn't have to immediately pay another $100 to upgrade to v12. Thanks.


Calendar year (and then some at Hash's discression - like with the v12 alpha and betas that gave access to 2004 users for quite a few months into 2005)




Hello All!


Den Dotson here, somewhat long-time user of Animation Master recent graduate of the esteemed Rodney certification program.


I am here to introduce you to my students. Yes, I have students. My "real" job is teaching graphics software for CompUSA (among many other things). In my capacity as an instructor for CompUSA I go onsite to teach as well. Recently I have been given the opportunity to teach Animation Master to the great folks at the Granite City Steel Learning Center.


I will be, over the next 15 weeks, taking them through the exercises in "The Art of Animation Master" as well as sharing the history of animation, and basic animation techniques.


I have asked them to post their work here as we go so they can share it with each other and all of you. My hope is that by the end of the class we will have a fresh crop of certified Animation Master users.


I love Animation Master and I hope with this opportunity to spread that love to others by letting them share the joy of animating.


Without further adieu here are my students:


John "Chip" Bauer-serrada

Linda Hill-bumblv

Bob Bridges-coolidge

Linda Bridges-coolteach

Bob and Cheryl McKinney-bridget42

Dan Koroby-bdsw


You will be seeing many amazing things from these folks in the future. Please offer them the same criticism, praise, and encouragement you gave me.



Den Dotson-animateden


Hey Den,


I used to be a compusa employee too but i didnt have nearly the fun position you have. I was in inventory, yukk.


Congratulations on teaching a:m. very cool.


Good luck to you and your students.

  • Admin
John "Chip" Bauer-serrada

Linda Hill-bumblv

Bob Bridges-coolidge

Linda Bridges-coolteach

Bob and Cheryl McKinney-bridget42

Dan Koroby-bdsw


Game on! :)


Great to have you all with us.


Just thought I'd say hello.  I've actually been playing with AM for a few years now, as time would permit.  With 2 young children, it did not permit often!  They are a little older now, so I thought I'd try and focus a little more time on AM.

That's the same story for me, but I have three at home. I have messed around with A:M for a couple of years now, but have never gotten very far, because of life getting in the way. My son is older now and he is getting interested in Video Game Development. I would like to stay at least a page ahead of him, but that isn't going to happen! I have a video business in Northern CA and would like to expand into Animation as the form is truly eyecandy to me. I have just came up with some ideas into an untapped market, so I need to get up to speed as time allows.

Boy, if I could give some words of wisdom to all you single guys. Learn A:M now, before family and bills and age (lack of memory) gets in the way! ;)

  • Admin
Boy, if I could give some words of wisdom to all you single guys. Learn A:M now, before family and bills and age (lack of memory) gets in the way!


Now you tell me! :D


Don't be a stranger.

If you have the goal... go for it!

We'll be here to help you along the way.


So are you gonna tell us this secret untapped market thing? ;)

Be careful I could be your competion!




Thank you for your response!

I need to learn what I can use in A:M and import it into Dark Basic Professional.

(www.darkbasic.com) They have various levels of software available to make your own video games. They suggest purchasing Calgary for realistic models, but it looks like I could do everything on A:M cheaper and better on A:M. I don't want to reveal my untapped market just yet, so hold on a bit. :ph34r::D


Hey Liquid,


I'm a former DBP user myself. In answer to your question: yes, all models, animations, and cutscenes are fully compatible with DBP pending, of course, that you know how to import them properly. Although AM does not support the export to .x by default you can purchase a plug-in for this purpose from http://www.obsidiangames.com/ for $20 which I think is well worth it considering the price we paid for Animation Master (one tenth of 3DS Max). This will give you full support to export to DBP using the .x format which they advertise on their website. Hope this helps.



  • 2 weeks later...

Um, well, hello I guess? I suppose I'm supposed to post here first? Or something?


Anyhow, I've been using Animation Master for almost a year now, learning it through the past two semesters in college. I've owned the program myself for several months now, preparing for my own projects that I've been planning for years. I'm pretty sure animation isn't what I'm specifically going to be getting into for a career, but creative video/graphics tools in general is my area of interest. But while I'm much more familiar with stuff like Photoshop and video editing, animation has been a love of mine since I made flip books when I was a kid. So anyway, Animation Master is generally going to be my tool for my personal projects. The project I'm about to work on is something I've wanted to do for quite some time.


Well anyway, here I am, and I need help! As I said, I've been working in A:M for college, but so much of it is still a mystery to me, because the classes were fairly basic. We basically just covered modeling a character and some props the first semester, and then spent the second semester animating. My understanding is limited in the realm of decals, materials, lighting, and what have you that I've never even heard of. And I guess it's not always easy finding a tutorial for your specific needs. So that's what a forum is for, right?


Where should I generally be posting my technical questions? I guess it's fine to post in this newbie forum for now, right?

  • 2 weeks later...

I have always been interested in graphics programs but have never done anything other than putz around, partly because of time contraints (machine was my brothers) and I love to play computer games; and lack of how to really use the program.


I recently saw the demo of AM at MacWorld Boston (was in town for another conference as well) and was amazed at the program. I hummed and hawed for a few days and picked up a copy on the last day of the conference. I wasn't sure that I would actually use the program and therefore wasting $200. I am proud to say that I have finished up to the FlowerPower tutorial and am more interested as I just downloaded the Tiger beta so I can run it on my new machine: 20" iMac G5.


Guess I will be lurking in the forums as well now =)

  • Admin

Welcome to the A:M Community TallDwarf!


This is a great time to come on board as a new user of Animation:Master.

After SIGGRAPH each year there is usually quite a few people that have taken their first step toward animating and 3D graphics that log into the A:M Forum for the first time.


To all the new users that haven't yet introduced yourselves... please do.

I lurked for entirely too long before I got involved. Lurking is doing bad things to your return on investment. ;)


You are only a new user once so enjoy it while you can! :)




Howdy everyone!


I'm super new to this forum and to A:M, as I just actually picked it up at last weeks SIGGRAPH. Rodney, I actually was introduced to you as I purchased my copy. I haven't actually gotten a chance to start on learning the program since I am running Tiger and just today downloaded the beta version. Hopefully I'll figure out this program easily and get going on my many animation projects. I am trained on Maya and have worked with that for a few years, but had been attracted to this program and the popularity of it. But it was the demo at SIGGRAPH that sold me on it. And if it makes this NON-MODELER able to Model what is in my mind, then ROCK ON!


I'll keep ya'll posted on my progress!!



  • Admin


Welcome to the A:M Community.

We are glad to have you with us.


Whether modeling, animating or just experimenting I'm convinced you are going to have a fun and rewarding experience with Animation:Master.


I think I remember meeting you at SIGGRAPH too.

I hope I was doublechecking to make sure you got your Extra CD. :)


Don't be a stranger.



How apropos...


My 200th post is going into the "Welcome new users" forum....


So, here I am... a new user... though "user anew" might be more correct... After all, I've been a firm believer in and occasional user of this product for around ten years... I just haven't upgraded since version 5... :o


But now, I got my new software (ver11.1) which I'll be upgrading on line to 12 + after I finish TAO A:M excercises!


I look forward to renewing my relationship with the program, and strengthening my relationship with all of the wonderful people in this community.


Here we go!


Hey all-


Since I am a newbie for A:M, I have tons of questions. I have used Maya for years and so I'm not new to animation and CG either. But I have some general questions for A:M. I am planning on going through the book and assignments, but I just want to know that what I'm learning will be able to be used in my personal animations. I'm hoping that this program will be worth the money and ultimately help me get the animations outta my head and out into the animation world. so here goes...


1. Besides modeling, rigging is not one of my strong suits. It appears that this program is based on being able to use the basic rig. Does that mean that it is easy to just adjust to fit my own models?


2. At first glance, A:M and the instruction book appear to be REALLY basic and not as refined as the more expensive software. I have seen the work that people have created from this, and hope that I'm able to do the same quality with it. Once I've done all the tutorials, should I in theory be able to model and rig my characters and then start animating my shorts?


okay...well, so I had two questions..or maybe it was just one and a half, but I'm just trying to figure out if I'm going to be able to really get what I want from this program. But I'll go through it step by step and see if I still have these questions afterwards. Thanks for even making it through this post!


and forgive me if this is a little all over the place. It's been a long day, and I'm still jet lagging from SIGGRAPH. :D

  • Hash Fellow

Welcome to A:M!

1.  Besides modeling, rigging is not one of my strong suits.  It appears that this program is based on being able to use the basic rig.  Does that mean that it is easy to just adjust to fit my own models?

The program isn't based on any particular rig. They show you one possibility in "TAoA:M" because it happens to be pretty good yet is still do-able by a novice. Most of the stock models happen to use it also. Yes, you can adjust it to fit many other models.


2.  At first glance, A:M and the instruction book appear to be REALLY basic and not as refined as the more expensive software.
It's gotta be basic because a) most new users are starting from zero and b ) even users coming from other programs need to be introduced to the unique strategies that make A:M powerful.
I have seen the work that people have created from this, and hope that I'm able to do the same quality with it.  Once I've done all the tutorials, should I in theory be able to model and rig my characters and then start animating my shorts?
In theory, yes. In practice you will probably have further curiosity about specific tasks. THere are many more tuts available online (see this forum) that will take you to greater depths.
This might be a stupid question, but do you have to have the A:M Disc EVERY time you run the program?





Yes, EVERY time! It's the copyright protedtion... but you don't have ot leave it in.


There is another option... the dongle version which has a HASP dongle to go into a USB port, it also allows you to have a small render farm of up to (I think) 3 PCs rendering at once. or an unlimited renderfamrm version for some more money.


Reading your other posts about your experience... It may help you to do the excercises... they are brief (for the most part) and I'm sure most will be easy for you... but you are learning a new system. That is not only spline based, but animation based as well.. spline patches are more "organic animation friendly" than polys in my experience. And though most of the 3D programs have evolved over the years, I still like A:M the best...


And though I started using A:M a decade ago, I''m doing the excercises to get into the new systems...


I look forward to your posts of the excercises and there's nothing to stop you from working on your own projects at the same time...


I'm too wordy... and I've got to start getting with the program...


Good luck and welcome to the best all around software for 3D.


(Sorry Rodney) I know you're out, and thought I'd try to answer the question...

  • Admin


I encourage everyone to welcome new users to the New Users Forum.

I usually only jump in and say Hello when I see that no one has responded.





Thanks Robcat and Oakchas!


I think I knew the answers to my statments and questions, but just need to hear it from others. I've never been one for reading and doing tutorials, but your right, these aren't that hard. And actually, I watched some of the online video tutorials, and they helped a TON. I do better watching someone do it and then doing it myself. So for those "Powers that be" keep the video tutorials coming!


oh...about the rigs. If you use the basic skeleton that the program has, then add bones to it, say for tails or something, can you still use the reusable animations? To be honest, I'm not looking for the computer to do all my animating, just wanna be smart with time.


Well, I look forward to first getting some modeling done in this program...and then moving on to some kick butt character animation.


Thanks for the responses!


ps. I'm living in Taiwan at the moment, so that's why I may post a couple things right after each other. That way, they might get answered over night and the next day I'll get these great responses! :D


I thought I would say Hi to all. I have had my copy of AM for about a month and I am still struggling with it. I have done exercise 1 & 2 about 4 times each and think I am starting to understand it.

Have never done anything like this before and am finding it tough but am going to perservere.


All the best Ivan

oh...about the rigs. If you use the basic skeleton that the program has, then add bones to it, say for tails or something, can you still use the reusable animations? To be honest, I'm not looking for the computer to do all my animating, just wanna be smart with time.

Yes... and actually if you make your own rig just make the names the same and try to keep the proportions similar and you can even use the actions with your own rig. Adding bones will not change what is already in the action... hence-"reusable action"...


And I welcome new users, too! Can't wait to see your work.


thanks entity..that helps my thinking process. I haven't gotten to that stage of the game, but as I do these assignments, I want to then know how to go further with the tools. I'm hoping I can start getting some work up here, but I haven't gotten through much of the turoials. But I'm hoping to get some of my characters created.


hey IVAN, I can understand the frustration with starting out, and I even know the higher priced programs, but keep with it. Once you get a grip on things (in any program) it gets easier. And from what I've heard, A:M is one program you want to get a grasp on! :)


Until laterz all!


  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there,


I'm new to the forum, just having purchased my copy of AM at this year's Gencon, and I already have a quesiton.


I've installed the program, but my computer keeps telling me that I need to have the CD installed to run the program. Is this normal, or did I install it wrong?

  • Admin


Welcome to the A:M Community!


Yes. Having the CD in the drive is normal... and required.

It may seem a pain but the security helps keep the price down for legitimate users like you and me.


Hope to see you often here in the forum.


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