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  1. I was bored and threw this together. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDVcovGPb4g
  2. My third video complete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlVbKv27w_4
  3. I was thinking of making a holiday themed animation as a small project and figured I'd open the challenge up to other people learning A:M Here's the simple idea: A Gingerbread village. Here's the rules: Nobody who's got more than 2 years A:M experience. (We'll let them critique it after!) Needs to be done by Dec 24th Everything on theme Capable of being assembled into a project at the end (Same scale) I'll post a gingerbread tree in photo and model. Feel free to modify/ re-scale if you like, but mostly I'm posting it as a starting point. Some ideas: A house (or houses) Snow, Candy cane fences, Ginderbread citizens, ETC. Hope a few of us take it up. I'm looking forward to see what the other beginners can cook up (no pun intended) and sharing their techniques if there's something I haven't learned yet. Glider Gingerbreadtree.mdl
  4. I wanted to know if there is a way to change the two colors of the timeline in project workspace. There is the white and off-white making it hard to tell the limitations of the choreography. It is difficult to tell the difference.
  5. FINALLY I started a new semi-time taking project rather than a bunch of one hour mini projects . Here are some sneek peeks of it: No particles and water (9 min @ 3000x1500) Particles on no reflections (Kill render time) Everything on(Raytraced took 1hour45min for this half of the image so I downcroped it to look nice) I've been working on it for about a day now. The grass is just a simple imageplane on a hair emitter same with the branches and leafs in the trees. The atmosphere is a skydome with global lighting at 50% and a sun with shadows at 50%. C&C welcome Photoman
  6. Starting a new project and need many new characters for it. This is the first one, I am not happy with the color scheme right now so may change it.
  7. Hey- I've been really busy lately... Recent animation for a local Tire chain that sponsors the 'Grand Rapids (MI) Griffins' minor league hockey team. The animation will run on the scoreboard at center ice during intermissions. I had always wanted to do one of these types of cartoons, and had fun doing it. I'm always amazed at sporting events how these mindless cartoons get BIG audience response... I hope mine does. Sorry about the big files sizes. Each is 1 minute long and there are 3 outcomes, and all share a common 1st half. This project took one week to complete, as the main character was already modeled and rigged and I just needed to make 2 other versions of him. Oh yeah--- that is the 'BensLens' fisheye being used on the 'behind the net' scene... AND Thom and his family make a cameo... There is no audio, the in-house announcer will have fun adding live V/O and the in-house DJ music. BT_GR_Blue_winsSM.mov BT_GR_Red_winsSM.mov BT_GR_White_winsSM.mov
  8. I am doing a personal project, nothing important but something I want to do. one of the main characters is a Bear. I been up since lastnight making the bear and I am actually quite pleased so far. I know how to rig a person but I am kinda lost on where to start with this dagnabit bear! I really want to do it right the first time so if anyone would please give me your ideas on rigging him I would be very grateful. I am not asking a full tutorial LOL. Just some ideas and maybe a basic layout I can begin with. I just dont want to rig him all up and then have to redo the whole dagnabit bear. any other creative ideas are welcome too. I respect all the talent in these forums and that is why I ask your opinions as I grow in skill. I will have less questions as I learn. Thanks!
  9. I have decided to make a short movie in order to better my skills as an animator, modeler and texturer. I centers around a ninja that has to complete an assassination. Right now I am working on the set. So far I have finished the bed and the table. Here they are. I look forward to the completion of this project and the criticism to help me make it better. Thanks in advance! MasterFunk
  10. Over the next two months or so i am going to be creating objects to be used in a game online. All of the objects are going to be objects from times of empires and kings times. I will say now that i do not play this game but a few of my friends do. Which is who helped me get this project. So now i am going to be making objects and showing you guys my progress. The game is called War of Empires... and you can check it out here if you would like to. None of the artwork on this site is mine though. Im not sure where my work will go if its used. The work will be created from a certain angle of each of the models so none of the shots are final. but my first models to show are. a war tent. then there are barracks.
  11. suppose im working on a project and its got or some obscene number like 200 models in the coreography is their a way to organize the models in the coreography, like group them together, or place them into folders?
  12. Hi - I have a Dentist client that wants a 3D animated illustration of the teeth being grinded down a bit and Veneers being placed on... should be a fun project. I got the mouth and teeth modeled. Need to get some advice on how to show particles of teeth grinding off w/ the drill. I'll post in the Newbies. Thanks, Eric
  13. Well I have always liked airplanes. Military planes by far being my favorite. And growing up with my dad telling me stories about the F4 phantoms from Vietnam, I knew one day I would build one. Anyway here is an early screen shot of the model. I have about 3 hours into the project and I'm starting to see potential. Hope you guys enjoy.
  14. I haven't posted in a long while, ever since I returned to college to get my Masters (done) and Doctorate in Music Composition. Also I haven't animated in a couple years, but this summer I got the A:M subscription and decided to make a five-movement work for animation and electronic music. I thought I would post the YouTube links here so you all could check it out. I learned a lot I didn't know about A:M in the process, and actually had to rerender an entire movement after finding a better way to do something. Anyway, without further adieu, here they are: I "Purple": II "Industry": III "Red": IV "Interlude": V "Blue":
  15. Last year I modeled a toy boat, the Santa Maria. Ever since then I had the itch to create a fairly realistic Pirate Galleon. It's almost finished, but I thought I'd share before heavy texturing starts. This project is for my portfolio. Thanks for looking... Eric
  16. A bit bored this morning went onto google images and got inspired to make a pic after seeing a couple of Ansel Adams. Here it is: Took about 5min to render with 4passes at 1200x1800. The dirt is a Darktree The road is a off (Texture wise and Model wise). Used AM Hair for cactus spikes and tumble weeds. PLEASE CRITIQUE! I want to make it better if I can. Tips on the road would greatly help! Thanks -Photoman
  17. The whole premise is that of a midsummers day shot of the hills. I got the idea from the hills next to my house. Here are some sketches. The Windmill that is going to be in the semi foreground area. The overall layout of the shot. I am going need some help though on configuring AM hair to get that grass look. (Gold with white tips) More stuff soon. -Photoman
  18. Hello. long time. Have two problem now start. My project file come so big and more and more slow my computer. file is nov 5..936kt (is that normal) and i try do some avi movie clip. 5sec render 9hours and first i try do 30sec (that was rendertime 57hours ) nice... so is any tips how i can meke project file smaller than computer work better. or is my setup option somethin wrong... here is picture on what i try do and file too (if that open) A:M is ver 13.o and computer intel core E6850 3.00GHz 4G ram and 2x GeForce 8800 GT / 512Mb and vista 64bit. And extra guestion: is that ver 13 newest what i can get in this. (yeti 2006 cd) (sorry my englis is not good. and i cant be only finnish who use A:M.. so ( jos sais apua suomeksi auttas kovasti) ) taloprojekti.prj
  19. this is my first finished project with hash i've been learning the program for about 3 months now and im fairly glad with my personal prgress
  20. Last Monday I was contacted to transform a 2d architeture sketch in a 3D model... Is missing lot of details... pool area / backyards / people ... Next Monday is my deadline Special thanks to Mark for these greeeeaaat trees !!!!
  21. Hi every one, I´m jesús from México, actually we are working on a Movie project here in Mexico, on Guadalajara. We were working hard the last 2 yeras and 4 months and got good advantages, this project sems to be very nice and it´s taken a good shape.... until now. We have a problem right now. Is getting too long, at the begginig we were about 8 or 9 animators but with the pass of time we were less until now that we are only 4 animators for make a movie ¡¡¡¡,, yea, I know, To MUCH WORK and TIME. The project will br taken to cinema when finished and all the credits will be put on it, the producers since the begginig told us that this will be an low budget production and we were wotking only for the Credits of that movie. The thing is that we are a kind of sad , because at this step we won´t finish soon and a Movie Project is a Dream for us, We are asking for help . help with animation of the project and textures too, every one of you will help a lot and will make this come true, the animation will be better because of your opinions and skills and maybe your animations become better too, it´s a real work, making a real movie in the real world, the only thing is that we are not getting paid and because of that some animatiors let us on the way, at this point we have a 40% animation work made, if you are interested on help, work, learn and have your own CREDITS on the Movie just download the character I let you here and do a simple animation of a walk , then send to us the video with your personal information to dg@motionmx.com, every help is needed. The Movie script will be sent to the people that decided to participate and we´ll put your on line in every single point. I let you a few images of the characters. Thank you all. P.D. Excuse my english but is hard to find god practise here. juanito_indiana_jones.mdl
  22. Hello all, I started a new project with my friend. (I have a lot of WIPs going on don't I? Oh well.) I'm going to make a sonic animation. I know, I can't come up with any of my own ideas. I started the face but I need an opinion about the eyes. I can't decide if I should use one sphere, or two spheres. EDIT: I did not make this one:
  23. I posted awhile back on a project for a client trying to find out if fluids would work in this animated pooring bottle. It turns out doing the fluid portion of it in flash worked well. The two bottle were modeled and animated in AM and it turned out pretty good. Just thought I would post if anyone was interested in seeing the finished project. Also, wanted to thank everyone who answered my posted questions. Tip and Measure: Multidose Bottle Tip and Measure: Exactdose Bottle Thanks Eric
  24. Just an idea ..thought I'd lighten the mood smile.mov smile.zip another 1.98 project ...found out I will be working new shift next week so I should have more AM time
  25. hi @ all, here are some screenshots, renderings and a short qt-movie from the actual project i´m working on. please tell me what you think about the characters, lightning, etc, i´m sure you can find some critical points i haven´t thought of yet. i have a few questions: 1. the forces setting: i want to have a slow breeze flowing through the grass and the tree... the movie is my very first attempt with forces, i know it´s much much too fast etc... but i was wondering if anyone of you could give ma advice about the settings on the force and the hair-materials. sure, i could figure it out by try and error, but maybe some of you guys figured some good settings out for the effect i want to achieve and i can save some hours of my precious time ... 2. rigging: i want to rig the characters with the squetchrig (would be my 2nd try, the first one didn´t really work out ) the question is if you guys who have experience with the squetchrig see any problems with the splineage of my characters, maybe there´s a splinering too much or too less to get good results... 3. the terrain: at the moment the terrain is´n very big (it seems bigger than it really is in the rendering), but i need to get it bigger. problem is that the grass population slows down my rendertimes enormous, the picture you see here took about 17 minutes (big render, 1024x768 with 16pass... think that´s ok, but if the terrain get´s much bigger it will be much slower too...) does anyone have some tips and tricks to improve the render times on big grass-populated landscapes? 4. dust on the ground: i tried to add some dust to the ground, that it looks more like a real savanna, i tried volumetrics (experimented with dust and mist, but couldn´t get them look good), i also tried out sprite-emitters, but i couldn´t get them slow enough in the movement... how would you do that? i can´t get no sleep anymore because of all this questions in my head, night by night im sitting on my couch with my macbook thinking: "let´s quickly try this one out before you go to sleep", and then i look at the time and it´s 4.30 am.... dammit! so pleeeease help me! thanks ahead to all... windtest.mov
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