sprockets Learn to create your own tool bars! Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine!
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Tralfaz

  1. Tralfaz

    Mechanical model

    Great attention to detail Stian. When I look at your model against the real thing, the old Memorex commercial comes to mind... "Is it live or is it Memorex?" It is getting harder to tell the difference with each posting. Al
  2. Another quick update, more work completed on the rear end. Al
  3. I agree about the Saleen Eric. Very nice indeed and would love to see a finished render of it. Quick update. Worked on the rear engine cover today. The profile of the rear quarter still isn't right though, will have to work on that. Al
  4. Tralfaz

    Mechanical model

    Holy crap! That is one sweet model Stian. The tracks look nicely weathered and your attention to detail is amazing. Would love to see a wire when you get the chance. Al
  5. Thanks everyone for you tips and suggestions (both modelling and health ). Decided to back to square one on the rear quarter panel (will leave the wheel wells until later). Also worked on the drivers door. Al
  6. I've been off work the past couple of days with a nasty cold, so thought I would occupy my time with a bit of modelling. Started working on a Lamborghini Gallardo. Not the fastest modeller, but slowly getting there. Having a bit of trouble figuring out how to model the wheel wells without using 5 point patches at the corners (shown in red). Below is a wire frame showing what I have done so far and if anyone has any suggestions, they would be very appreciated. When I complete a 5 point patch at the wheel well, I get severe pinching, which doesn't look all that good on a smooth car body. And at some point, I hope the model will look like the images below. C&C always welcome... Al
  7. Tralfaz

    Mechanical model

    Hi Stian: Looking good so far. Love the way you model and render. My guess is a steam shovel of some type, similar to the one shown below. Thanks... Al
  8. Looks great once again Stian. I think what looks wrong here is the 9 ball should be a striped ball and looks like a solid color ball. Al
  9. This seems to change from week to week. A while ago, I read on the CNN website where HD was going to win because the Porn industry was backing it and was going release their videos on HD only. Apparently, that is what mainly caused VHS to win out over Beta (that and Sony was keeping Beta proprietary, unlike JVC which pretty much handed out VHS licenses). My son said Blue-Ray is going to win because it comes in the PS3. Me? I am just going to wait and see. I have a Toshiba DVD player that upscales to 1080P and regular DVDs look great on our Toshiba 26" LCD TV. Actually, so do DivX videos. Al
  10. Everything is looking fantastic! The ship looks great on the water as well. After watching TWO, your Trek and this project progress as well as others, Hollywood better watch out, cause A:M is coming on strong! I am curious as to how you did the water and if it is animatable (hmmm, is that a word)? Looking forward to seeing more... Al
  11. Great job on this model. Glad to see you kept up with it... Al
  12. Also, if you could also upload a reference photo, that would help as well. What you have looks okay so far. Al
  13. Tralfaz


    Hey Stian, the crash looks pretty good. My wife and I are watching are watching season 1 of Lost. It was a Christmas gift and neither of had seen Lost before. In episode 19 (which we just finished watching), Locke has a dream in which Beechcraft aircraft crashes on the island. Below are a few screen grabs from the episode. Your crash is just as good if not better than the one in Lost. If I had any crits, it would be that the nose seems to dip just before impact where a pilot might try to raise the nose to help prevent digging into the ground. Also, some more ground damage would help sell the crash. The lighting and blending of the two elements looks fantastic. Excellent work and look forward to seeing more. Al
  14. Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but check out this thread. Al
  15. To learn how to create bevelled edges, try looking at Yves Poissant's Tutorials. As for the extra details, they can really help in selling the scale of your spaceship. As Paul mentioned, the Millenium Falcon (or any of the Star Wars ships) is a great example of detailing. There are a lot of good websites that have photos and blueprints of existing real and sci-fi spaceships. You could try modelling an existing ship first to develop your skills. Al
  16. LOL! I knew the background was a photograph! You are right about integrating the two things together. Definately an art form, and Stian is truly an artist. Al
  17. Good heavens Stian. That really is a photograph, isn't it? It can't be a model, no way, not a chance in the world!!!! NOT! Truly amazing work. Not only the model, but the environment you have put it into. I have to agree with Rodney about how it transports the viewer into the scene. I can hear the sputtering of the engine now, the frantic pilot working the controls trying to coax the engine to life to get him the last few hundred yards to the runway. Sweat dripping down his brow, he realizes he is going to come up too short as memories of his life flash before his eyes. Just curious, and you may have been asked this before. How long have you been doing this type of work? Al
  18. Outstanding work as usual Stian. Look forward to seeing this puppy take the fiery plunge!! Al
  19. Outstanding!! Looking forward to them... Al
  20. Will there by any English speaking video tutorials? Thanks... Al
  21. When I first started testing the software for Luuk, I had a beard / goatee (not sure what the proper term for it was). Anyway, I ended up using a child's glue stick to get the dots to stick to the facial hair. I just rubbed the glue stick where I wanted the dots to stick and then pressed the dots into place. Hope this helps... Al
  22. Congrats Luuk on getting version 1 of Zign Track out. This is a fantastic program that is easy to use and extremely stable. It will be a valuable asset to anyones toolset who wants to animate! Al
  23. Thanks Luuk. As I mentioned in my previous post, I took the same audio and BVH file and applied it to the Penguin model from the Extras DVD. Had to re-work the beak so it would open (it had been modelled as a single piece). All motion in the video is strictly from the Zign Track BVH file. I can see so many possiblities for this type of software. Very cool stuff. Al Another Zign Track Test Using A Penguin
  24. Hi Luuk: Your video is looking pretty good. I have uploaded my third test with Zign Track to YouTube. As with Paul's, the only tweaking that I did was adding blinking and eye movement. All other movement is being controlled by the BVH file from your software. The software is working great and is very easy to use. Zign Track Facial Motion Capture Test 3 I think what I may do next is to take a non-human character and add the same BVH file to it. Thanks... Al
  25. Wow Paul!! You've really raised the bar with that one. When you are applying the BVH file to your character, do you scale each BVH bone to match the size and position of your face bones? Al
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