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Everything posted by Jeetman

  1. Jeetman


    It's funny you mention this because I've had an additional problem. When I tried to render to a Jpg format, all I got was a single file that had a ".jpg.sinfo extention. I thought somehow AM created the extra extention and all I needed to do was delete the added extension but when I made it a jpg and tried to open it, I got an error saying it wasn't an actual jpg. I had to render a few times to get an actual jpg. It hasn't happend to me a lot but at least 2 times now. George
  2. Actually Vern, (no offense) but from what I've seen from CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS's coverage compared to FOXNEWS, I'll take Fox news. I'm a traditionalist, Independent conservative that leans right and prays to God Obama loses. I know you said not to focus on just one point but character means a lot to me. One important point I vehemently disagree with Barrack: Any person that can justify letting babies die alone in a soiled utility rooms by voting "against saving babies of botched late term abortions just to protect pro-choice has a serious moral flaw to me. This to me is a big story and Fox news has been the only one to give it the attention it deserves. This one issue alone is very telling of Obama. Everyone should know about it and decide for themselves if it effects their judgment. Fox news does cover big stories like this and lets us decide. And if you want to talk about biased, the mainstream media (NBC, ABC and CBS) are ALL leftwing biased (Add MSNBC and CNN to that mix as well). OK, OK I'm done with the hijack. George
  3. Actually, The majority of FOX coverage I've seen speculates Tim Kaine and Joe Biden most likely veep pics. From what I've read, Tim Kaine has just as little experience as Obama. What a great pair they'd make. Not trying to hijack the thread but Just curious and seeings how this is a political thread..... Did anyone else watch the Saddleback debate? I know there's speculation that McCain heard the answers but I was wondering what others thought of the debate. George
  4. As much as I dislike Obama's political views, I have to say I find this animation very distasteful and seeing the President of the United States booted out screaming is also very disrespectful to the office IMO. I just wish we could be more respectful in this area. We have enough satirical situations we can draw from without being totally disrespectful to the highest office. Again, IMO. George
  5. Man that's a serious bummer. I really hope you didn't loose too much. George
  6. Is this after you render? In the normal display mode pics will look pixilated but should look fine after render. George
  7. I've noticed it and have incorporated it too in my animations. George
  8. Jody, That's comming along very nicely. Can't wait to see the finished model. Good work!! George
  9. I actually got to see this thread for the first time thanks to Stian. I'm speechless. This is REALLY awesome!!!!! The models, the lighting and the animatic are all professionally made IMO. GREAT WORK!!!!! George
  10. Gerald, I don't have the codec you're using to view this. George
  11. Darkwing, I read your story and It's very cool!!! The story pulls you in and I was really enveloped as it progressed. The only part that didn't make sense to me was the pilot. Maybe that will be explained later but as it is now, the pilot (Neil Williams, Man 3) is portrayed as being in control and flying the passengers as if he was commissioned to. The impression I got was "a happy guy just doing his job". We find out later though that he's in the same (or at least appears to be the same) position as the others. If he was abducted, knocked out, awakened and told to fly or be killed, I don't think his demeanor would be as you have him (unless he is also a part of the experiment). All in all though, great work on the story!!! George
  12. Jeetman

    AM 2008 rig

    awesome!! Not to be a party pooper because the rig is outstanding but you are trying to perfect the rig so I did find one more issue but I'm not sure exactly what I did to make it happen so I'll give you my best recollection of what I did. When I was playing around with the finger controls (to form a semi closed fist to a tight fist and relaxed again) I some how adjusted something that prevented me from controlling the fingers. After a few adjustments, the fingers started to distort and no matter how much I tried to tweek the "x", "y" or "z" rotations, I could not get the fingers to work. Also, something very strange happened that completely confused me. The fingers kept moving as I scrubbed past the last frame. There were no keys so it made no sense to me. Here's the action of the jab I did. It's only a quick animation but you'll see what I'm talking about. load the action and scrub the frames. The fingers are behaving strange and if you scrub past the last frame, you'll see the fingers are still moving. Here's the action created in ver. 14.0c jab2.zip George
  13. Jeetman

    AM 2008 rig

    Mark, Just played around with the rig and man it is awesome!!!!! I created a quick jabbing punch and noticed that when I switch to IK Arm and rotate the chest controller, the hand target is a child of the chest controller. Would it be possible to separate the hand target so that when IK arm is on, I could rotate the chest controller without moving the hand target? Maybe an IK switch for the chest controller (No Idea how it works)? The reason for this would be to give total control of the spine without affecting the hand target position. This would be very useful for IK apps like leaning on something or getting your hand stuck. When throwing a right straight punch (jab) for example, the hips/legs and torso rotate counter clockwise while the hand shoots out straight (like a piston action). Unless I missed a control option, this is not what's happening in IK Arm mode. The hips and legs rotate perfectly but if I rotate the chest controller, the right hand target moves with the chest controller. Other than that, I LOVE this rig!! Thanks, George [Edit] Just noticed the shoulder geom is also a child and shouldn't be to keep the hand target from moving. One more request if possible.... One control I use a lot with the squetchy rig is the shoulder shrugging one (not sure what it's called) it's an on off switch that allows you to shrugg the shoulders without raising the arms. It was requested by Robert Holmen and implemented in the squetchy rig. If possible, could you add that control? Thanks again, George
  14. Now that you mention it, with hair, it makes me think of Creepella from the Flintstones hehe
  15. Gerald, It's looking good.
  16. Thanks for the explaination Rodger. I'll try that the next time I get the chance. Thank you also Masterfunk. George
  17. You got my vote. Just checked out the website. The comic strip is top notch and I love the progressive pics of the 3D ship. That's outstanding work Largent and Stian, that ship is fantastic!!! George
  18. Eric, This is looking great!!! I was wondering what made the first set of chompers anatomically incorrect? Was it because of the overbite? George And aren't you suppose to have your wisdom teeth pulled? hehe.
  19. Seeing how this is a thread about smoothing splines, I have a question too. First to Vern, Thanks for all that input. I've always wondered how you super modelers created stuff and the methods you put forth are great to know. OK, I'm not working on this now because of my commitment to "SO" but it's been bugging me for a while and since this thread addresses it, I figured I'd see what the masters say.... I hope Stian and Al respond as well. Here's the Robot from the Lost in Space show. Here's a quick version of the robot. This isn't in porportion it's just for reference for my modeling question. How would you cut in the holes for the arms, voice box and controls? Everytime I try to model the cut out, it makes either serious dents or loses the shape. Thanks, George
  20. David, I can't wait till you and Mark create the "instant" rig. One push of a button postitions bones, attaches and weights cp's and deletes install bones. It works on bipeds, tripeds, quadpeds, and any peds I can dream can't I? As I said in Mark's post, I'm very grateful that you dedicate your personal time to work on the rigging part of AM. Without guys/gals like you, animation would be near impossible and incredibly hard to do. Thank you for all you do David and keep up the excellent work you've been doing. George
  21. Looks great Holmes!!!! George
  22. Jeetman

    AM 2008 rig

    I think I showed my feelings on this in my last post about Mark and David being GODs!! when it comes to rigging George
  23. Jeetman

    AM 2008 rig

    Sorry Mark. I haven't been following the rigging threads probably due to my severe inability to even comprehend rigging. When it comes to rigging, you and David are GODS to me. I'm amazed at your rigging abilities and I think you are doing an incredible job. Without your participation to the rig, there was NO way I could animate the TWO characters with the ease that I do. Thank you very much for all you do and PLEASE keep going!!!! I'll someday learn how to use this rig and as long as you keep tweeking it, it will get better and better each day. George
  24. Katt, This looks great!!! I love the lighting and toon settings. George
  25. Excellent help here!!! Thank you Rodney and Luuk. This is really good to know! George
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