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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Jeetman

  1. Excellent model! Great texturing!!! Not much more to say hehe Although the final render lighting is awesome too!! George
  2. I'd add Solidworks and the one I used at my company was Autodesk's Inventor. Both these programs are parametrically driven also. I'm sure about Solidworks but I can tell you that Inventor has limited ability but can definitely be used for CNC, molding and engineering design. What's great is it's completely compatible with the Pro-E format Iges. It also can export to 3DS and DXF. Maybe not a giant but good 3D modeling programs for the price. George
  3. Man Stian you are an incredible master of spline manipulation. This project is coming out awesome (as all your stuff does). I can't wait to see this thing textured and rendered. Is this for a client or just some thing to challenge yourself? If it's something you decided to do, what made you decide to model it? It's looking great!!!! George
  4. Yeah but I think for something like my example, It'd be easier using a material.
  5. If I understand you, you want to make the boolean cut out a different material? Once you create the modeled steel. Create a group for it and drag the steel material to the group. Then create a group for the cut out model that's assigned to the boolean bone and drag a material to that group. Render and done. Here's a quick example. booleen_example.mov Here's the project. Boolean_example.prj
  6. It's interesting. There are mov files it asked me for: green screen test - alpha.mov green screen test -transparent c+a.mov bruce body shot.mov I had no link to them so I cancelled them. After the project opened, I had no problems. I had no slow downs at all in wire frame but a slight slow down in shaded mode. If you are projecting mov's on layers (which is what I think you are doing), I think that would slow things down a lot in the choreography but I wouldn't think it would effect the model mode. I'd try to remove the mov decals (only as a test) and see if it make a difference. If not, then I'm with Master Chief in thinking it may be your computer. George
  7. Not to sound dumb here but what he's discribing (if I'm understanding anyway) sounds like the red bar isn't in line with the keys maybe? If you move the red bar to where it's not in line with the keys on the timeline, it defaults to the original key channel. If the model has no keys, it will default to the arms out pose of the model. I could be wrong here but that's my take. George
  8. Glider, I take it this project is just for fun? Meaning, you aren't getting paid by someone for it?
  9. After watching this a few times, I do see the horse pushing off but not upwards. It's pushing back to try to change it's center of gravity. The reason I think it looks mysterious is because of a second movement the horse makes. As the horse is pushing back with his front legs, he lunges slightly forward with his/her hind legs to try to get under the push from the front legs (much like a powerlifter does in a clean and jerk movement). The momentum the horse creates by pushing back with the front legs is then shifted instantly forward and up with a push from the hind legs. He/she didn't quite get under the push back and it caused him/her to fall forward. The movements are almost simultaneous which is why it is confusing. That's my take on it. George
  10. LOL. That's pretty funny!!!! Looks good and I agree with Robert. You SHOULD post this on YouTube hehe. George
  11. In the project work station (PWS) next to the model shortcut, you'll see a hand. Click on it to make a red "X" appear over it. If you have it selected while doing this, just select a clear spot in the chor or select another object in the PWS. Now it cannot not be selected in the chor. You can still select it in the PWS though.
  12. If you don't plan on editing the clip (I.E. adding after effects, etc to a single or each clip) and all you're going to do is join them together, wouldn't it be faster to just animate one camera? Just a thought. George
  13. This is excellent for flexing while bending, but is there an option to just bend without flexing. Realistic muscle movement is very hard to re-create in a model I've found because of the interactions between the muscles while bending or just in a static contraction. Just for fun, I wanted to see if I could model Bruce Lee's forearm muscle and make it go from relaxed to flexed with a pose slider. After looking at the complexity of muscles in his once well developed forearm, I realized it was way above my modeling and rigging abilites. George
  14. A:M does not animate different cameras. If you add a camera, you basically animate from the 2 separate cameras. You have 2 options: 1. render your cameras separately and use them as separate clips that you'd edit together (in another program). 2. The easier way is to animate the one camera. Move the camera to where you need it to be. You can use the "hold" function to make it jump into place or animate the zoom.
  15. This validates 2 things that we already know: 1, A:M has the potential for incredible professional quality productions and 2, How inadequate you feel when you see an incredible professional quality production done hehe. Elm and Michael, this is one of the best productions I've ever seen using A:M. It's literally awe inspiring, OUTSTANDING work! George
  16. This looks great John!!! George
  17. from what I can see, it looks really good. I agree with Joe about getting a closer look to check out the details a bit more. George
  18. Looks Great Jerry!! I love the star effect in the beginning, the things coming out of the ground are in good time to the music and the present morphing is very smooth!! Excellent job! George
  19. Katt, I love the characters and I admire your perseverance to this project. I do think the camera action is a little choppy but it's coming along great!!! Really good work!!! George
  20. You mean to not render faces that would not be seen anyway? The renderer already figures those out in the "computing Patch visibility" step. or do you mean back-facing patches off like shaded mode can? No. I mean as in shaded mode. My theory was if you flip a patch then put in a patch with a hole, because the back is transparent, you'd only see the hole. Oh well. Too bad. It would saved a lot of time. George
  21. Hi guys, OK, I have the potential to use A:M at work for some business projects. I've been given an assignment to animate a big assembly project we have going. If it turns out good, My company will let me animate more in the future. I'm currently using my V14 CD so I can do this during work and hopefully not interfere with my SO assignment while I'm home. Not to mention it's great to be able to use A:M for a work project instead of AutoCad and Inventor hehe. OK I have to model a huge multimillion dollar assembly process and then create an animation of it in action. It's for our company's website to give a visual of what our product does. Again if they like it, I can get another yearly subscription for work. How cool would that be? I'm trying to experiment with modeling ideas and I came up with a good one for making quick holes in solid patches. Here's my question: Can you set A:M to render in final with back faces off? If you can it would be a huge time saver I think. George
  22. Incredible work as usual. I found this site just searching google images. It has a lot of reference pics you might find useful. War Walker pics George
  23. Wow!!! Thanks Stian. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me on this. I will be studying your spline layout. When I get a little more time I'll post my version of the robot. Again Thank you very much! George
  24. Bring it on The only thing I got at is a work in progress video (time-laps) of a model I made for David Dustin a few years ago. Feel free to take a look: neonprogress.mov Oh my God!!! Just checked out the time lapse and I bow to you at the modeling alter hehe. I want to model the lost in space robot but everytime I try to cut into the round body for the neon voice part cutout, compartments for the buttons or the large side cut outs for the retractable arms, the smooth cylinder gets distorted. Here's my link. I attached a picture of the robot. If you're not familiar with the show, the Superman like shape cut out at the top has a neon light that lights up when the robot talks. Thank you very much for checking it out and possibly giving me some pointers. George It's post 22 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...mp;#entry279066
  25. Stian, All I can say is I had to pick my jaw up off my desk when I saw this. Words can't describe my respect for your modeling skills. Do you have any video's of you in action or better, any modeling training videos? I'd buy it in a second. To model with the speed and to the degree of detail that you do, you must have a method /shortcuts/techniques that are unique. I wish you'd share your secrets. So DO you have any model teaching videos? Would you please think about making one? When you do mechanical modeling like this, Do you peak everything and go back and adjust the bias? Lastly, There's a model I started a while back. I posted a question on the best way to layout the model. Rodger graciously gave me his method and I'm very grateful. If I link my post, would you take a look at it and tell me how you'd do it? Thanks, George
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