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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by DanCBradbury

  1. very cool Mark. The first render does look realy nice, and so does the second. I like them both... I CANT DECIDE You can get that painting effect of radiosity by using 0% jittering, and a very low final gathering sample. You still have a tiny striation problem in the second render, which would go away with a higher jittering percentage and a more fg samples. great model
  2. Doom3 was actually built with the Quake3 engine if i'm not mistaken. We're actually using the Doom3 game, not a separate application, to utilize the engine, which comes with a fully operational map builder, scriptor, and compiler. We also have at our disposal several thousand textures which were used for Doom3, which are of course all copyrighted by ID® Software; however, the program does not include a model builder for character and prop objects, but i'm sure they used 3D Studio Max® or an equivilant to create their models and then exported them into the Doom3 model type .mdl.
  3. Is each one of those hand rail posts made? Are you sure you couldnt have got away with a transparancy and normal map? That's more patches than 23 of my WTC projects. Do you need all this detail?
  4. I see. When you say bias do you mean magnatude? anywho, you should do an AO render. I think it's the realy sharp light angles and stiff shadow contrast that are making this thing look 2d. Good stuff jody.
  5. Looking good. For the amount of detail you put into that tower light and the wire support clips, the hand rails look realy 2D. Are they supposed to look like that?
  6. why dont you just ask martin to change the default cho in every version of A:M here after? The only thing i realy dont like with A:M for default values is the light object. It automatically starts with 80% darkness shadows, and nothing i do can change that... who came up with this random number, and is there any way to make it 100% for a default value?
  7. Do you need all this detail jody? One thing i notice is that you put a lot of detail in some of the smallest objects when the rather massive objects are left with rather low patch counts. Why dont you just build a low patch sections of the bridge for further away shots? Anywho, great model. Cant wait to see it all together.
  8. Wow! that's just a killer model. How did you do that with the hair? the ears are a bit 2d looking, but that's just a great model.
  9. Looks realy good Stian. Did you do the old method of IBL using an environment dome and skylight rig, or the new AO with IBL trick? What i found with HDR reflections, that i can see on your renders, is that when you render even a 16x16 or 256 multipass render you still get pixilation in the super white regions. I wish they could somehow truncate the super color values after the colors have been made soley for the purpose of multipass.
  10. Hm... where have i seen this effect before... OH YA!! lol
  11. What were you render times like? You should create a backup and use AO on it in v13a. I went from 4 hours for a frame using yves 25 light rig, to 12 minutes. That is an amazing car good sir. *thumbs up*
  12. ok... that was very offensive. Is there any way for the forum to ban his IP so he cant do something like that again?
  13. I had a grandfather who owned a typewritter repair shop. He had some from the 30's that were just the coolest thing. Anywho. From what i saw there, typewritters get worn out around where the fingers normaly lay. With the most amount of wear on the f and j keys. You should make those almost completly chiped away. And as for specularity: the most used keys are the shiniest with the smoothest surface. The other keys are semi shiny, but have a tiny bumpy surface. Well, i hope i've been of help. Are you planning on using it for anythign special?
  14. wow... nice musculature collin. though, his sholder bone seems a little too pointy.
  15. we go to school together, the desinger and i, so we've been real busy lately. i might make an interier, but probably not
  16. how come you dont try to lower the patch count? use hooks and cp magnitues. that's what they're there for. nice modeling so far though
  17. Chrysler builds cars you say? lol, i dont know if i'd like having to come up with a car every 2 weeks... i think i'd go insane. thanks nixie. hopefully the inside wont take very long. The designer still hanst given me the drawings yet so i havent been able to start work yet. smoke screened... i wish i could have one way mirrors. lol. that'd be sweet
  18. Awesome car Scott. I'm working on a car project right now. Is it easier to create one from drawings or taking something that already exists, cause i've never tried to build an already built car. Looks great.
  19. That's pretty cool. How much practice have you had with modeling faces? cause that looks awesome!
  20. Here's an update on the Retro! First step, making the windows transparent (O_O); The designer's drawn up the dash and seats. We're gunna have the logo stiched into the head rests of all the seats. Overal, it's a very modern interior... except his drawing has dice hanging from the rear view mirror. SpinRed003hdr.mov
  21. Here's a realy quick drawing of how i set mine up. Make sure you adjust your magnatudes around the sides to match the circle.
  22. perhaps you should show them the light... so to speak. lol
  23. Wow... after taking my retro into v13 and rendering with AO, what had normaly taken four and a half hours... it rendered in 12 minutes
  24. No more handels. it's the best way to deal with a problem... rub it out. MUHAHAHA!!!
  25. YAYNESS!!! i loved that show, and was so angry when fox took it off the air. YAY!! Ah, i see what you mean now... well in that case... i'll probably just make the door a real entity.
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