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Everything posted by DanCBradbury

  1. Yup, everything was done in A:M.
  2. Mad Scientists or hitmen. Either way, it should end up looking pretty cool n_n
  3. Was bored and decided to make something in A:M, and I ended up making one of those mad scientist syringes. Syringe_Green.zip
  4. amazing work, you need some cool hdr and ao renders to show off all that work you guys did on it
  5. Yeah, radiosity does have a major drawback, and that's render times. You probably should not use it for such a cartoon-like scene. But yes, boolean cutters might be a quick fix, but for good style I wouldn't recommend using them. There are a whole array of light problems associated with them, they're not easy to change if there is a problem, and it's just as easy to make the 3d object that you're trying to make with the boolean cutter. Anyways, I worked on the bathroom model a bit, and here it is with an almost complete radiosity render. I had planned on changing the exposure and doing some gamma correction and tone mapping with it, but it was canceled before it could finish all the way.
  6. So you're into art shows vern? But na, there was no special cerimony. It was early evening, we were all tired, and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. though there was a very strange feeling after we were done. Accomplishment is always an awesome feeling, and we ended up staying for a good hour after we finished and took lots of pictures. PICTURES!!
  7. Well the art show was today, and our piece was a huge success. Everybody loved it, and even after the show people kept comming back to it and moving around it to see how it would change and stuff. It's going to be in the school newspaper and the city newspaper, so that's really cool. The sunburns were well worth it
  8. I see matt beat me to the post; but yes, it took us 7 hours, but we did it. We went through about 4 rolls of blue painters tape, and working on my knees for that long really leaves a nice feeling all along my legs and back n_n Thank you animation master team for making all of this possible, if not for your program I would have had no idea how to set up the measurements for all those 500 ring coordinates. In an artsy fasion, here's a time laps of us building it all. i hope you guys like it
  9. Well, it didnt have to be a set of "5 concentric rings", bulls eye sounds a little odd... why would there be a giant bulls eye centered on my school?!, but that's what my friend wanted, and it's his project so yeah. But, he could have done anything from a checkard pattern, to maybe even a crazy spiral design, but he wanted concentric rings >_>
  10. Ok, if i were to take out the tape on the tops of the steps, there would be a few areas with a considerable gap in between. What do you guys think? Are the gaps to wide? We want it to appear solid, but I dont know what amount of gap tolerance people will accept. The red areas show the gaps between each of the faces. The largest space is the first floor landing.
  11. Yeah, i'll talk to my friend about that. It would probably save a lot of time and tape if we only did the faces of the steps. Here's a render from the first level landing. It really skews the shapes at that point. btw, the first renders were done in black, because he just reminded me we're doing this in blue painters tape.
  12. Here's a video i rendered out of the choreography. Hopefully it wont be easy to tell what the shape is when you arent at the right angle, because that's what we were shooting for Stairs_Small.zip
  13. Thanks jon. But yeah. Only the first couple of steps needs to have tape on the tops of them. The higher step tops arent even visble from the image distance
  14. My friend and I are going to be taping off sections of our schools steps to look like concentric rings when viewed from a certain point. We're just about done with everything we need to complete it. So, I thought I'd share it with you all, and see what you think.
  15. There is a manual setting for the x and y offset in version 13 for pasted and extruded objects. You can change them by going to 'Tools', then 'Options', then click on the 'Units' tab. The x and y offsets are in the frame at the bottom right. To make pasted or extruded CP's appear dirrectly over the originals, simply set both the x and y components to 0.
  16. this might be of some help with your gold material http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=220875
  17. that would be great if you could get an inexpensive camera that took hdr or exr images, but the market for them just wouldn't be that great i dont think. It seems like most people just want a simple point and click camera and good pictures. They wouldn't really want to hastle with exr or hdr formats, so then the camera would probably have to come up with some way to do compression at the time of the picture to convert it to the robust jpg format that everyone is familier with, but then you would loos all that exposure data. but yeah, if they could give you the option of making hdr or exr photographs, that would be awesome
  18. for working with the model initially, it may be easier to have him matte white, and use either a skylight rig or ao to really bring out details and see where you should adapt the model and make corrections very cool model btw
  19. your white render look a little jagged, you should try turning jitter to full. I think with all my original private testing, full jitter didn't take all that much render time than with it at a very low level, but it smooths everything out incredibly. the jaggedness might also come from the radiosity "spots" being to small or not overlapping other spots enough; that can be corrected by increasing the sample size
  20. exactly. My brother was taking pictures of our physics lab one day, and he decided to take the same exposure and f-stop values that he was using for one shot and took them for an outside shot; it was amazing how very different the light intensities were from the two environments. I believe there's the equivalent of 13 one hundred watt bulbs shinning down on every square meter of ground outside just from the sun alone tone mapping with hdr compression is really going to revolutionize photography
  21. i dont remember the borg ship being so very... pipe-ish(?). Wasn't it more like a bunch small, random flat shapes with lights behind them?
  22. looks cool the only thing i might add are some massive murals painted with very vibrant colors. I cant remember which one it was, but they really loved to make stuff colorful n_n
  23. the main thing that stands out to me in your image, is that it looks like a bad shop -- mainly with respect to lighting. The dragon and building in the background dont have any real depth to them because they lack hard shadows and their shadows dont match up with the character's shadows. Also, it looks like your barbarian is standing in a studio in front of a large image; the smoke comming out of the dragons mouth kinda looks like a specular highlight that a bright studio light might be making on the back drop image. You might want to take out the smoke. There's a very strange shadow going accross the barbarian's face, obscureing his features. You might want to reposition your sun light, and maybe add a few non shadow casting sky lights. but yes, definatly go with uniform lighting throughout the scene.
  24. hm... i'd also like to know how you worked with this model too. Did you lock the cp's or hide only sections you wanted to work on?
  25. amazing work, that's just fantastic looking i dont mean to be a picky bastard, as you probably slaved over this thing for weeks, but is the hand railing supposed to go through the planes pontoon like that?
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