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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by MattWBradbury

  1. I've been perfecting this technique for quite a while. What seems to be the problem? Could you post any images?
  2. Those squares showed up on one of my renders, but it wasn't intentional. It was a mixture of thousands of faces inside of an object with transparency, density, and index of refraction. The strange thing about this object was that it rendered out red, but it was actually gold.
  3. Could you strap a camera to one of the Thoms so we can see what it would look like to ride it?
  4. The file size is fine. I was getting 500 kbps down so it only took about 2 minutes to download. How long did it take you guys to render it this large? I must be using way too many high end features because that resolution usually takes me 20 minutes per frame. The walk looks pretty good, though it needs a bit of tweaking. Around second second 17 of the animation, the right leg foot off the ground before the left leg even touches the ground. The feet also look like they're more or less floating at the ground rather than being firmly planted on the ground.
  5. Remember that when something blows up it doesn't stop in mid air. The objects still have a lot of inertia and will keep moving in the same direction (and falling because of gravity). Also, your air craft is moving insanely fast; the pilot would have blacked out. Try slowing it down a bit.
  6. I remember seeing the trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4 at E3, and I remembered how they made their biped mechs walk. It was very similar to an ostridge walk, but the legs were hinged the opposite way. [attachmentid=22838] I would consider this walk cycle to be a bit more graceful than what you're going for. There's some video of mechs more like yours on this Battle Field 2142 intro movie around 1:19. [attachmentid=22842] GIF
  7. You might want to move this to either the Showcase forum, or the WIP forum. The scene is pretty good; unfortuantly, I cannot make out much in the way of details during most of the video because it is too dark. I have some suggestions on how to improve the visual quality: The scenes gamma is far too low. Increase the gamma so that more details like stars, planets, and ships can be made out better. The stars in Star Wars are usually incredibly bright, and very numerous. Try increasing the size of the stars, as well as try to increase their number. When ships come out of hyperspace, you should make a lense flare of some sort to show the effect better. All of your ships seemed to come out of hyperspace at the same time. Try making them come out at different times. The animation seemed a bit too long. You might want to make the ships move a little faster accross their path. Around second 25, the camera makes a rouch path movement change. You might want to take a look at the camera movement and rotation splines to make sure they arn't peaked. Hopefully this helps
  8. I searched for more images on the site found on the billboard, but I only turned up some other small artwork and one fossil. You can see a larger image of the billboard on the site John provided.
  9. The percentage is based on measurement. 100% is equal to 1 cm.
  10. He ate the M&M's guy! You should put junks of chocolate everywhere. He should be chalk full of it.
  11. Any updates on Yoda? It's been almost a month since you last posted in here. I'd hate to see this model unfinished.
  12. Around six hours for the entire project over three days. We both added stuff to it. The bed wasn't finished, It was made quickly as to cast the correct lighting to the scene.
  13. I don't think that's bump mapping. The top half of the mic looks like it is using displacement mapping, and the bottom looks like it is just color map. I suggest using a normal map of the bump map decal because the intended geometry is curved rather than rough and rigid. You could also make a transparency map which will make only the wire mess visible. You could then add the same dakr geometry to the inside of the mic so it looks like the foam covering. Source
  14. Are you going to light your scenes with AO? It would add even more realism to your shots.
  15. Okay, this is the last one. I need sleep... for the physics... All I did was add toilets (which you can't see), some cabinet doors, and a mop bucket. [attachmentid=21117] Why do my showcases always turn into WIPs? Nothing's every finished
  16. Here's one more before I go to bed. This one took a little longer. I used photoshop to added horizontal fade lines on the top and bottom. I also used a color and luminosity layer to create a feeling of a cold over exposed shot. [attachmentid=21113]
  17. Here's a quick bathroom I made. Took no time to render at all. I just used progressive render in a radiosity scene and used neat image to give it a gloomy look. [attachmentid=21112]
  18. The riv... the Rivet detail?! There's six hundred THOUSAND rivets in Each tower of the golden gate bridge. That would increase the patch count by over two million patches per tower! GoldenGateBridge.org
  19. Would be great for lava lamps, or psychedelic backgrounds. I remember the seventies as if it were a decade before I was born. Ahh the memories. Wait, didn't tie dye come around in the 60's?
  20. Jody, any chance you could render these with AO? The level of detail your using almost demands to be rendered with Ambiance Occlusion. It would add a lot to the depth of the image.
  21. Either that or a refractive material/map animated over time.
  22. This tiger is definatly a Mobster. [attachmentid=20509]
  23. You got yourself a horse right there. But its eyes are missing (and body). Do you plan on making the entire surface covered in hair or just the mane? horse
  24. Couldnt you use both of them? i think it would be awesome to see yoda weilding two light sabers not sure exactly what that last render is... but yoda is missing a leg
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