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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by MattWBradbury

  1. So your not going to use the light saber? They are fairly easi to make; might as well get Dude's saber and tweak it a bit.
  2. That saber looks a tad bit different than the one in this shot. Maybe it's the reflectivity values.
  3. But where is his light saber?
  4. I'm not sure what the sound issue is, but you should probably ask this in a more appropriate place like A:M Reports or in the v13 section.
  5. I am having a rather tough time figuring out what clearing an neighborhood. I was hopping for a definition (of a planet) that would state that planets must be a sphereroid, must be at least 1,000 km in radius, and must have a primary orbital vector around the star. No such luck there I wonder how they are going to explain clearing the neighborhood to kindergarden students.
  6. are you just going to add a normal map for the forehead folds?
  7. very similar indeed
  8. Great work so far! Looks just like Gary Coleman!
  9. Penguins taking over the world... Ha, that's proposterous... erm >.>
  10. Dwarf Planets [attachmentid=19991]
  11. That is correct. Pluto is no longer a planet. This was written on the International Astronomical Union page of Wikipedia. "Among the business before the Assembly is a proposal to adopt a formal definition of planet (Resolutions 5, 6 and 7 for GA-XXVI); any vote on the proposal would be conducted under the reverted rules. The proposed definition would create 12 known planets in our solar system, adding initially the asteroid Ceres, Pluto's present moon Charon and the body 2003 UB313 and would retain Pluto as a planet. However this proposed definition was rejected and on August 24 the Assembly passed a resolution that redefined the definition of a planet, which classified Ceres, 2003 UB313 and Pluto as dwarf planets, and reduced the number of planets in the solar system to 8." I feel comfortable having different classifications for planets; it allows for more organization of our solar system.
  12. I hope the shot doesn't call for motion blur. Doing the repeat animation would leave a ghostly line across the conveyor belt every time a new package came out of the window. I also suggest not having the bend in the outside conveyor belt. A straight belt would make the scene look more cartoonish and it will allow you to reset the box movement position ealier so you can make it look like boxes are coming out much faster.
  13. I'd suggest getting a more rotated shot so you can see the window where the packages are coming out.
  14. Very stylized. If I had to pick one as my favorite, I'd choose the white one with blue refractive tracts. Though the bloomy one with glitter tracts looks good as well.
  15. Here's the kind of layout I would do for the outside. Just a quick sketch [attachmentid=19804] My true mastry of line shows out in this image Make sure to give the truck a little bit of a shake like Mr. Incredible's put put car from the movie The Incredibles.
  16. The images are rendered with radiosity with a Light Rig (And they said we were crazy to use radiosity with a light rig).
  17. Really great animation. I haven't seen A:M hair very much, but you seemed to have a great handel on it. Can I get an idea of how many hours it took you to produce, such as: Modeling, Animating, Lighting, Rendering, Post Processing. 5400 frames of animation at 800X600 would have taken 900 hours on my computer (at 10 minutes per frame), and you seem to have some complex shots. Fantastic work.
  18. The International Astronomical Union is going to meet on August 24, 2006 to vote that the definition of a plante is: "A celestial body that (a) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (B ) is in orbit around a star, and is neither a star nor a satellite of a planet." Sounds good to me.
  19. Pluto is still considered a planet, but it might not be one for long. It would be nice if these included our Moon, Halley's Comet, and maybe a few other solar bodies such as the Moons of Juipter, but I think they suffice as they stand.
  20. Like these? There's no really good map of solar flares because their always changing. There would also be clipping problems like I have for Saturn rings, but it would add a cool look to the sun.
  21. Most people don't really have a good idea of the scale of the solar system. These images really help to give a good idea for the proportions and even the color and texture of the planets compared to each other. That Cassini shot really gives a different look to saturn. It looks even more squished than what I made it out to be.
  22. I had noticed the pinching before. The planets in the 3D Studio Max image have reflectivity and specular values, which is why it looks a bit different as well. The perspective of the camera is causing that error in size. I would need to use an Othogonal camera to get everything to be the exact scale they should be. But a little bit of perspective makes the planets look like objects sitting on a table. This image makes earth look like it has a radius of 5,690 km; 670 km short. -------- This is an othogonal view: [attachmentid=19532] From my calculations, this image says that Earth has a radius of 6,492 km. The actual radius of Earth is 6,378 km, so the is a slight amount of error, and it's probably due to the sample pixel size and not the size of the planets.
  23. Okay, I just got back from school, and I touched up the Earth Scale image. [attachmentid=19524] I also created a side by side comparision to the 3D Studio Max version. [attachmentid=19525] One thing I noticed is that the size of Pluto is different between the two. I have 1,180 km for the radius of Pluto pulled from Google. Is that correct, or do I have the incorrect radius? Zaryin, I was going to add the rings to mine, but it would be going right though jupiter, so I decided against it.
  24. Yep, we're identical twins. We've been that way all our lives I'm going to render the Earth Scale again without the death star so I can add it to the show case stills. Maybe I'll make it a comparison.
  25. I just got back and my Jupiter Scale was finished. This one took two hours to render. The focal length is much larger than the focal length in the Jupiter Scale Dan rendered before which gives a better feel for the size of the planets. [attachmentid=19498] Yes, Saturn is an oblique sphereoid. I calculated that its minor axis is aproximatly 90.13% the length of its major axis.
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