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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by MattWBradbury

  1. Here's the Sun Scale. I rendered that over night, though it only took 1 hour and 43 minutes to do. [attachmentid=19494]
  2. I created all three layouts, but each one is going to take around three half hours to render. I did mannage get out the Earth scale layout. [attachmentid=19478] It goes: Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and the Death Star (the little on next to Pluto). I have attached the project if you want to download it; however, You'll have to download the cylindrical maps from the sites above. PlanetProject.zip
  3. That tinted glass can be caused by two things. You may have too high of an index of refraction, and your Ambiance Occlusion could be making the area too dark underneath and arround the glass. My suggestion would be to make your glass models not cast Occlusion because glass wouldn't create that dark of a shadow (AO doesn't simulate transparencies); your glass looks like it has a fair ammount of tinting on it. Glass does cast some shadows, so you can add a light to give you some lighter shadows. Looking good! Now just add some bunsen burners, and you'll be set.
  4. He can use any image he wants out of here. This site lays it out on scale of the planets and the distance away from the sun as well I found the original image. These were done in 3D Studio Max. Here's the site it was on. It also shows the size of our Sun to huge ones such as Betelgeuse and Rigel. Neat stuff
  5. That scale is not good. Anything under about a 5th of a centemeter with the camera under 1 centemeter away will not render. You'll have to use some serious exaguration if you want to make those planets visible. From my tests, 1cm:10,000km gave the best results. Any larger of a scale, and the distances would just cut out.
  6. This was just a quick thing. I didn't plan on stealing your light. What scale are you using? I found that 1cm:10,000km works the best. At that ratio though, Jupiter is still 74km away from the origin Here's a bigger one of the one before [attachmentid=19373]
  7. Here's the final on that second one. [attachmentid=19362] I might just do all the planet's moons if I can find that data Also, some people have said that they look a little odd with the specular highlights, so here's the diffuse pass. [attachmentid=19363]
  8. It's mainly just a bunch of Latitude Longitude maps. I used the ones from this site for the planets, and this site for the Sun. You can get a lot of other maps from JPL here. I'm currently making a second rendition of it right now. Basically a larger version of this [attachmentid=19361]
  9. This is a quick render I did. [attachmentid=19353] It's based off of this image I found on the Internet. [attachmentid=19354] I wanted to see if I could get any better quality with A:M. I should have used a larger resolution map for the Sun, but it's allright for what it is. I'll probably add a bit of Specular to the next render I do, and may move the planets closer together, but it's basically finshed here.
  10. LOL. I looked at that and said to myself, "My that looks a lot like the Ice creature off of Oblivion." And now I know it is. The whole thing were you said you checked your model to see if it had joints sealed the deal. You can use models from games (for personal enjoyment), just don't say you made them. In fact, tell people that you pulled it out of a game, but do something with them, like make him driving a car. Yeah... that'd be sweet.
  11. Your softening problem is not actually caused by the Multipass soften; it's caused by the JPEG compression. Save the file as a TGA, open it up in Photoshop, and save it as a high quality JPEG. Your model is looking much better, but the Klieg shadows are barely noticable. Can you do some renders where the doors arn't open?
  12. For now, just use white for the Global Color and render out something small. 240X180 should be a fine resolution to get an idea of the light levels. Make sure that you have multipass turned on as well (use at least 9 passes).
  13. The bottom of your doors should be dark. Make sure that, for the Ambiance Occlusion settings, you have Ambiance set to 100%, and Occlusion set to 100%. I would suggest getting rid of the ambiance on the car paint surface properties, as well as on the ground and then adjust the settings to get a more realistic render.
  14. Eric, if you are going to use Ambiance Occlusion, my suggestion is that you put all of your windows into a seperate model that does not cast occlusion, and match the car model, and the window model together in the choreography. Make sure that you use a HDR image for your projection maps.
  15. To me, the mouse looks too happy to be in a cage. I suggest curving the nose downwards to make it look like the mouse is sad. Good work so far.
  16. Larger? Or Better?
  17. Here's a render he did a while ago. It needs a lot of teaking in order to look correct. [attachmentid=17515]
  18. You need to find a way to get the saturation up on the glow. The red on the Lightsaber in the last shot looked almost light pink. Try adjusting the Glow Intensity variable in the Choreography properties.
  19. Reminds me of the Bender my brother made. [attachmentid=17507] [attachmentid=17508]
  20. Have you tried rednering them with AO and have a sun light to make it look as if it were outside? Really like the models, and espeically the cloth.
  21. The mixing of Animation and Live action reminded me of Tiberium Sun cinimatics. The live action characters were light softly while the CGI was light with hard lighting (most likely due to blood screening). The animations looked great in the film, but some of the models looked over the top. In one of the shots I couldn't tell what I was looking at; I think it was a scene where something was going to blow up and then the wall opened up like the hull of the Titanic. It was hard to tell. Your Animation:Master models look much better than what was in the movie, as well as their animations.
  22. If you're looking to shorten it down, cut out some of the mountain flyby's. It seemed like the very end was just a showoff of one character.
  23. The Render looks a little dark, and the intense Blues and greens of the sky and grass somewhat divert attention away from the Architecure. Try something more like this.
  24. I have a few questions: 1. How many hours did it take to render the film? 2. How many hours did it take to create all of the animations? 3. How long did it take to create all of the models and backgrounds? 4. How much time did you spend on story boarding? Awsome work.
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