sprockets The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D New Radiosity render of 2004 animation with PRJ. Will Sutton's TAR knocks some heads!
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Shelton

  1. As usual awesome work. Very impressive! Steve
  2. I would agree with Nancy on the 2008 rig. Mark did a great job of the manual and instruction. Let me tell you as someone who always put off rigging because it was hard and scary I never accomplished much other than modeling. But with the forum project as a push I jumped into rigging and have a better understanding. I used Mark's instruction and went step by step, and well I am not afraid to admit it, it took me "several" tries and Mark being a patient man that he is has always lent a hand. I pester him less and less, and the same goes for David Simmons (Squetch rig) and Holmes Bryant (lite rig) and Nancy who sent me a model as a reference. Rigging is something that has taken me a while to get me head around. But I have more confidence that I can rig something now and I will say it was Mark's instructions that got me to this point because of it being detailed. I am a visual person and if I see it I can usually understand it. The instructions are a visual tool that really helps me. I pull up the instructions every time I start on something. Anyway these guys put a lot of work into those rigs and it shows. The nice deal about any one of them is there versatility. You can add or subtract what you dont want or need or add to what you might need. As you can tell I am a big fan of theirs! So don't let the instructions steer you away Steve
  3. Fantastic job on the hair, Mark. I love the angle she is looking, nice pose
  4. Robert Thanks for all the help I have actually attached the cape both ways. In chor and actually to the model. So far the better results have been to the model itself. I have a collar and the cape extends out from the character by having a bone at the top of the collar. Steve
  5. Thanks Robert that was what I was looking for! Steve three.mov
  6. Wow, this has been an event. It is still a little more "springy" than I would like, but the collisions are working, nothing right now is passing through the cape! Here is the cape two.mov
  7. I was running four actual at 3:10 frame, then ran 4 hyper at 4:08 frame
  8. Cloth has been very hard to get a grip on. Second run at it Steve Cloth.mov
  9. Testing out netrender on my animation machine. Ran just perfectly. Steve
  10. Love the guys in the truck. What rig did you decide on? steve
  11. Walk sequence. Still working with cape Steve walk.mov
  12. Robert do you mean in the pws? I have materials added to the groups in the final position of pws. Steve
  13. Everything worked great with the setup I have but one problem. When I applied the cloth material or deflector material it overrode the settings of the model such as textures decals or surface settings. Is there a setting I missed to prevent this? edit: If I remove the material from group all the settings are back. Just trying to figure out why Steve
  14. Robert Can you upload project file? Steve
  15. Sneak peak of things to come for Chris' and mine Rear Window Project
  16. Ran a render with a character from Rear Window Project. Rendered in AO with all the bells and whistle, hair fog, shadows etcc 16 b 11:42 frame 17 beta 3 6:42 a frame
  17. Thanks Jason Got it working. My fault Steve
  18. Jason I have one that the activation key is not working as well. Can you check your email. Thanks for the help Steve
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