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Everything posted by bentothemax

  1. Hey everyone, Started a new personal project. A while back I did an illustration of a creature (which can be found here http://i.imgur.com/KS5Ki4l.jpg) and I decided it would be cool to make a near photo realistic version in Animation Master. Still have a long way to go, but here is my start after a few hours. Texturing has always been my weak point (at least on organic things) so it should be a good process. Anyway let me know what you think! Ben
  2. Hey Everyone, Thanks for the feedback! I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying. The one thing about the assignment is that we are only supposed to create the candy bar and wrapper .. nothing else (Should have said that in the beginning). It's supposed to be about the pureness of making that one object as good as possible. The layout and whatnot of the rest of the ad is being done by another department. In opposition to that I will try adding some of those things (milk, coffee, other various suggestions) to simply go beyond the assignment and attempt to make a full fledged "illustration" myself. @Rodney: I did use PS to quickly white out the bite mark. When using a boolean cutter will it cap the gap of the splines? Does it use the boolean cutter object's faces to fill that void? I will have to experiment. Have uploaded another revision I made before reading all of these comments Ben
  3. Hey guys! Just re-downloaded AM after a semester of learning Max and Maya ... haha Anyway for my illustration final I am supposed to create a delicious looking candy bar (based off of a real brand) Here's what I have got so far. Any CC as to how to make it more delicious looking? PS - I know there is a little bit of clipping from the wrapper on the left side and the reflection on the bottom right is .. odd.
  4. Are lions' tails that long? Great progress keep going!
  5. I have rendered a Quicktime version and have replaced the old.
  6. I use some odd form of mpeg 2 compression that has great quality and file size. I play with vlc media player. It's a free player that plays ANYTHING
  7. Hey everyone, I have about 6 weeks left in my first year at the Cleveland Institute of Art and have recently started using Animation Master pretty heavily again. I'd like to share some of my projects. My first project using was re-purposing or increasing the aesthetic qualities of some object for my 3D design course. I used AM for previsualization (helping me better understand aesthetic and ergonomic variations) and then crafted the final object with wood. My next project was to make a game of some sort. I choose to make a board game. Again AM was used to previsualize the game and settle on a final aesthetic theme before sending the objects and images to be printed / produced. When pitching ideas having 3D renderings is invaluable. The last project I am going to share with you is a short exercise assignment for my Integrated Media course. The prompt was "Out of Time" I spent about 4-5 hours tonight (about 7 with editing and rendering) in AM creating a simple environment in which two variations of the Thom character tell a quick story. The film is supposed to be in the style of older silent films. I hope you enjoy. Any comments or crits are very welcome and I hope to be able to share more uses of AM in the future. (I am making "documentary" currently, so we will see how that turns out) Thanks for your time, Ben Greatest.mov
  8. Just tested 4 at once. Only a marginal loss in performance AMD 1090t phenom II x 6 3.2ghz stock 4gb ddr3 1600 mhz corsair gaming ram ASUS M4A89GTD mobo radeon 5870 1gb ddr5
  9. V 16 rc01 64 3:57 seconds AMD 1090t phenom x 6 black ed. 3.2ghz (stock) 4gb ddr3 corsair 1600 mhz ram windows 7 64 VS v15J 8:32 same specs Amazingly faster on v16!
  10. Very Nice! How are you going to do the buttons? Model them underneath and use the half spheres as the plastic covering? or you could use displacements .. haha sorry talking to myself
  11. Texturing is hard ...
  12. I don't think he believes in low patch ... :] Great work! Absolutely stunning!
  13. Ears and Feet. I need to remodel the hands or do something because they just don't look right to me.
  14. Modeled from scratch in AM There are a lot of hooks running along the Abs and where the legs and torso meet. 5 Pointers on the tail.
  15. Just got a new AM subscription since I have a lot of time over Christmas Break. First project I have started is a humanoid-alien. There are a few issues and I need to work on the proportions a little more. The feet aren't done, but should be soon. Lemme know what you think
  16. Only crits are a few light spots in/on the shelves only noticeable in the reflection but radiosity can be silly like that Other than that looks great!
  17. I read this whole thread over pretty fast. The animation looks really good. The things I would change are really small ... first thing would be the thrust. It doesn't look like that little thrust could support him. Also if he is flying upwards I would make the little antenna on his head bend downwards. Those are minor details and like i say the overall animation looks really good. I think that he could be remembering all the times he had seen her (like him walking through flashbacks), and wished that he had talked to her, then perhaps if there is near the end of the song where he expresses his feelings, it would be where he actually says it to her. Just my 2 cents Good luck ! Ben
  18. Looks a little too fast and his strides look too long for walking. Good start though!
  19. I am about 20 minutes south of Cleveland ... Think me and you are the only two up here lol
  20. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...p;hl=expression There are a few other posts about expression animation including snake movements (very similar to what you are looking for I'd imagine), perhaps you could contact John about this. Ben
  21. Hair for the grass would look nice Skin looks a little too glossy for me ... Don't really know what a dino looked like though lol. It looks really good thought
  22. I don't know that there is, but I think that making one would be challenging, but well worth it. I have rigged a dragons head pretty well before (of course the body will be the hard part ) That looks great! A few parts look slightly odd ( maybe a bias thing) but then again I don't really know much about dinosaurs
  23. Radiosity is the way to go imo. Put a half dome colored blue with 60 percent trans around the entire thing, one kleig light on the outside shining through the window. The light should be slightly yellow and about 80 percent intensity, with 0 percent width and falloff softness. 180 degrees and put it just on the inside of the sphere. This will give realistic ambient lighting from the atmosphere, and everything looks better with radiosity
  24. Yeah :\ I have tried about everything to get SSS to work. No luck though. I've tried: deleting decals, deleting groups, making new groups, trying it on a plain sphere, a whole new project, a new model, you name it I've tried it. The all patches afflicted by SSS turn out pure black though.
  25. Different views, the lighting is altered a little as well. The more I look at the nose I like it less and less. I am pretty sure the middle of the face is too flat, there isn't any fluency between the nose and the rest of the face.
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