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Everything posted by Pengy

  1. Amazing work as usual. What was the time frame for the project?
  2. Great mood...I can almost hear Humphfrey Bogart or someone as a tough gumshoe saying"life was grand till she walked into my life" So with that in mind why not a ladies hankie in the foreground or his dress shirt with lipstick on the collar.Or a newspaper with the headline LOCAL GUMSHOE WANTED FOR MURDER with his mugshot underneath. Just some ideas...man I gotta get out more
  3. Great concept rodney,can't wait to see this little one zipping around. With all you've been doing for the A:M community I'm glad to see you doing something for yourself as well
  4. Hello all. It's amazing what great things happen on #hash3d, not only interesting conversations, great guffaws and of course now the monthly lectures But for me a couple weeks ago the idea for a "new" story came out of IRC. I don't want to give much a way but the 2 main characters are loosely based on 2 of our well known A:M ers. It will be an action adventure type story if all goes well. Hopefully through diligence on my part my skills will match up to my imagination and I can do the story justice.
  5. these characters ooze personality.It's been cool to see misty in all her different incarnations. 1 suggestion I do have is that her feet are slipping all over the place as she walks and during the last pose, which you should fix. Also while there seems to be weight in CB's walk I don't get a sense of any in hers. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these two myself.
  6. tweaked the body more and added the vaunted porcelin to it as well.
  7. Thank you Headless Chilli Willi was one of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid. Being a Canadian I guess seeing him in all that snow reminded me of home j/k
  8. Thanks for the suggestion Mtpeak2. He's not going to talk so I just added some colour in the mouth, seems to work ok. I also readded the porcelin mat. I really like how smooth it makes things. Worked on the hat a bit to make it look better.
  9. I changed the beak again and rounded the face some more. I have a question about the inside of the beak. Do you think the same colour is ok to use or shuold it be a darker yellow or some other colour?
  10. Great Job on the modeling and texturing. Is there anyway we could see a full model profile? There looks to me to be something off with the neck size but it could just be the pose.
  11. I second the welcome and look forward to seeing your progress. Could we see a full front view of your mesh?
  12. She turned out very nice. Thank you for the tutorials very informative. I like the belly tattoo she has nice touch
  13. Some of you might remember this guy. After hearing Shaun Freeman talk about face rigs and facial animation the other night I realized there was no way given the layout of my models beak it would work...so I redid the beak and surrounding mesh. I still don't know if it will work but I think now at least it will have a better shot. I also redid the decal and applied porcelin. 1st time using porcelin and all I can say is I like it alot. Anyways let me know what you think.
  14. Great character loads of personality already. One thought, could you use facial expressions and the pupils to show the good versus evil difference. The "good" ninja could have wide pupils and an open expression while the "evil" would be the opposite. And to the music only one choice "everybody was kung fu fighting HA!"
  15. That turned out great Parlo! Like I said it is amazing to see the emotion and character that can be portrayed from a simple ball with legs. to me the scene conveys what it feels like when you think you hear the FedEx truck coming with your A:M update and it turns out not to be
  16. I agree with Robert, don't know what age you're shooting for but I didn't get "old man" out of the walk at all. Interesting anecdote there was a younger actor playing an older man on a tv show, he put pebbles in his shoes to get the old man walk right... I guess thats why they get the big bucks
  17. Great job, I really like your style. Are we going to see a full story with this guy? Also have you checked out the Airman by Landis kind of in the same style http://www.landisfields.com/cg.htm
  18. Great job Zack,it's always interesting to see the way a project progresses. As far as adding things what to you have around your own guitar?
  19. I really like your model..he's cute. It looks like the animation is building in the right way. One crit about textures it looks like he has 2 blue streaks above his eyebrows and the top of the hat appears to have flesh mat on it. Don't know if I'm just seeing things
  20. Still working on this guy, tried to fix some of the issues. I changed the ear and nose I like these ones better. I'm also going to redo the maps since I deleted half his face. As always any C&C is appreciated
  21. Great Job. Now I'm off to Ikea to see if I can find 1 like it How did you do in the contest?
  22. Good start Rob. Some suggestions and I'm still struggling with my first head so take it for what it's worth:) 1st. Reduce the number of splines you have now before you really start shaping things. 2nd make the noise thinner. 3rd Don't know if it's right or not but a rule of thumb I always follow is the space between the eyes is equal to another eye. Check out some photo references on the web I think they'll help alot.
  23. back to work on this guy. Going to stick with it until he moves(somehow) this time.
  24. Hey guys thanks for the suggestions to answer a couple things, the shot glass I used for a reference is actually that thick in the rim it's part of the reason I picked it because along with the hawk outline on the side I thought it was quite unique. I positioned the derby the way I did to show the refraction in the JD bottle. As I said in the wip thread the scene is supposed to be in a lonely motel room but it seems I failed in getting that across. Thanks again
  25. Hello all: 1st time being able to post something in the showcase forum. Thanks to a ton of help from the great forum users You can check out the w.i.p. here http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4673 Some great advice on how to get realistic looking glass. I used a mixture of materials and maps. Any crits or questions please ask.
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