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Everything posted by HomeSlice

  1. Thanks!!! The rig is awesome. The tutorial is going to be crucial, for me at least. I still don't have a clue about how to install it, but I might have to learn real fast in order to get some of the characters in Scarecrow of OZ rigged. Thanks David and Mark (and everyone else who contributed). Really amazing work.
  2. Have you read this tutorial on Sprites? It leads you through something very similar to what you are wanting to produce.. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29739
  3. Wow, beautiful as always Stian.
  4. I'm assuming you are trying to type into the Properties window. The Properties window tends to eschew editing anything but what is in the active, open window at the moment. To get around this, drill down to the emitter's property's in the PWS and edit properties from there.
  5. You can use a Fog Image. As long as the alpha channel for the fog image is subtle enough, it might do the trick. Then you can have a black or mightnight blue camera background, with a light smoky color for the fog. You can also use a Dust volumetric Effect and place it anywhere you want, though Volumetric Effects take a little more futzing with to get a nice effect.
  6. Congratulations. That's awesome. Good luck on the movie!
  7. Hey Stian, Is that one ball with 15 different decals, or is it 15 different balls? Looks great. That's the most convincing up-close pool table felt I've seen yet. The scale on the material may be a teeeny tiny bit large, but not totally sure about that.
  8. Do you have "animate mode" turned off? Is the big "A" button at the top of the program window de-selected?
  9. I believe other users have traced this to a Vista/NVidia problem. Turn off the Aero Glass thingie in Vista. That seems to be the consensus. I don't have Vista. I'm just relating what I've read on the forum.
  10. What do you want to do? Have you read this hair tutorial? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29738
  11. That's cool. Thanks for posting this.
  12. Yes, 15a is the latest patch for 15.
  13. That's hilarious. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks for the correction Mr. BigBooTay!
  14. It's Coming ... and it's BiG! ... and it's only going to last for so long. - ROFL - Who writes this stuff? Nice effect Matt. You're really talented.
  15. There's a decent introduction to Boolean operations as they apply to computer graphics on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_solid_geometry
  16. There is a trick to that. Here's a tutorial that covers the nuances of using a decal to drive multiple properties for hair. Forgot what page addresses your issue but hopefully it won't be too hard to find. You didn't mention what version of AM you are using. The tutorial is for versions 13+ http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29738 Oops, just read your last message. Glad you got it working.
  17. Do you already know how to work with sprites? If not, follow this tutorial posted here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29739 You may not need sprites for your particular effect. You may be able to get away with streaks. They are simpler and quicker to render. Here's a tut on streaks: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29740 Once you get the sprite system the way you like it, just add a new vortex force to the choreography and play with the force settings until you get something you like.
  18. LOL. Dude, I could almost be your grandfather. We don't worry too much about the age thing around here. We just all love to animate and model. That's what's important ain't it?
  19. WooHoo. Gtatz TigerBlue! It's really cool that you did something like this Rodney. It adds a bit of whimsical fun into the mix.
  20. Hey am I a new user? I only started using hash eight years ago. I geologic time, I a nooB! I just got the 2008 subscription yesterday!
  21. Sorry about that. Several years ago I discovered that when I exported a model with a displacement map as a ply model, the displacement would get "baked" into the mesh geometry. I used to apply displacement maps, export as ply, import the ply back into AM and save the imported ply as a mdl file. It worked great but that was a long time ago. I don't know if that would work now. In fact, it probably doesn't work that way anymore.
  22. Hey that's cool! Much different look than streaks or sprites. Thanks!
  23. The only things I can think of is that you have "Hair" turned on (like Mr. Higgins said). Or maybe your realtime subdivision in v15 is set to "variable". Or the scene has Ambient Occlusion set on the camera in the chor - I've noticed that scenes with Ambient Occlusion slow down my real time performance. If it's a new computer you are thinking about, you may not have to buy a completely new computer, I just got (as a gift) a new motherboard, processor and RAM from newegg.com for about $350 and I effectively have a very good new computer now, which is much better than any complete computer I could have bought for that price. It took me about 5-8 hours to back up my old C: drive, swap out my old components for the new components, and reinstall the operating system and all my programs.
  24. The only thing I can think of is to find a frame that always shows the dots, note the displacement percentage of the map on that frame, bring the model into a new non-animated chor, set the displacement percentage (in the chor), export the chor as a ply model, import the ply model back into AM and see if the mesh in the imported ply model is doing anything strange. I would guess if the mesh is distorted, then maybe the problem is in the map, but if the mesh looks fine, maybe it is a rendering issue? Just guessing....
  25. Stian you're out of control.
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