sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I'd forgotten about this... I think it's a hold over from before the timeline was as good as it is now. Before settings: the beginnign and end times of the section you want to move After settings: where you want them to end up Offset: another way of saying how far you want to move the keyframes + or - Scale: to stretch (>100%) or compress ( but really, it's much, much easier to group select keyframes in the timeline and slide them manually.
  2. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...p;hl=Hair++tech near the bottom
  3. Cool looking planets. Is the banding on the ground from using a light rig rather than AO?
  4. Wow! Fabulous stuff! And what a great teaser. It really does make me want to see more. It's so good looking I half-expect some hollywood types to swoop in and ruin it. So what's the ETA on the whole thing? How long is the finished work intended to be?
  5. scroll down to "bias manipulation" BTW, 13.0f is out. download it and use it instead.
  6. robcat2075


    Great start! If you're doing this for TAoAM I think there's a thread for each exercise you might want to put this in, so Rodney or whoever is leading that will catch it.
  7. so did you ever get a walk animated for him?
  8. I believe if you turn "attached to Parent" OFF in the properties for the bone, it will no longer drag its parent when you move it.
  9. Why you want rounded corners (aka "bevels") on your objects The magic of bevels, explained by Yves
  10. maybe the wire is a procedural and not a decal?
  11. The leg looks like it's working well. Her breasteses look kinda big.
  12. There is a plug in out there that can set a series of CPs on a spline to any specific bias, dont' recall who did it?
  13. Those all look very promising! It makes me want to be a naked grey alien running thru a stream. The subdued color palette is very effective too. Keep it up!
  14. by any chance do you have anything (h)idden? a cp on the edge of hidden mesh will show both bias handles even though it appears to be a spline end.
  15. that's quite amusing. thanks, john!
  16. clicking on the name of the model in your PWS should highlight the all-controlling "model bone"
  17. Maybe "mechanical" was the wrong term, but just brain storming here... both of these objects have the same splinage, but they don't render to look the same shape. The one on the left looks more like the cross section I modeled, bachelor #2 on the right (with porcelain) is looking fat and puffy. [attachmentid=18372] these are both simple, fully enclosed cubes, but porcelain on the right one makes it shade very oddly. [attachmentid=18373] BTW this was in V11. Porcelain is slightly different in V13, but i haven't examined it. here's the prj so you can try it if you dare. [attachmentid=18374] porcelainTest.zip
  18. post a wireframe that shows that area. It might just be my imagination.
  19. Welcome back to A:M if nothing else you can save a material out, change the file name and reload it this may or may not be what you are talking about. From Rodney's helpful links page: I think there is a plugin out there that does that within limits but ultimately i think you have to finish it off by sight. a good reason to make your meshed as light as possible. I imagine many mechanical models would not benefit from porcelain. porcelain softens details and you might not want your details to disappear. I guess it depends on whether you want to practice modeling the bottom of a car.
  20. looks good so far. -the indentation as the arm leads to the hand looks un-anatomical -the crease at the shoulder might be a splinage issue
  21. "all I got is the clothes on my back" But they look like good clothes! Sounds like the start of an interesting story. I like the head turn at the beginning, it gives a sense o f him being alive. But for the last half the head is rather locked in place with just the facial features moving. That can get zombie. not that you want lots of head swinging, but some slight nods and shifts in conjunction with the shoulders to accent the speech could do a lot. I agree the lip motion could be toned way down.
  22. I agree the wrinkles don't look quite right. I would expect wrinkles to have a cross-section more like a) than b ) [attachmentid=18319] maybe all it needs is tweaking your map in a paint program ("curve adjustment") to get a narrower valley and steeper walls. Somewhere around here there's a great tut on face texturing by WIlliam Sutton.
  23. It is an interface bug that it is possible to drag a bone in the time line "under" another bone. I've reported it but you should also to AM reports there's no way to undo it, all you can do is go back to the last version you saved before that placement happened. I hope you saved a version before that happened.
  24. I think the "Help" gizmo is a standard Microsoft thing, they (MS) would have to add bookmark ability if it's not there already You can download the Help in a HTML zip, put it on your harddrive and make bookmarks for it in your browser, just like you do for any other site.
  25. here's how I would do it: -I key my bone at 0:00 -then i advance the time to 0:05 and key the bone again (dont' move it yet!) -then I advance the time to 0:10 , move the bone to where I want it, then key it again. if you do it... that will do it... unless... you didn't do the curve editing Nancy mentioned at the top. Curve editing is huge in computer animation, that's where the power is. you need to use the channel editor: [attachmentid=18225] [attachmentid=18226] [attachmentid=18227] here's the project showing a bone that stays in place then move. Don't look at it without looking at the curves. [attachmentid=18228] channeledittest.zip
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