I'll note that, whatever method you choose, you don't need to do the whole shirt in one application. A real shirt would have different pieces of material for front, back, and sleeves and you mimic that in your texturing.
The new OnionSkin toolbar allows you to have onscreen control for the most used Onion Skin parameters.
In addition to On/Off
-Frames/Keyframes (whether Onion skin shows previous/following frames or only keyframes)
-"Before" ghosts
-"After" ghosts
-"Step" count
the last three can be incremented/decremented with mouse clicks without having to resort to the keyboard to manually key in a number.
Although these aren't "new" OnionSkin paramters, these are the controls i found myself most needing to change on the fly as I worked and wishing i didn't have to go back to the Options Panel to do that.
Many thanks to Steffen for implementing this!
"Tablet"... I don't know what that does. As far as i know A:M has no specific accommodations for the tablet interface yet.
One item we've re-discovered is "averaged normals" and "normal weight" which may eliminate the need for the old "porcelain"
Give this thread a read...
in v18 the bug that kept the property hidden is now fixed.
I just tried it in v18 64 bit.
If I use it as a post effect on the camera I get a crash when the render is done although it appears to have tried to apply the FakeAO before it crashed.
If I use it in an A:M composite project, it still works. Note that you should render to OpenEXR for this.
I believe to fix the render-time crash Steffen would need the code from Jenpy to recompile it.
I believe the box deal was a non-expiring license for whatever version was current when you bought it. After one year it would still run those versions but not ones released after that.
That is my understanding of it.
The old plan was you could get an upgraded CD for $99 when they came out about every year or so.
However there are no more CDs anymore.
The present plan is a subscription download model; you subscribe for $79 and that lets you run any current or past version (v15 or later) for one year. Then you renew your subscription for $79
The subscription is also different from the CD in that it is not transportable from one computer to another. You enable your subscription on one computer and it stays on that computer.
My tactic when i get a weird render problem is to slowly delete things from the shot until the problem goes away.
Then I go back to the original chor and delete just that one thing and see if that was really it. If it was then i figure out what's wrong with it or what changed from a previous version.
I think "nicht wahr" is something I picked up from my dad, but he grew up speaking Swedish and only learned German in college so he probably wasn't a great source on that.
I do get a dialog with SHIFT but it only offers "Maximum distance" and "Offset"