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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Dhar

  1. Many things in computer performance goes unexplained. I just blame it on the gremlins.
  2. The water will simply run down the panel, onto the roof and into the roof drain. Water shortage was not mentioned when I was asked to make this device, although, you make a valid point. California had its share of water shortages in past summers and this issue may come up again in the next water shortage. Mind you, this device will mostly be used during non-rainy season, the other time the panels are washed by the rain. This trolly is 24" long and 36" wide. Each row will get an up-wash and a down-wash, then the operator simply pick it up, place it on the next panel and repeat. It would be nice to haveNASA's budget to create one that operates with the push of a button and clean the whole farm in five minutes, but, this is county mindset, penny wise and pound foolish
  3. Looks good. Is it map displacement or splines? Any wire frame shot?
  4. Go to your Options menu > Rendering and make sure Hair is ON
  5. Don't sell yourself short John, you helped a lot. Heath & James helped me see what I was overlooking. Yes I did, the problem is it gets hard to control after 10 feet. Those panels are 30 feet up. I'll be sure to post it once it's finished.
  6. Thanks guys, I appreciate your comments. Nothing fancy about this animation, very much business :/ You got it Jody, that's one of the reasons why it has 3 axles.
  7. Hi folks, I was asked at work to create a device that would wash solar panels. A dusty solar panel can have an efficiency reduction of 40%. The forensic lab [attachmentid=17841] that is under my care (I'm a stationary building engineer), has the whole roof covered with photovoltaic (solar) panels that generates its own electricity (under optimum conditions). Cleaning the dust from such a massive solar farm proved to be difficult, so, I devised this hi-pressure water sprayer that guides itself on the panel and the operator simply pushes the pressure line up and down the panels. This is a simple illustration I made this week, (roughly 9 total hours), tha tillustrates how this machine is supposed to work. The dust is a simply material on a grid with bones, placed on top of each panel, that hide under the panel after the washer passes over. Thanks to johnl3d, Heath Hash & James Hash for their help on this project. Solar_Panel_Washer.mov
  8. Impressive! Where have you been hiding all this time? >back to playing the demo reel...that's some cool stuff... I love Asterix!!!<
  9. Thanks for the link John. Your generosity and contributions are greatly appreciated.
  10. That's insane Stian! Are you still smoking those funny cigarettes? Beautiful work man, beautiful work.
  11. Yeah, I'd say she's cute alright Job well done Laz
  12. Great start. On the head, it looks like you simulated a polygon primitive where the CPs are your nurbs. A:M doesn't work like that. A:M is more like wires getting connected together, polygons is like clay being formed. Try some of these tutorials: http://www.lowrestv.com/arm/search3.asp?bo...ateAdded%20desc
  13. Looking good Ross. Good thing there's no water in that cup, or would have spilled all over him before it reached his mouth
  14. Nice job. Now you got me interested in joining this animation contest.
  15. Another good one John. I like it. A mind bender kind of a thingy
  16. Nice. Now make him do stuff
  17. Stian strikes again Exquisite workmanship as we've come to expect from you Stian. One question though: what made you decide on the Bismark?
  18. Were the models you're trying to import made in A:M? If not, that would be the problem.
  19. Did you try the above-mentioned solution?
  20. Hey, that looks like Leo Nice work! I'll call you the Animation-Jedi-Master
  21. Right On! Great job. I love your style. Keep going, I want to see more!
  22. Dude! That was great Job well done.
  23. This question has come up few times in the past similar to exploding space ships and showing the wreckage. So far, the best solution that has been offered, is to make several models of the object at different stages of the destruction and swapping those models in a single frame at the right moment in the course of the animation.
  24. Reminds me of the Yamaha acoustic I once owned. Nice wrk.
  25. You can do many things with it; paint it red & white and make the Alhambra palace interior, or Taj Mahal, or Roman ruins. Or go sci-fi and make it the building block of those huge buildings in recent Star Wars movies. The possibilities are endless. Great looking arches BTW
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