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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by trajcedrv

  1. Really amazing rig!!! I've played some with it and I think that it is capable of 'Madagascar style' animation! I've tried first version and I felt that squetch is not enough... but version 6 has movement controls and squetch is an option... COOOOOL !!! If it only contained mtpeak2's rig... (which is now my rig of choice, it even behaves better than characres rigged with setup machine that I've played with) Way to go! keep us posted Drvarceto EDIT: On the secend thought: Hey EVERYONE! This is one COOL RIG! It should be raising a lot of dust around here!!!
  2. Cool start! I think I'm gonna like this Batman! (wires of the finished face, please) keep us posted! Drvarceto p.s. thejobe, google for 'fun with the pencil' by Loomis, it should be out there somewhere
  3. You continue to make amazing work!!! GREAT!!! (should I put some more exclamation points ? ... just in case... !!!!!!!!!!!) Great work, I am not reffering only to this movie. Soulcage department, you really really really do wonders... Congrats! Drvarceto
  4. HEY! Lovely and sexy android... About the magazine - you do have some very heavy company there... as aspiring comics artist I am very envious! I think that now you owe us some wireframes... and few sexy poses when rigged ;D Great work! Drvarceto
  5. HEY! Lovely and sexy android... About the magazine - you do have some very heavy company there... as aspiring comics artist I am very envious! I think that now you owe us some wireframes... and few sexy poses when rigged ;D Great work! Drvarceto
  6. Hey John! Yor projects are great references and source of inspiration. Thank you! Drvarceto
  7. Lovely commercials!!! Great animation, cool character... I do understand some of the things said, but not all... I'd also like to see translation (although - for you non slavic speaking gals and gyus - it is bank commercial, so don't expect much!) Great work serg!!! keep us posted Drvarceto
  8. This is one reason why I love AM community! Nowhere, I mean NOWHERE there are so much amazing people willing to share their models with the community... Thank you! (and thanks to Talbot, Destochers, Uvicus, entity, johnartbox and many many others who I forgot to mention) Drvarceto
  9. GREAT! Photorealistic... with one light - just like in nature... I agree with Vern: little how - to would be excellent... even more! you owe us explanation how did you came out with such an excellent picture! Drvarceto
  10. Hey! Thank you for the tuts And much more thank you for the Tesla links... it reminded me of the subject that I've wanted to return to... Drvarceto
  11. Nice composition, has lot of atmosphere... I have to agree about corners and size of the bricks... they scream: something is not right! other that that, it could pass as allmost photorealilstic... Drvarceto p.s alignemt of the textures and some displacement might do the trick (note: displacement maps should be used on the dense mesh)
  12. Lovely animation! well done, professional quality, too bad it is low res! I would really like to see it in a bigger resolution... Keep us posted! Drvarceto p.s. I really liked he music!
  13. Great model... It seems that you have the whole story figured out!!! Can't wait for the movie!!! keep us posted Drvarceto
  14. As for the first face model: AMAZING!!! and for the second and for the third and fourth Keep us posted!!! Drvarceto
  15. Man, you amaze me - first GenMan, now this! It seems so obvious use of dynamic constraints that makes me wonder why it never occured to me, but it didn't! Thank you, again! Drvarceto
  16. Great character! Lovely model, I think that good textures will really make him alive!!! Keep on good work! Drvarceto
  17. I think that teeth are needed... Also, you should have in mind that bees have segmented bodies - there should be really narrow part between the thorax and the abdomen... Another also... Abdomen of the bees (striped part) is not made of small torusses... Other than this remarks... cool character... keep us posted trajcedrv
  18. Yes! want want want! models, I mean... Drvarceto
  19. You can bet that there are people interested in tutorials about animated materials (well, there are at least two so far) Can't wait - I'read your tutorials (from the site) and I find them quite useful... trajcedrv
  20. I cannot see anything!
  21. HEY! Thank you very much! Can't wait to play with this gyus... I think that my son will be very happy too - he is young, but grat fan of Scooby Doo series... GREAT MODELS! Maybe they should be included in the free models section on the Hash site! Hey! guys at Hash - are you reading this Drvarceto
  22. Great animation, graeat lights, excellent sync with music! I would also like to know something about the light setup. Thumbs up!
  23. I keep saying to myself that I should analyze some of your projects... but I get to look through some of them from time to time and I keep saying... yeah ... yeah I could use something like this in my next project... if only I had some spare time... It seems that you have forgoten about particle systems more that I'll ever get to know about them... Thank you for posting!
  24. Great Model! I really like the material / materials which convey different finishes of he tin surface... As for modeling: you really captured the essence of the sketch and improved upon it - that is as good as it gets, I guess - no matter about other entries - you have my vote for the contest! Keep on good work!!! Drvarceto
  25. Waiting... waiting... there was no message in this topic for a log time, so I thought that I should drop in and say something... I ve mentioned this on the other tread, but I really liked drawing of the Tin Woodsman... is there someplace where more of your drawings can be seen? I mean besides your portfolio at home? how are your models coming out? waiting... waiting... Drvarceto
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