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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by DarkLimit

  1. -Looks good so far,pretty neat character-
  2. -Great job on the Velociraptor, it's very life like-
  3. -I have never used this plug-in.....why not use the tree that's on the CD by johnartbox? or is it not customizable?-
  4. Hi Ryan, I have been using A:M for a while and for me I invested alot of time, sleepless nights just trying to get the hang of things...A:m is simple and powerful and it will amaze you the more you use it, I suggest doing alot of the tutorials as much as you can so you can see quickly how the features work and the overall work flow.. There is alot of inspiration here just feed of it and have fun learning..... I will leave ur other questions for the pros to answer... Welcome to A:M!
  5. -Thats an awesome render and model, really great results-
  6. -Looking forward to more john-
  7. -Really nice model, great job so far-
  8. Jakerupert - No post work, I have two materials on the model.. [Dusty] & [Cellular] and A:M's ToonRender......
  9. Hi Guys, Been in process of moving and trying to settle into my new place, I had some time to continue working on my comic book character....I made some adjustments to his mask/air supply I was not to happy with the way it look I hope this looks better and a bit more convincing...Am trying to find a balance between design and simplicity; his Torso is in the making...
  10. -Really awesome Model simple and effective-
  11. -I think ur doing a fantastic job here, I love how efficient ur splines are- -I look forward to more updates- -I will leave advice up to the pros-
  12. -Very nice model- -I think less splines could have been used but he turned out great-
  13. -He has lots of personality- -Nice work-
  14. Nice job on the dog, I like the simple efficient use of splines..
  15. Thanks mtpeak2 thats exactly it....I could not figure it out been trying different figures but it works now........ Grr one of those moments..
  16. Hi guys, All of a sudden when I go to create a GRID using the wizard option it no longer creates that grid affect....... [see pic below] I tired this in V11, V13 and 14 and it still won't work.... any ideas?
  17. These shots are great am looking forward to more, I like ur style.
  18. Lovely render, The toon render feature is addictive I love it
  19. Been playing [Resistance - Fall Of Man] For the PS3 and they have characters like this one..... -Great model-
  20. Simply amazing, great model...
  21. Am also working on an e-comic; very inspiring thanks for sharing and I look forward to it..
  22. Very nice car, keep up the good work I know how hard these models can be.
  23. I have never modeled with this outline concept before so it would be interesting to see your progress and learn something.....don't give up!!
  24. I find the wall texture very overpowering and distracting, maybe add some grime to make it dirty and less apparent..As Matt mentioned the source of light is lost so priority must be given to the candle radiance themselves... But the overall mood is solid!!!
  25. The Gimp...... I don't do Animation so no video editing programs.....
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