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Everything posted by NancyGormezano

  1. Yes -There are definitely easier ways to do this. To apply 1 decal (1 stamp) to entire mountain: 1) select those patches that you want to decal, hit the hide so only these patches are visible (in this case I chose the whole mountain), go into top view (5 on numpad) 2) drag image to modeling window, choose decal 3) scale the image to cover the entire mountain 4) choose planar method, hit apply, stop positioning 5) change the repeat count if the scale of pattern is too large (I changed from 1 x 1 to 10 x10) I also included in my project an example of using BitMap Plus material to cover the entire mountain (instead of a decal). When you are looking for a more irregular (non specific) pattern, and to easily cover any surface - Bitmap Plus is great. 1) New material > right click on attribute > change type to > plug-in > kci:dnd > Bitmap Plus 2) choose image to use in the material 3) adjust size and other properties to taste You will need to render to see effect of Bitmap plus: either shift Q (quick render, continuously updates on screen as you change properties), or Q (uses current rendering settings on screen, produces 1 image, does not continuously update), or render to file (uses current render settings, makes a file). Bitmap plus won't show in the real-time display without doing one of the render methods Decal_versus__BitmapMaterial_Mountain.prj
  2. I believe this started happening somewhere between 13s and 14c. This is a real-time shaded view closeup of 5 point patches around Hypogyraff's legs
  3. Wonderful Marcos!
  4. Vive Le Roy!
  5. It is a feature that could drive one crazy. I think I might have run into "funnies" like this for some other properties, but I can't recall specifically.
  6. Yup, you're right. I could not get thickness to change in model window, and I did not actually change it when trying it out (hit cancel instead). Also just noticed that it seems that every 5th grid line (model window) is slightly thicker than intermediate ones. I also I seem to remember in previous version(s?) that grid size line would change (long time ago?). I believe I once had inadvertently changed it.
  7. I find I can get the continuously updating values in any view EXCEPT camera view (1). Side, front, birds eye all seem to work.
  8. Perhaps you have them set too "thick" - Mine are set to 1 You can change the line size Tools/Customize/Appearance?item/Grid/Size
  9. My absolute favorite tutorial on modeling ANY character, destined for animation was presented here by Malo. He demonstrates a generalized modeling method specifically aimed at A:M that utilizes lathing, and minimal, efficient spline layouts suited for body rigging, as well as facial animation.
  10. I was able to get it to work in the chor from front view. 32bit ver 16.0 I also tried a case of splitting the model into 2 models - model1=just inner group, model 2=outer group. dragged both to chor, selected model2, and went into front and did resurface (using previous settings I posted)
  11. Interesting - I hadn't ever fooled with resurface - so I had assumed these were the defaults
  12. Here's the result I get on my PC with v16b. I don't know what the expected result is. what are the settings I should use with it? (Don't say "the defaults") Ver 16.0 32bit. I used exactly what the project was set to, got correct result, but did the resurface from front view. If I did "resurface" from birds eye, I got a different, wrong result
  13. For those who may not be familiar with the movie and it's many viewpoints: Might be fun to animate some voyeurs as well as some voyeurees
  14. Hi - Just tried cookie cut with vers 16 (PC, 32bit), using tga and png for decals - there seems to be a difference in rendering using Final, multipass (renders correctly) versus Final, NO multipass (renders incorrectly). Change your render settings for now. I used 5 pass. Note also there is a difference in color between using png and tga images for the decal due to the way photoshop saves the color info. For PS ver6, the tga image looks accurate (same as image looks in photoshop). P.s. - It's better to use jpegs, pngs for uploading images to the forum. Tiffs don't show.
  15. I believe for the 2008 rig (last I looked) that you will find that the forearm geom bones have euler limits defined in the Basic Setup relationship. (Rig folder). You can change those values or eliminate the limits there.
  16. oooo...evil...charming!
  17. NancyGormezano


    I like! I like! Nice composition, nice feel, nice cloth, nice dance!
  18. yayyyy!!!! Good for you Jesse! GO GO GO and go see Yellowstone, and that entire area - all wonderful
  19. Wow! That turned out fabulously! Amazing ! Not a bickus-dickus to be seen anywhere!
  20. Perhaps Robert worked at Argoyle the Gargoyling Mouthwash Company? It looks like a Satyr to me (goat man) I too, in my past life, have been named employee of the month (numerous times). Eventually I realized it meant that I was putting in too many extra hours and not being paid for it.
  21. The flickering bickus-dickus = the scantiscinty sparkly effect as one flies over time (I repeat - amazing job!)
  22. Wow Weee. Neat, fabulous, impressive job! Are you going to follow the same "flight path" for the final result? And if so, I am wondering if you plan to do something to minimize the obvious temporal scintillation?
  23. Have a wonderful & many more wonderful Birthdays!
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