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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Thanks guys. I should say that the under carriage relies heavily on a model gernerously donated by Rodger on the cd. Thanks for the models and your permission Rodger!
  2. Huh? Render to file produces all those formats including video. You just have to specify which.
  3. Yes, the wheels are pretty hefty. Deleting them brings it down to 12000. Still alot though so, I can only assume it's made up of the sheer number of components. There's quite a few small components. I'm not sure what you mean by a street level shot Rodger or bogies. I used plans supplied by Steamfish as a roto. They also provided the textures.
  4. Thanks Jeff....how do you mean? It's all in the one model window, but there are some pieces that aren't connected to the main body such as doors and lights.
  5. Cheers Chrury. It's actually a shaded wireframe. I just coloured the whole model white and so the windows don't have transparency.
  6. Are you specifying the range in the render options? It's in the render to file options just under where you name the file. A screenshot of your problem would help alot too.
  7. Sure Stian. Here's all seventeen and a half thousand patches of it!
  8. Here's my first paying work with AM. It's a melbourne tram I made for an Australian company called Steamfish.
  9. Yes all models have pre defined default surface attributes. Make a new blank model and take a look at the properties.
  10. Make a group of cps and then you can change the surface settings in the properties of that. They'll over write the settings in the model name properties. Those are there to make it easier to see the model in the model window.
  11. You can render out in shaded wire if you change your render options. Or do what I do....printscreen the model window....open PS.....new image....paste and crop.
  12. Looks like you have a good shape there. Animation maybe a problem depending on the spline layout. If you need help with that, post a shaded wire.
  13. Um....excellent? Splines aren't too bad. There might be some that aren't needed, but it's hard to tell. I miss his colour. He's too bland now. Put this on another "multi-software" forum and see what response you get. PS His bicep looks very thin head on. And show us how he can outstretch his arms to the side (T pose)! I don't think they can.
  14. Yeah it's probably the hooks. If not that, it's the weird five point patches at the front. You might have to convert those into two four pointers and two three pointers. Ther'd be less creasing too.
  15. Disconnecting nearby hooks sometimes helps too.
  16. Now that's what I like to see.....team work. I look forward to seeing you progress on this project.
  17. When you select cps, look under the model folder in the pws. There should be an "untitled" group under the groups folder. Click on that and rename it to something relevant. Now you can click away from the cps and reselect them by clicking on that renamed group in the pws. To add cps to a group: Select the named group in the pws. Hold down shift and select new cps in the model window. To remove cps from a group: Do the same as above but use hold down the control key.
  18. Yes, that's one way to do it. Probably the best.
  19. It works fine here. Nice one David. PS A note on the Copy Flip Attach....if you set the x value in the pivot for the center spline to 0 and then set the X scale to 0 all the cps will go onto the y axis. Just a FYI
  20. I recognise those needles! I'm glad those didn't fall on Newton.
  21. I got it fixed. Deleted the Balance and Balance Ridgid poses in the Cancan fall action. Not sure why they were messing it up. Here's the fixed project. New_Cancan.zip
  22. It's weird. Everytime I delete the ChorAction1 under shaggy and move the timeline to see just the fall action, the chorAction1 comes back. It seems like certain bones are being changed at a certain time in the chor. I don't know exactly why though. I think it's to do with the hip null. This might be one for AM:Reports. Edit: OK, I think it's to do with the balance pose you're using in the cancan fall action.
  23. Yes, make sure you have plenty of spittle before you try it.
  24. When you're stitching in the spline and want to make the hook do this: With your last cps stitched, hold down the left mouse button Move your mouse pointer (the end of the spline) to where you want to hook the spline lick the right mouse button (with LMB still held)
  25. v12v will have everything you need. But you won't be able to use it unless you update to the latest cd. It'll only cost $99 to do so should you go that route.
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