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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Cool! The world domination of is immanent!
  2. KenH

    New user

    Some ready made purchasable models: http://www.eggprops.com/cart.php?target=pr...category_id=249 http://www.eggprops.com/cart.php?target=pr...category_id=249 http://www.eggprops.com/cart.php?target=pr...category_id=249
  3. I believe it might become a "non-patch/poly" if you exported it over to a poly app. Not sure though.
  4. Yes! I thought I recognised him. He doesn't seem like a sporty type to me though. But maybe I'm losing something in the translation (or lack of it). Nice work.
  5. The link is about a year and a half old. You might contact Frank directly to see it. Not sure he frequents the forums much now.
  6. And here was me thinking you looked like rustboy's brother. Nice work.
  7. You can't render bones. It sounds like you might have your custom colours messed up. Try having a look at them in the tools menu at the top. If that's not it, you'll have to get a screen shot and edit it in photoshop or something cos I'm out of ideas.
  8. You can render to file in shaded mode. You just need to select "shaded" in the render options. Maybe you can post the model? Or part of it?
  9. Any chance of a screen grab of the problem? I'm assuming you're in bones mode. They're meant to be black in there at first. Then when you select a new bone you created and assign cps to it those cps will turn the same colour as the bone. That's how you know what bone they're assigned to.
  10. I notice some things in your work flow that aren't as efficient as they might be. So in case you don't know: 1) You can select a spline. Press Y. And a cp will be made in the center of the spline 2) Select a part of a spline. Press the , key. It will select the whole spline. Press delete and you'll be left with the cps by not the spline. As to your problem...it doesn't "work" for me either. You could make a request in AM:Reports, but it'd probably be low priority. It must be a big model you're working on.
  11. The fastest solution would be to say what are you trying to simulate. Each shape has it's pros and cons depending on that.
  12. Wow. But that skin has to be a bought texture from a cd. Right?
  13. Yes. Go into bones mode and select the parent bone of all your bones (you can use the black default bone for this I think). Now press the S key or N key for scale or translate. Hold down the control key as you scale or move. All bones/cps should also move. You can do this as far up the heirarchy tree as you want....if you don't want to effect all bones.
  14. Hey, 1) In bones mode, cps are always assigned to a bone. Originally, they are black which means they're assigned to the main default model bone. So, in order to un assign them, you could assign them to that bone. However, it's just as easy to asign them to another bone you put in.....which is probably what you want anyway. Just select the bone you want to assign cps to and start picking off your cps. 2) Looking at the model, it would probably be easiest to assign each leg individually. That means you have to hide in muscle mode. So, just pick a cp on a leg. Press the / key. Press H. And go into muscle mode. 3)If the body doesn't need to bend, you're safe with one bone.
  15. What I mean is check that Control C is assigned to copying. Maybe there's some freaky thing that happened to unassign it.
  16. Weird. It's working here Paul. Are you sure your keyboard customisation didn't get messed up somehow?
  17. To be honest, I never paste keyframes in channel mode. Always graph mode. I'm not even sure if you're supposed to. But I never have problems (now) doing it the way I do and it does the same thing. Put in a report to be safe though.
  18. You should confirm with Hash, but as far as I'm aware, all you need is the serial number that is printed inside the first page of the manual. And the cd of course, which acts as copy protection because AM won't run without it. If the cd has a yeti on it, then you'd be entitiled to download v13 updates until the end of the year.
  19. Put in a request for it in AM:Reports and explain it in detail saying why/how it would be a good addition to AM. That's the only place to get directly onto the priority list.
  20. I think the whole thing is too fast. Dust lingers round for a while usually. In the splatter one, the blob in the middle is doing nothing. I think you just need the ones that shoot out. They need some dust on them too and motion blur.
  21. It'd be easier if we could see what we're talking about. But a quick way to do it is to make a group that has transparency turned on and put the patch into that group.
  22. What you should only be concerned with is the image on the cd. AM is updated so often that the version on the cds is out of date in a couple of weeks. Those cds are burned when am2005 is out, so they can only have am2005 on them But now there are updated versions of v12 and an alpha version of v13 out and anyone with a cd of the yeti on them can use them. And can update to the latest till december 2006. After that things get hazy and you may or may not be able to use v14. The v13 alpha becoming out of date is just specific to that iteration. Wait till the next alpha (11) is released. Or let Hash know and they might do something earlier to get you going again.
  23. Downloading on dialup is passable. It's the uploading that sucks. Like David says, you should download the updates every so often.
  24. When you load the models off the cd, their "save-path" is still going to the cd. When you save the project, AM trys to save the model over the previous version of the model.....which is on the cd. The quick way to solve this is to right click on the project name>Embed all. This saves everything (excepts images) into the project file making it much larger. A common newbie mistake.....
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