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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Aahhhh! You can't save to the cd. It's read only. If you download the latest v12t from here your problems should be solved. Make sure to copy the cd library data to your hard drive. You do have a hard drive right? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20343
  2. Just noticed the black artifacts on his body. What's causing that?
  3. That tooltip thing is a windows bug. It happens in other software too. I'm still not sure what button solved your problem. I thought splines always showed up. BTW You stumbled into the right forum to ask this. There are really only two main forums you need...the AM forum....and new users forum. Other forums are more advanced and categoised by features etc. Incidently, you can browse all forums together with this link. It's much quicker. Also you know you can click on the red envelope things at the side of the thread name to get directly to the point you haven't read inside that thread. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=S...opics&lastdate=
  4. This would be a priority fix. However, without the data, it's pretty hard to track down. What's the problem with sending it? Is it a huge file? Or do you have dialup?
  5. Not sure. I haven't done that one in quite a while. You could check in on the "New Users" forum where they do the exercises regularly. I think they have a thread with them floating round....
  6. You might try a targa (.tga) file instead of jpegs. These are the only two types am2002 will take. Also, is it rendering ok or is that bad too?
  7. Um is this a question that requires an answer? or not?
  8. You're a pioneer Eric. Sounds like that 80% thing might be a bug... I assume you're sure the FPP's are flipped the right way round. If they are, send it into Hash.
  9. That was everything I wanted to know. I'm outta here! Ooo...A shiny new forum!
  10. The light just seems to be on the very back wall in the chimney area. Is that the same mesh that the candle is on? BTW It's probably going to be daytime in this set, so no candles are needed, but it would be nice to get right. Also, do the candle holders not seem a bit small?
  11. What's the problem? I can get it to work with the project you posted above. The decal might need to be deleted and re-applied.
  12. Well that's had me confused for quite a while. Changing my workflow as I type.
  13. OK, I tried it again and it's possible to decal in the window now. I was having problem with it before. Obviously if you're flattening the model teh1ghool, you shouldn't do it in the model window. However, for the moment, if you drag an image into the action window, it only makes a rotoscope. You have to first drag it into the model window, select decal and then you can position it in the action window.
  14. Applying a decal in an action is possible, but not as simple as the model window. It's been looked at by Hash through AM:Reports though....
  15. I think it was that you had to "double up " the splines to get it to cas a shadow. Might be something to do with the normal direction though.... The bricks on the inside od the chimney look like an image because the bricks curl round the corner.
  16. I think it's because you're trying to apply the map inside an action. Do it in the model window. There's something screwy with the decal now. Just delete it and drag in the image onto the model again....in the model window. On another note, the base of your ship has waaaay to many splines. It won't effect the decal though. Just efficiency and animation if you want to deform it.
  17. I'm finding it hard to grasp here. Do you mean the image isn't showing up on the model? If so press Contol (or command if you have a mac) D and it should show decals.
  18. He's a cool unique looking model Paul. I wonder if all the game characters will be like that? And he sure is taking an interest in that plant. He's so efficient, I could see him running round in Hamre. Imagine being able to control him inside a Hamre browser applet(?)! The whole game could be done like that! Hold the phone (sorry, got shrek in my head), I'm going to find those clean re-install instructions. Edit: Found it in the FAQ: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...584entry14584
  19. Good to hear from you. Do you use AM yet? I like your "Vent" animation on your website. You would probably reach more people if you posted in the main animation master forum. Also, there used to be a way to search the members by what country they lived in, but I can't find it now......
  20. Good to see you found the problem. Satisfying huh?
  21. No I mean one model with 5 point patches and hooks (mdl) and another without them (3ds).
  22. Then you'll probably need two versions of the model. One for inside AM and another for inside the game.
  23. No such problems here with the TWO characters. I think Martin was toying with the idea of using SHIFT 8 too turn off not only particles but also dynamics. Maybe they did it?
  24. You're usually better off continuing the existing spline by a cp. Then you know for sure that the conecting spline will connect to the other spline going through the point. It's just a matter of changing your work habits. Probably a screenshot would make it more clear. But imagine the end of a cylinder without the circular spline. So you have a load of splines just ending in space not making any patches. If you try to press A and "draw in" the spline to connect these cps, then you'll run into problems. The best way is to make a circular spline seperate and then join up those cps. Aww....that's no clearer....
  25. Bar posting the model here, select all the cps on the wing and press the "o" key. (That's the letter o). Then post a screen cap of that.
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