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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Mechadelphia last won the day on February 11 2018

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Profile Information

  • Name
    Mack Chappelle
  • Location
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U.S.A.

Previous Fields

  • A:M version
  • Hardware Platform
  • Self Assessment: Animation Skill
  • Self Assessment: Modeling Skill
  • Self Assessment: Rigging Skill

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  1. Path constraints? That's interesting. That sounds like some out of the box thinking. 👍. The video reminded me a lot of cloth but with some really serious control setups. Since you made it that far, I think you'll figure out a solution that you're satisfied with soon enough. Good luck with it.
  2. Very nice and smooth. How did you do that?
  3. Happy Birthday Robert and thank you for all that you do here! 👍
  4. You're very welcome! I'm glad that you have found it useful. Thanks for trying it out. 😄
  5. Ok! It's back online now! As I stated earlier, there's nothing new there but everything is as it was before I took it offline. Thanks.
  6. Just an FYI for those who may have been looking for this rig on my site... I took my web site offline maybe about a month or so ago to do some maintenance but I never brought it back online. My intent was to bring it back online after only a few hours but I became a bit side tracked and didn't get back to it . I'm going to bring back online in the next few days. There won't be anything new on it when I bring it back online, just the old stuff for now. Thanks. Take care.
  7. I recall this discussion from years ago where Steffen made a few comments about the future of the Mac version: His remarks from that thread may be much closer to fruition today than they were when he originally made them. If nothing much has changed regarding the technical challenges that he faced back then, keeping the Mac version updated may prove to be too tough even if we were to come together to get him a new Mac. I suppose we should wait for Hash Inc.'s or Steffen's input before getting too serious about this.
  8. I don't use the Mac version but I am certainly willing to help pitch in for a newer Mac for Steffen. Just tell us what you need.
  9. Gosh Robert, that would be useful but you're asking a lot from me already. 
 I was trying to work with you here but I guess I'm not working fast enough for you. 
 Before I continue let me post this here from my website:
 "I will advise you of this before you proceed (and to paraphrase Steffen Gross):
 This rig was originally designed as a working relief for me and, therefore, raises no claim or guarantee that it will work well for you (or even work at all). I will not offer any support for this work beyond what I have already posted or may post in the future by my own volition. You should use this rig at your own risk. Make sure you always have backups of your important work."
 So I'm tapping out now with that in mind. I'm not going to help you out with this.
 One of the goals of the Saucy Rig was to make it easy for people to install and use.
 Right now you're in "You should build your own rig." territory because what you are talking about isn't easy for the average person to do, it's time consuming for me, and you don't seem to appreciate that fact.
 You are certainly welcome to modify the Saucy Rig to suit your needs. If you study the rig for yourself you'll be able to see that the hierarchies are modular so you can make sense of it if you are committed to learning how it was done.
 Or... you can build your own rig from scratch.
 So I'm done with trying to help out with your project. I have my own to work to get back to. Maybe others here will be willing to help you out with this. 
 I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

  10. No problem. I have some time and I am working on it now. It won't be easy to add but it should not be terribly difficult either. This will have to be a new rig but I am shooting for the same kind of install automation that we are used to with with the current rig. I am thinking of putting together something for you to review with your Eggbot before I go too deep into this. That way, I'll know if I am on target with what you need (I think that I am but I just need to make sure). I don't have a timetable for when you could expect that yet. If that is alright with you then I will PM you the file once I rig it.
  11. Thanks Matt for your comprehensive post! I tried to understand the hair system long ago but it just seemed so complicated to me that I gave up. For example, understanding what all of those settings that you mentioned actually do is daunting to me. Every time I see your results though I reconsider trying to learn about it again. I'll let you know what I learn for sure. It may not be much at first but I'll share what learn anyway.
  12. I never said that the Saucy Rig has the leg scaling that you need right now I said that the Squetch Rig does. (by David Simmons... AKA "itsjustme") Go here: Squetch Rig download files. Download the file named "v13s_Squetchy_Sam_07_19_2017_with_sleeves_and_switches.zip " Use Squetchy Sam for your exercise. Problem solved.
  13. Hi Matt. Are you disappointed with your hair results? It looks fine to me. Were the solutions that you came up to address your earlier problems practical ones or do they seem to be more trouble than they are worth? Thanks for the demonstration model. I am gong to have a look at it and try to learn more about A:M's hair system.
  14. No. I made the Eggbot long ago and pulled it out because I knew it had the leg-scaling which is something I wanted to include in the exercise. Hmmm… So I am actually being asked to add a feature to my rig, that you guys have not even tried in this scenario, to address a problem that you are having in a completely different rig. I see. As I said before, the Squetch Rig has what you need right now for your situation (Leg Scaling and Soft IK). It’s a great rig so consider trying that out for now. You could even use the Squetchy Sam example character which is pre-rigged to complete your exercise. In the meantime, I will continue to work adding leg scaling to the Saucy Rig on my end. I’ll take more time to add or tweak a few other things that I’ve been thinking about while I’m at it. I’ll post here again when I have completed the update.
  15. Ok. I thought about that more and I understand what you are saying about that not being a bug. I meant to ask this before but forgot to: Your video showed what happened with your model rigged with the TSM Rig. Did you guys try the Saucy Rig in the eggbot model at all? If so then what were the results with the walk cycle?
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