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Everything posted by lazz

  1. Thanks. That card is awesome. hil-arious. The face of your soap character cracks me up everytime I look at it . Once again, great job! -Robert
  2. that was great! Did you write the whole song over? wow. That's awesome. Yea, I was going to put mine up on AM Films too, I tried but it didn't work. Did the same thing happen to you? Anyways, that was stunningly entertaining. Good job! -Robert Lazzarini
  3. Nice . That's pretty neat. So is the Colt you've got on there too. Awesome work. Do you make all those models? There's a lot of work put in to them. Right down to the textures and everything. Neat stuff! -Robert Lazzarini
  4. Yup, that was a total bummer. I had mine all ready to go with high hopes too and then WUMPH! There went the contest. Oh well. I liked what I saw, but for some reason my quicktime software was missing some stuff so I couldn't hear the music. I could just watch it. From what I could tell it looked alright. As for the lip synch I don't know, but I could focus more on the actions. From what I saw his actions were off. Like when he was washing his foot and when he jumped back at the end. In those two parts it looked as you said, a little blah. Other than that its too bad the contest was cancelled, that would've been one of the good ones I think. Have you/ Are you going to submit it to AM Films? Anyways, good work! -Robert Lazzarini
  5. Aaah. I remember this picture from a while ago. Before you used to have a flower in the foreground right? I think what you did with the leaves and ladybugs instead turned out great. My goodness. Stunning. Lots of detail down to the wheat-grass. Amazing. Its got almost a surreal look to it. Great picture! -Robert Lazzarini
  6. That was awesome! I laughed when I first saw it . Great character. keep up the good work
  7. Holy cow batman. I mean major innovation... Anyways, that is really cool. Like really really cool. Beyond the regular levels of coolness. Awesome. Great job! -Robert Lazzarini
  8. -Mike Well, what I did was add two more buildings, which (i think), took away from the light and evened the focus on the picture by the viewer out a little bit. Although I do see what you are saying, The light does distract a bit from the hero. Should I make it smaller? Change the color a bit? hmm... I'll try doing that and see where I end up. -andy Ooooh. That would probably work/look better as well. Ideally, I'd like to have it actually hitting some wispy, smoglike clouds. But, I'm not too sure how to create some thing like that. Anyone have an idea of how to go about that? Thanks! Robert P.S. this is what I've got so far:
  9. Cool, thanks. I'll give that a try. I just didn't really know how to go about it. Thanks! -Robert
  10. Hey! Alright! From what I understood was to just make a picture type thing and put it where the light ends right? If so cool! 'Cause that's what I did and it looks pretty good. Thanks! Now all I'll have to do is get a bckground, add a couple of more buldings, and texture the buildings. Then that should be about it for this picture. Thanks a whoole bunch to those who have commented thus far, all your help has been invaluable. Thanks! -Robert
  11. Alright, so I kind of got the beam of light for the background ging, but I have no idea how to get the shadow of his symbol to appear in the sky. Any help on this would be great. Thanks! -Robert Lazzarini
  12. I'm trying to make an opera scene, and all is going well, but, I don't know how to go about making good curtains that can open and close like real ones would on a stage. Does anyone know how I could go about doing this? Thanks! -Robert Lazzarini
  13. Thanks Mike! Yea, for materials 'n such, I just mess with the materials that are there. Anyways, I've rigged him! Yay! , But he's not rigged well. Awww... But here's a test shot anyway. I want there to eventually be a beam of light going in the back ground onto a cloud. Kinda like the old batman thing except with an infinity symbol. Does anyone know how I could accomplish this? Thanks! -Robert
  14. That's really neat! As you mentioned, as the tentacles go down, the water causes them to bend. However, wouldn't it bend going back out as well? Just a thought. Good work though! I could imagine little octopus people piloting it around the ocean, encountering different things... It'd make for a neat short! -Robert Lazzarini
  15. Whether or not your doing freelance work I still think its incredible what your doing. That's really cool man. Keep up the awesome work! Its turning out great! -robert lazzarini
  16. Thanks anyways. Ya, I remember it being asked about beforehand (I think) and didn't pay much attention to it then because it wasn't a problem back then for me on account that I didn't use it. Alright! cape done! , but now I move to texturing. Ideally I'd like to get a nice fabric look o his suit and cape, somekind of subtle weaving pattern. But, I'm not too sure on how to go about doing that. Any help would be absolutely splendid. So far I kinda mimicked a weavelike thing, I took Sine and played with the X scale and brought it down to five. If anyone knows of a good cloth material or how to make one please let me know, that would be great. Thanks again for all the help! -Robert
  17. Yea man, that looks like it'll be turning out really cool! So this is for a news openeing? How did you get to do that? I'd like to start figuring out how to (at least one day) do jobs for people like that. It'd be fun. So, do you like sign a contract thing or what? Just curious. Anyways, that's coming out great! Keep it up! -Robert Lazzarini
  18. Dude, you guys rock . That was awesome! Robert Lazzarini
  19. Awesome man! I've only seen the show once or twice. But still, super cool man. keep it up! Robert Lazzarini
  20. Thanks! Yea, I came up with him in math class.I wrote down the symbol and just started playing around with it and eventually got a super hero. What powers he has, I dunno. But anyways, I've made a body for him now. I have yet to make the cape. Then he'll be finished, with the exception of rigging. I'll post a picture of what I've done so far. any critiques or comments would be great! Let me know if there's anything that doesn't quite look right. Sometimes its hard to critique your own work. Thanks!
  21. Wow man that's turning out great. Looks awesome! Can't wait to see the finished porduct. Do you plan to texture/decal it? I think it would look good even how it is now in that respect. Good job! -robert lazzarini
  22. Does the model's properties have recieves shadows and casts shadows? Hope that helps! robert lazzarini
  23. Alrighty then . I think that'll do well! Thanks! This next shot is with multipass and porcelain. Thanks again! Robert
  24. Seriously, the porcelain thing's kinda bugging me too. Oh well. Until then, I'll have to do without. I think I'm done with the head (thank goodness), and I'm gonna start working on the body. Here's what I got so far. Thanks so far for all the help! -Robert Lazzarini
  25. No, I didn't add porcelain to that one. However, after I tried to model the eyes(shape of his mask) I put on porcelain and got a really odd result in the render. When I rendered it, al, or most, of the five point patches turned dark and wierd and all. I'll post a render so you can see what I mean. Does anyone know what's causing this? It only happens when I have porcelain on it. hmm...
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