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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by martin

  1. That isn't you, Mark?! But it was a GREAT video. You're a clever guy.
  2. "Lost In Space" was my FAVORITE TV show when I was 8 years old. It was SO SCARY! Dr. Smith was so conniving! Oooh. I can't watch the reruns because it damages my childhood memories, but watching you create the Jupiter 2 in A:M is like a dream come true. Thanks, Al.
  3. I'm your Project Manager. Send me an email so I have your address, and I'll return the "TWO Recruit" email to get you started. We would love to include your models on the "Extras" DVD. Please send them to steve@hash.com. I'll pretend I didn't read that... (My stomach is growling from lack of food.) We are currently using V14 on TWO.
  4. Robert, you need to get involved in TWO! You could learn to animate, starting small; work with a bunch of other beginning animators; see how difficult (or easy) the process is; then move onto your own project using both the animation and management skills you've learned. Heck, if you have your piece all ready to go, you could even get the TWO team to animate some of it between TWO and TWO II (or whatever is next).
  5. You must be confused: it's me who benefits from the Upgrade, not you. You're still resting on my work of 3 years ago. I've got some 3-year old newspapers you can read if you need to know what's going on in the world but if you want to know the lowdown now, fork over the subscription money. Do you think I'm kidding?
  6. They won't take your blood anymore? Not after suffering from a contagious ailment that I got from not eating enough nutritional foods. (The garbage bins in Portland are already picked through by the time I get there.)
  7. You can get paid to do that? Shhhh... We use it to patch the holes in the bottom of our shoes, but don't tell anyone or they'll get all the good stuff.
  8. While washing dogs to make enough money to buy my kid's formula and medicine for their life-threatening diseases, I was wondering who the people were who were not keeping their A:M subscription current and thereby causing the programmers at Hash to quit and go find real jobs where people appreciated and supported what they do. Alas, I must get back to collecting old aluminum foil and picking up dog-doo for money.
  9. Vern, you're the man. We owe you big time. Hush yo' mouf. Dang, now ya gone done 'n volunteered. What'dya need?
  10. I think it's looking great, Gary. Your skilz are improving.
  11. Did I mention how cool that image is? I didn't?! Silly me. p.s. Use Mark's pose-based Squetch rig install. It's very awesome.
  12. Matt! Are you making a living!? Shame on you! Of course I want you to make a living with A:M! What better way to spread the "Word of A:M" to the unbelievers?! "Making A Living" comes before "TWO," and "TWO" comes before "sex and homelife." (Humor alert: "TWO" only comes before sex.)
  13. Matt! Are you making a living!? Shame on you!
  14. What do you mean you don't have version 14? It's only $99! Do what I do, cut your neighbors' lawns and you'll have enough money. (Too bad art and programming don't pay enough to make a living.)
  15. Before people make decisions to halt production on a fan film (or any project) due to perceived "copyright" issues, please consult with me first. Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq. Patent Bar #59431 We can get most "fan" films through - even ones that have commercial aspirations.
  16. That looks good like it's going to be good. Get the animation done then render them all with Hair.
  17. Read the "Lens Flares" section of the On-Line Help. (Or if you've purchased the 2007 Upgrade, it's in the Technical Reference manual that comes with it). Lens Flares aren't lights, and you don't have to worry about them casting shadows. They are perfect for the edge of a knife.
  18. I could be talked into something like that. What rights to the model, if any, would I retain? Would I be given any credit for creating it or would it be anonymous? Your name is embedded in that model forever. (Someone can change it with a text editor but I haven't seen anybody do that yet - and they'd be pretty easy to catch.) You can put whatever copyrights you want into the "Notes" field of the "File Info" on the Property dialog of the model. Most models are freely distributable but some have "limited to non-commercial use" copyright notices. I've seen alot of people include model author's names in the credits of their personal animations. I can't guarantee that but it seems to be the norm.
  19. Time to stretch your skillset... This car needs Image Based Lighting (IBL) - not Photon Mapping (radiosity). Marcos (Xtaz) Rezende refined the look quite well for his car renders. p.s. This is a good model. I'm sure the A:M community would appreciate it if you donated the model to the "Extras" DVD, (but it's okay if you don't want to).
  20. That's an interesting "up" shot - and unique. Give us a traditional "down" shot, with a reflection in the floor so we can all "ooh" and "aah." (Nice model.)
  21. Go to the Hash store and buy a t-shirt or something, and say "hey, could you throw a TaoA:M in the box for $25 more?"
  22. My goodness, man; the "Extras" DVD has 1000s of models on it! What are you going on about?
  23. I know this is an innocent question, and I know it seems reasonable enough to ask, but believe me, the old Mac/PC wars are just under the surface, even here at non-sectarian A:M central. The diplomatic answer is: They are both just as good. Now, I'm going to lock this thread.
  24. I showed this to some more people. I think it is going to be very successful for you.
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