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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Vertexspline

  1. LUDO -- Well ----- that's hands down or up a pretty cool character indeed. Nice work.
  2. Sounds like a plan Lloyd........smiles
  3. Lloyd, Yes ----I agree ----a reset seems in order considering the mascot contest was way more the focus for many here ---and I would also suggest that unless you get at least 5 (or some other agreed number above that ) videos the contest gets automatically extended one week till you do. And yes please keep doing these --- I will try to get something done if you extend it. I think these contest will get a lot of good work and learning done through doing them for many people. Also ----remember although only a few folks may eventually submit ---tens of folks probably are trying and just ran out of time or did not think their stuff was good enough to post. So do not judge participation by folks who actually submit something I am certain there are a multiple of others out there. Thanks
  4. Hey Matt---that did look sweet !
  5. I am sure a lot of folks like me who do not currently have the skills to make a mascot -------eagerly awaiting to see what all you wonderful folks sent in. Indeed just from who posted here --this is a current hall of fame crew checking in ----- Good vibes for Animation Master indeed!! Good luck to all you folks !! Rich
  6. Wow time flies and other stuff is always getting in the way --- i think maybe we should have these like 10 days long perhaps -----Seems like a struggle to get working on these in the time frame needed. And I think ending on a sunday is always better as it gives folks the weekend. Actually for my 2 cents I think they should start on a friday and go ten days ---ending on a sunday. That gives 2 weekends and you can have 2 of these a month.
  7. Congrats Sebastian -------well deserved. Rodney--- very nice compilation indeed. You made the sum greater than its parts and that's fancy math. Smiles. So doesn't Sebastian get to pick the next contest as well....? Hopefully --I have time to try this time.
  8. Nice one Detbear !........he looks ready for some bones. Smiles.
  9. Sebastian, ---you definitely have some skills with AM ---kudos.
  10. So getting back to theme of thread ----- Welcome to any of you new forum members or those returning after a absence of a bit. The community really does love more folks saying hi and joining in the conversations. Give it a try. You might get hooked or learn a thing a two or three. Everyone brings something useful to the community. No matter your level of current skill. The idea of the community is to raise everyone upwards. So come on in and have some fun. Smiles.
  11. yes i think it was a great start. I got interupted by a busy rl last week so never got to get in.....but I voted and do plan on participating on the next one.
  12. A very Happy Birthday Man !! Enjoy it.
  13. Indeed the return on your investment is pretty poor . And really ---for art jobs especially like game industry --its all about portfolio and skill not so much where you went to school. So In many ways he paints a cheaper and hence better alternative . Now one thing I was told by one of my prof's in college ---they can beat you , fire you, lay you off . put you in jail but they cannot never take away your diploma ---so there is some merit it gaining one but alas at a less expensive route might be best.
  14. Well when you can have a happy birthday john!
  15. Here is the thing---its really not important how you run the contests or even how many folks submitted in this one got or that one -----just keep having regular contests. That is what IS important. The more we do the more folks will find the time during a particular contest perhaps to complete it . Sure they may miss some contest because of the realities of life but --- if there are lots of these eventually everyone will get a chance and you will see the community participation grow if there is a very regular pattern of contest events. Smiles. Rodney now we need Animation Master contest winner teeshirts. Well AM wear in general. Hell ---that could be a contest too. Designing some teeshirts .Then we just need to get ok from Hash Inc and wander over to Cafe Press and go to town. Actually Cafe Press is in my town. Smiles.
  16. Lloyd, I do not think that a prize really is an issue ---heck we could just add a little forum badge or something "forum contest winner" --- I think most folks who do this just want to have a little fun and practice on a particular idea --more a push to go get something done and finished perhaps as well......so I would not worry on that issue. As far as model I think keeping it more uniform makes it leveling the playing field more even as it were but then makes the results less individualistic but for contest maybe best way.
  17. HB Paul---------hope it was outstanding.
  18. A very Happy Birthday Martin--------do enjoy it and thanks for creating and making AM.
  19. David -- Welcome to the forums and congratulations on completing your first project. Indeed , that is an ambitious start but you pulled it off and for a first effort with no 3d experience you did very well indeed. Smiles . Good luck with your second project and do not be a stranger here in the forums ....we welcome lots of participation here and I have to say its a very user friendly bunch here for beginners .
  20. Robert- Sometimes we learn a lot of things accidentally--its remembering all of it that is hard. Smiles. Anyhow --nice cloth simulation indeed.
  21. Simon------ for a first project -----very nice indeed. I mean some of the animation you show in this is pretty cool. There are a fair number of very natural looking motions. So ----Im impressed .
  22. very nice Simon------that piano clang at end scared the crap out of me ........lol wasn't thinking that's how it was going to end so caught me by surprise. Anyhow ------pretty cool second project indeed.
  23. smiles ----thekamps pretty cool shivering. I see now how it (contests) would work.....well four hours seems a pretty decent amount of time depending on the project. What would be kind of nice is a sort of schedule perhaps of contest ie june its animating something, July its rigging , August its lighting etc ...so that we could prepare or tweak our skills or even learn them before the contest --right now if there was a rigging contest for example I would need 4 days ...smiles
  24. I think a monthly or three week contest would be very beneficial and helpful to lots of folks especially if the themes are changed up and diverse so participants can gain ground over a number of topics. There is no better way to learn than doing. Well it might be the only way. Smiles . I am not sure maybe twice a month might be pushing things -it really depends on the contest . Like if the contest was make three cool materials well maybe two weeks is good. But if its animate two characters break dancing maybe two years is better. Lol. (kidding but you get the idea.)
  25. I think sebastian has a good point on the sound file needing to be same. but otherwise I think its fun idea ...and as David said above --its an animation contest ----so make it easy on yourself --heck its hard enough just doing the animation ...smiles
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