killi Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Hi This is a preview render of something i'm working on. This was modelled and rendered in AM 10.5R I wanted to put the footage on top of a terragen generated animated background but there is no way of tranferring cemara data anymore. So it's on hold for now. Any ideas on how to do this would be much appreciated. Animation preview render Also here's a still I've created using a photographic background, I want this level of realism in animation as well. Any feedback and tip (especially regarding combining terragen footage) are welcome Cheers, Geoff Quote
3DArtZ Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Where are you creating the camera data? You can export your camera data as bvh and import it to another app..... are you able to import bvh to the other application? Mike Fitz Quote
Aminator Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Looks great! Nice models and effects. Did you want the roll on the foreground aircraft to be so uneven. Adding some motion blur and maybe a little fog could help increase the realism. Quote
killi Posted July 13, 2004 Author Posted July 13, 2004 Thanks, I'll check out what applications support BHV. I'm basically trying to get a useable camera positioning script for use in terragen. There used to be a plugin for AM which did this but its incompatible with 10.5. If I can get a bhv file into another app I may be able to create a terragen script from that. This is test really shaded only. I'll add the blur later and your right the movement is a bit jerky will take a look once I work out the background. I kind of want to give the impression the pilots really trying hard to control a damaged plane while shaking the missile. Thanks for the info Geoff Quote
killi Posted July 15, 2004 Author Posted July 15, 2004 Help needed I may of found a way to do this BUT: Where do I find the BVH export menu in AM 10.5r I can't seem to find any tutorials relating to 10.5 they all seem to mention 8.5 and the interface is vastly different. If someone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful. Thanks in advance Geoff Quote
killi Posted November 23, 2004 Author Posted November 23, 2004 Finally got round to doing something on this project Here's a textured version And here's the animation so far, comments and critiques welcome. I think the explosion is pretty lame at the moment. Eurofighter mpg Quote
killi Posted December 2, 2006 Author Posted December 2, 2006 2 years later and I finally do some more work on this. Anyway here is a new version. Basically the I created the background in terragen then used a lightbox to to map it in AM. The terragen maps are avis and they run when rendering making the water shimmer which you can't really see on this anim. Compression makes the background a little jerky compared to the full frames version. Many thanks to all the good info on the forum I've got my head around light boxes. Lighting etc.. still needs work In 40 years time I may have a decent showreel Still: Animation (mpeg): Click here Quote
Dhar Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 That looked really good. I love the sound, very realistic. What caught my eyes was the absence of reflection of the jet against the water. Quote
killi Posted December 2, 2006 Author Posted December 2, 2006 Dhar said: That looked really good. I love the sound, very realistic. What caught my eyes was the absence of reflection of the jet against the water. I think I will model some of the hills in hash or one central one. Reflections will have to be added via compositing will have a think about that, Cheers for the feedback Quote
the_black_mage Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 theres somethings about the video, the fact that the jet goes so far away and doesn't go behind the rock.... plus though i am very familiar with terragen, the fact that theres no actual perspective....i mean the mountains don't move like it would if it were actually in the scean. what i would recommend is to export the land from terragen and import it in A:M. then use teragen as a decal for the land and water( that you will need to model in to). that way you will be able to have the jet go around the mountain and have the jet reflect on the water(some thing that also bothered me). but thats just my thoughts, i hope you understand what i mean. another thing you could do is make a movie in terragen with the camera moving in sync with the movie. and set that as a background edit: plus theres no shadow on the ground either. also i would recommend using this. Quote
MattWBradbury Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Remember that when something blows up it doesn't stop in mid air. The objects still have a lot of inertia and will keep moving in the same direction (and falling because of gravity). Also, your air craft is moving insanely fast; the pilot would have blacked out. Try slowing it down a bit. Quote
killi Posted December 2, 2006 Author Posted December 2, 2006 MattWBradbury said: Remember that when something blows up it doesn't stop in mid air. The objects still have a lot of inertia and will keep moving in the same direction (and falling because of gravity). Also, your air craft is moving insanely fast; the pilot would have blacked out. Try slowing it down a bit. This is good stuff. I'll keep plugging away at it. I'll put the central rock/hill together in AM with the suggested plugin. Looks rather handy that, cheers. Quote
killi Posted December 28, 2006 Author Posted December 28, 2006 Ok Slight update I wrote a php script to get the camera rotation out of an AM action and put it into a terragen file, more sensible than remodelling the entire landscape in AM. So here's the result so far, So the landscape is completely rendered in terragen rather than the light box method. The lightbox method seems to fall apart if you get too close to the walls. Anyone got hints regarding correct usage of light box seems ok for skys to me. Rendered in AM and terragen and then composited together. Animation Test The PHP script seems to have worked but has been a bit of a strectch for me as I 've only done a bit of web programming up till now. Still missing a shadow for the plane but I'm getting there. Quote
case Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 Hmmm black seems to know that programm well! -At that speed there is know way a plane could turn that fast a B-52 could not tur that fast it gets smaller as it goes back very nice work i would tweak with the turn speed just bit Quote
the_black_mage Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 well i'm gonna say what i know about the flight. its possible to turn like that but not like that (if i have the perspective right), you need to keep g force in mind, think a bit more about the guy in the jet(unless your going for unrealism). and matt i think a some one could go that fast with out blacking out, ever heard of mach 5?(back to the jet turn) you see its vary hard to turn at the angle the jet is at first. then some how the jet rolls and turns at the same time? now if it rolled first and then turned it would be more believable. just my thoughts.... Quote
killi Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 the_black_mage said: well i'm gonna say what i know about the flight. its possible to turn like that but not like that (if i have the perspective right), you need to keep g force in mind, think a bit more about the guy in the jet(unless your going for unrealism). and matt i think a some one could go that fast with out blacking out, ever heard of mach 5?(back to the jet turn) you see its vary hard to turn at the angle the jet is at first. then some how the jet rolls and turns at the same time? now if it rolled first and then turned it would be more believable. just my thoughts.... Cheers for the feedback. I'm playing with the speed to see what's realistic, Trying to get the impression of speed rather than the total realism e.g watching a motorbike race on tv always looks slow, watch it at the track and you can't believe the closing speeds. Makes tv footage look very sanitised. On another note. I'm having fun again with 3D finally after having to work through a horrendously badly organised project a over a year a go which killed it dead for me. But now my sleep pattern's gone to hell. I find my self daydreaming camera angels again and wondering how to model everything again. Once more unto the breach maybe... Quote
the_black_mage Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 lol don't you just love it....its something you can do when your bored. Quote
the_black_mage Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 also its the turning i'm most disrupted about, you can practicly useany speed you want, any thing up to mach 5 Quote
Vong Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Looking good... Speed seems to be too fast. Also, why is the contrail coming off the end of the left wing? Contrail should be coming out of the exhaust. Maybe play around with showing off some afterburn as well. Bursts of heated water vapor in flight coming off the wings are possible, but not for the length of time this plane is flying, or showing up like this. 3 seconds for this entire animation seems too short to me. Should be longer, like 6-8 seconds. I'd search the internet for some footage of plane's turning, and engaged in battle. Will help you out a lot in learning how to set this up more realistically. Unless of course, you're going for an unrealistic flight pattern! Quote
the_black_mage Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 the smoke is the wing being damaged. sometime its used to keep the plan in balance when an engine goes out on a passenger plane. either way its a result of damage. also in a jet you only see afterburner when a get is accelerating. as of the speed yet that turn is possible, jut the way it turns is what makes it unbelievable, the angle that he end of the turn would make the jet move down more. also the jet is moving at a constant speed, it would be more believable if the jet de-accelerated at some point in the turn. but truly theres no problem with the speed, think about it, how fast you you expect a jet going over 500 miles per hour to pass right by the camera? also to explain speed a bit more heres a time line. jet on run way= 0 minimal speed of launch=200(=175 0n a carrier ship, thats why they some times move down a bit be for going up.) maximum speed of launch= 320(depending on length 300) average speed while in the air= 350-450(depending on type of plane) top speed in the air= 1000-1400(mach 2 depending on altitude) top tuning speed to make that turn 400 to 600 de-accelerating at one point and accelerating at another Quote
killi Posted January 4, 2007 Author Posted January 4, 2007 the_black_mage said: the smoke is the wing being damaged. sometime its used to keep the plan in balance when an engine goes out on a passenger plane. either way its a result of damage. also in a jet you only see afterburner when a get is accelerating. as of the speed yet that turn is possible, jut the way it turns is what makes it unbelievable, the angle that he end of the turn would make the jet move down more. also the jet is moving at a constant speed, it would be more believable if the jet de-accelerated at some point in the turn. but truly theres no problem with the speed, think about it, how fast you you expect a jet going over 500 miles per hour to pass right by the camera? also to explain speed a bit more heres a time line. jet on run way= 0 minimal speed of launch=200(=175 0n a carrier ship, thats why they some times move down a bit be for going up.) maximum speed of launch= 320(depending on length 300) average speed while in the air= 350-450(depending on type of plane) top speed in the air= 1000-1400(mach 2 depending on altitude) top tuning speed to make that turn 400 to 600 de-accelerating at one point and accelerating at another Thanks for the info. I've been watching some dog fight footage, some of the moves they pull are pretty crazy. I am looking into the speed. The original idea was the plane was out of control just before it's demise. But now I'm modelling an f22 for the eurofighter to spar with so the anim will be getting longer. F22 would benefit from poly modelling rather than splines Eurofighter definitely easier in splines. Quote
killi Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 Quick update here's a couple of renders of the F22 textured up so far. Getting into this now. I'll have to take look at the Eurofighter model next as it looks a little lame in comparison. Quote
killi Posted January 31, 2007 Author Posted January 31, 2007 totlover said: that is pretty good i like it a lot Glad you like it. Since the F22 turned out so well I've remodelled the Eurofighter from scratch now allot more realistic The material may be a little shiney on the body it should probably be matte. Anyway it's edging closer to completion this project Quote
Gerry Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Killi - these are some nice jet models! The animations you're posting seem to go by really quick. I realize this is part of a longer sequence but it would be nice to see either this shot slowed down a bit, or maybe a wireframe of a bit more of the scene. If you work out the trajectory of the plane through the scene in a believable way, then all the smoke effects, backgrounds, explosions and stuff will fall into place I bet! Quote
killi Posted February 1, 2007 Author Posted February 1, 2007 Gerry said: Killi - these are some nice jet models! The animations you're posting seem to go by really quick. I realize this is part of a longer sequence but it would be nice to see either this shot slowed down a bit, or maybe a wireframe of a bit more of the scene. If you work out the trajectory of the plane through the scene in a believable way, then all the smoke effects, backgrounds, explosions and stuff will fall into place I bet! This project kind has of snowballed into something a bit bigger my modelling has seemed to improved along the way the stuff at the start looks aweful compared to the these latest models. I'm just trying to do the maths on the speed and watching allot of promotional videos of both planes to get some ideas of what works. Seem to of gone from finding AM modelling a little frustrating to rather enjoying it, before anyone chirps still love poly modelling as well they're both great modelling methods. I'm going to camaera match the planes over terragen footage so there isn't really any wireframe at the moment. I would be interested if anyone has managed to come up with a method to created heat haze in AM. Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 nice work man! did you have to model the fire instead of using particles though? i could show you how to that if you want... Quote
killi Posted February 1, 2007 Author Posted February 1, 2007 the_black_mage said: nice work man! did you have to model the fire instead of using particles though? i could show you how to that if you want... Yep the jet flame is modelled on the F22 would be interested to see your method. Just trying to actually nail this project my new years resolution was"finish the personal projects I start". Quote
totlover Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 yes that is a really good model i would like to see this flying Quote
Gerry Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 ...and that's a really good New Year's Resolution! Quote
killi Posted February 2, 2007 Author Posted February 2, 2007 Here is a 360 render of the Eurofighter with the Terragen background. Not quite flying yet but getting there. you'll to loop it to get the full effedt. It kind of needs a pilot up this close Download Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 very nice how about i just post a particle material that should work, do you want a blue fire? Quote
case Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 killi said: the_black_mage said: well i'm gonna say what i know about the flight. its possible to turn like that but not like that (if i have the perspective right), you need to keep g force in mind, think a bit more about the guy in the jet(unless your going for unrealism). and matt i think a some one could go that fast with out blacking out, ever heard of mach 5?(back to the jet turn) you see its vary hard to turn at the angle the jet is at first. then some how the jet rolls and turns at the same time? now if it rolled first and then turned it would be more believable. just my thoughts.... Cheers for the feedback. I'm playing with the speed to see what's realistic, Trying to get the impression of speed rather than the total realism e.g watching a motorbike race on tv always looks slow, watch it at the track and you can't believe the closing speeds. Makes tv footage look very sanitised. On another note. I'm having fun again with 3D finally after having to work through a horrendously badly organised project a over a year a go which killed it dead for me. But now my sleep pattern's gone to hell. I find my self daydreaming camera angels again and wondering how to model everything again. Once more unto the breach maybe... OK this is funny im 13 i know how you feel man! Ive got torque im going to be making a game soon and i keep thinking how the heck im i going to make this thing work! Dude your not alone! Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 Blue_jet_fire.zipFetching info... nvm , heres the material, the best way to get it to work is to have the jet in motion only and it will make the look of a jets thruster fire; if its still it will just stay pretty much in place. tell me if the fire goes trough the jet. Quote
Muff Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 O.K. - this is an edited short version... The camera seems too linear focused? Maybe getting the camera more involved with the motions of whats going on would dramatize the effect of blasting around mountainous areas. Theres plenty of room for all elements to act out on this composition. And I just have to say whats already been said though on this point: thats a very nice model! And b.t.w - a while back, I started working on an idea of a 1st person cockpit view concept. Its located back on the list of W.I.P from many months ago (if its even still on the W.I.P listing). If you think you can do anything with it, or even have any use for it -to modify to suit your cockpit layout, for any such specific conceptual shots... your more than welcome to have it because its just in my archive right now? Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Muff said: My take on these is that the plane "darts" in to camera view too quickly that you cant take in all the glory of the flight perspective into account. Planes are fast, but the perspective against such a massive background would be more settling with slower flight speeds(Unless your right up on the plane/close-up shot). And the banking/roll turns seem to go in the opposite direction than what I would percieve when turning... Left turn->roll left. The animations seem to be portraying a Left turn->roll right? But its cool to see what terragen is capable of! Its always a good concept of fighter jets roaring across these types of scenes. And finally, the camera seems too linear focused? Maybe getting the camera more involved with the motions of whats going on would dramatize the effect of blasting around mountainous areas. Theres plenty of room for all elements to act out on this composition. some of the stuff you said has already been said, but that part about dynamic cameras i agree with killi, if you want i can give you come tips on dynamic cameras. its something i normally do in my drawings and in my 3d. Quote
killi Posted February 9, 2007 Author Posted February 9, 2007 Cheers guys for the input, I'm plugging away at it. Currently tweaking my php script which pulls the camera paths/targets out of AM into terragen. Bit of an exercise on my part to improve my programming which has just been for web/databases up till now. I think it works well enough to get footage for my showreel although not great. The plane animation is to cover work I did for someone but am not able to show. I'm watching whole load of discovery wings etc.. with dog fights and so on taking note. I've got to not get too carried away as time is a factor for me I can't miss too many trips to the gym plus gotta keep those paying customers happy. Also must get a real life again at some point 3d and design is like a drug to me at the moment. As for the terragen my effort is pretty weak compared to what it can do. The backgrounds and environments you can generate are absolutely stunning. Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 I'm pretty good a terragen, anyway i can help? i do a mean morning scene! Quote
killi Posted February 16, 2007 Author Posted February 16, 2007 OK Here is the Eurofighter Animation revised with crits in mind. Black_mage Thanks for the material. It got used indirectly to generate a texture for the afterburners which still need work, but had to be modelled to generate an alpha channel. I'm learning terragen at the moment so i've got to get my head around it. I think i've nailed it for this scene now and the camera matching has worked out well. When I get onto the f22 the a morning scene would be good. Shadows on the ground are missing, how do get the shadow buffer to render out as a usable layer in a 3rd party application. Anyone? Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 lol now the plane is too slow lol...way to slow. it moving at the speed of looking at the plane high in the sky from the ground. i mean seriously thats not even 200mph its more like 60 which is impossible to stay in the air. that part when this comes out them most is the pass by part, that whole part is impossible to do at that speed.that plane needs to appear that it is going at least 300 mph. Quote
killi Posted February 19, 2007 Author Posted February 19, 2007 I'll have a look at speeding it up a bit but, to be fair after watching a load of airshow videos low speeds don't seem to be that much of an issue. Not same plane but gives you an idea. I've speeded up the view from the ground as suggested. Looks better I think, If I ever got to fly a plane I would definitely crash it . ANIMATION Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 ok heres my problem with that video, its a stunt video. that jet isn't actually flying, its mostly falling doing all the flips and twists. that is not a good reference video, the only time that video would come in handy is if your doing a part when i jet is doing an extremely tight vertical turn. but look at this video this one shows the speed of launch, a from ground passing by, and close ups. a good view of the after burners too...look at this then look at your video. though in your video your doing close ups and behind views, the sense of speed might need a bit of creativity, personally i think the camera should shake a bit according to the speed. try adding motion blur, mutipass, wind friction or other things to show that the jet is going fast. i think you should make is as entertaining as possible with out straying to far from realism (if your going for realism). like for instance if you have the camera at the wing of the jet, don't have it normal, have the wind slightly visible, add some motion blur and allot of camera movement. do the same when your firing a missile. but then again i'm the kinda person that goes for the "WOW" factor (which i plan on experimenting later). Quote
racreel Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 Check out Dogfights on the History Channel. Lots of CG aircraft video, both propellor and jet depending on what they are covering in the episode. I've recently seen WWII and Vietnam era. They have some videos online. Richard Quote
killi Posted February 21, 2007 Author Posted February 21, 2007 Richard thanks for the links i'll check them out. have seen a couple on discovery. I think I'll get onto the dogfight scene now. Black Mage I'll take a look at camera shake for the next one. And some higher speed moves like the video. Would love to get the animations up to that quality but time is short and I'm not that good (yet!). Heat haze is brillient and the plane going through the cloud looks great on the discovery animations. Quote
the_black_mage Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 could i have one of the models? after i mentioned the effects i described, i'm curious to see if i can do it. i did have one crappy jet model but i can't find it. i also want to try out the afterburner material i made too. Quote
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