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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Just finished this bit of fan animation for one of my favourite Youtube channels and as it's done in A:M I figured I'd share it here. Also Rodney mentioned that it would be nice if my next project wasn't as scary as Breckridge so as the title of this topic suggests, this one is a bit nicer.



  • ____ 1
  • Admin

Nicely done. That's a lot of work in there and you are making production look easy.


Keep it up!



P.S. I don't recall saying that but I'll take whatever credit I can get.

Nothing against 'Breckridge' (I like it!) but 'Nicer' fits you. :)


Nicely done. That's a lot of work in there and you are making production look easy.


Keep it up!



P.S. I don't recall saying that but I'll take whatever credit I can get.

Nothing against 'Breckridge' (I like it!) but 'Nicer' fits you. :)



I would have Liked it on YouTube but you must have it turned off. Good work.


Thanks, guys, took about a week and a half. Luckily I had a fair few background resources already in my archives, probably nothing worth sharing. I mean most of the guys here could knock up a wardrobe or a desk etc quicker than it would take to download.


Also, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Martin. You had seemingly moved on to pastures new by the time I joined the A:M community. Not that you need telling, but A:M is a great bit of software so thanks for bringing it into the world. I would probably have never gotten into 3D modelling and animation if it weren't for how easy A:M was to learn.


The unending niceness.




Character model of "Looka" the giraffe. Another bit of Fan art for Outside Xtra. Long start short, after the game "Yooka-Laylee" was released the hosts Luke and Ellen joked that they should be a game called "Looka-Nellie" Looka being

a giraffe. So yeah.


  • ____ 2
  • Admin

Very cute.



The irony that I'm over in another topic posting of bullet holes and flesh wounds and you are upping the ante on niceness is not lost on me.

We need balance so keep it up! :)


So I made Looka and now I'm working on Nellie (Why? I have no idea) she doesn't look very feminine yet but I wanted to get the basic shape down. She's a Golden-maned Tamarin Anyway thanks for looking.


Looka and Nellie0.png

  • ____ 1

I've been considering starting up a new YouTube channel (although to be honest things don't seem so great for content creators at the moment). Anyway, after a bit of quick research, I've discovered that nobody seems to have a channel called Game Train and as trains and games are two of my favourite things, I thought if I'm gonna do it then Game Train would be the name.


As such I've been working on a model to use for an intro and promo related stuff and so far I've come up with this. Bare in mind it's nowhere near finished.


Game train0.png



  • ____ 1

Thanks Martin :)


The Train is coming along slowly by degrees.


More Train0.png


Added more parts and Toon lines to the render and I think it accentuates the image without being overbearing. It still needs the actual wheel mechanism and the bogies need colouring. But it's getting there.


Cheers Rodney,


Been a trying couple of days, getting the wheel mechanics installed but they're in now for the most part. I've uploaded a shaded render of the wheel motion loop because it takes quite a while to render because of all the reflections I suspect, damn this train is shiny. Took all day to get everything rigged and animated and I still ended up frame-by-framing a whole whack of it. Rigging is not my forte, but it's a train, it's not like the drive wheels turn (around the Y axis) so the loop I've put together should suffice for most situations.


Anyway, now the engineering bit is in, anything else is pretty much window dressing. Needs head lights and pipes connecting the steam chamber to the wheel mech. More valves and all that good stuff.

More Train with Engine mechanics36.png

More Train with Engine mechanics.mov

  • 8 months later...

Hello everyone,


I haven't been around a lot lately and that's mostly been down to the fact that we moved in October last year and previous to that I'd spent the majority of my time prepping the house for sale and packing. I've been poking my head in to see what everyone's been up to, just not been commenting because at the end of the day my knowledge and skill pales in comparison to the majority of the contributors around here so I don't have a lot of constructive feedback to give.


Anyway I was working on a train and it appears that I didn't post the finished render.


Complete Game Train39.png


I also made another quick animation for that youtube channel. They designed a car for the game rocket league which was so impractical that I was forced to model it in 3d.




It was my first attempt at modelling a car and took way longer than it probably should have.

  • ____ 1
  • Admin

I hesitate to post because all I want to say is... "I need that train model!" ;)

That is a great looking machine.


In my 'Tuckertown' topic and on my blog I have a few posts related to a project where I'm workng with a young boy to realize his story about a train robbery.

It's fun and every time I see him I try to have some kind of update for him.


I won't ask for the model BUT can I have your kind permission to show him the picture of your train?

That will show him the possibilities and definitely make him happy.

Perhaps we could even work a deal to have his smaller train... roll through a station directly in front of yours.

We'd gladly pay you 25 cents for the image. **(He has a very small budget).

His name is Jeremiah.


At any rate, you know I'm a huge fan of your work.

You still know how to lay down some good spline.

Keep it up! :)



**It'd be good for him to learn he has to pay for good quality production assets or build them himself.

And thinking along those lines... if you want to sell a copy please name your price and I'll pass that on.


Bernie Snuffles copy.png


This is Bernie Snuffles. A character I designed for a kids' story series of the same name. I decided to make him in 3D to make illustrating the stories easier and figured I'd post what I've modelled so far.


3d Bernie0.png


There's still lots to do, but he's coming together.


Looks great so far, Dan!


Thanks David,


Done some more work on him, got all his spines on and textured which very nearly turned into a nightmare, thankfully some editing in a pose window saved the day. Here're some renders of the nearly finished head. Still need to do the inside of his mouth.


Bernie Snuffles head front0.pngBernie Snuffles head 3quart front0.pngBernie Snuffles head side0.pngBernie Snuffles head 3quart back0.pngBernie Snuffles head back0.png

  • Admin


You are very good at translating characters from drawings to 3D.

(I've likely said that a few times before but it's worth repeating)

Bernie has made the transition thus far quite well!


Thanks Steve and thanks to everyone for being so supportive.


Just in time for my subscription to expire (Hardly feels like I've done anything this year. Must remember to make more of an effort when I get my sub renewed). Anyway I've finished texturing Bernie, I tried going more detailed but I had a whole whack of issues with putting decals on top of the denim material. I don't think it takes much away from him and I might have another stab at it later.


3d bernie with body.mov

  • ____ 1

Dan, we were discussing rigging yesterday during the Live Answer Time discussion. Robert suggested that rigging was one of the biggest obstacles to new users and I very much agreed.


I definitely feel more confident about it (after 11 years!), but even I don't think I have a high level of proficiency with it.


Dan, we were discussing rigging yesterday during the Live Answer Time discussion. Robert suggested that rigging was one of the biggest obstacles to new users and I very much agreed.


I definitely feel more confident about it (after 11 years!), but even I don't think I have a high level of proficiency with it.


I just find it very time-consuming, weighting a shoulder that needs to be able to rotate 180 degrees, for instance, is no fun whatsoever. That post was made right after I'd asked the mirror bones tool to rig me a left arm just like I'd rigged the right and it made some very questionable CP allocations (Like attaching parts of the right arm to the left arm and half of Bernie's face to his left shoulder) and I was feeling a little miffed.


I try to keep my models simple and stylized ...just to make rigging easier.


Still, I think a simple, spell-it-out guide to rigging would be a great thing for new users to have access to.

  • Hash Fellow



I just find it very time-consuming, weighting a shoulder that needs to be able to rotate 180 degrees, for instance, is no fun whatsoever. That post was made right after I'd asked the mirror bones tool to rig me a left arm just like I'd rigged the right and it made some very questionable CP allocations (Like attaching parts of the right arm to the left arm and half of Bernie's face to his left shoulder) and I was feeling a little miffed.



If you have a case you'd like to present here definitely do that. Bringing it to Live Answer Time is good too!

  • 2 weeks later...

I've decided to make the outside Xbox crew as 3D toons. Go the heads of the lads done for the most part. Although noticing some weirdness with hair + toon render. They just don't seem to like each other.


luke head0.png


The outlines for the hair will only render if I put a solid object above the rest of the model just out of camera view. Otherwise, it loses interest halfway up the hair.


No object


no object0.png


with object



  • ____ 1
  • Admin

Looking very good!


That issue appears to be related to an internal clipping plane that is driven by where the ground plane (usually) resides.

But this isn't an actual ground plane but rather the Chor Grid and that grid is likely used as a way to optimize rendering... so that unnecessary samplings and calculations don't have to be made.

If this is/was either the ground plane or related to the Alpha channel we could just disable those and press on.

As it is likely related to the underlying Chor grid even when we toggle it off it is still present (to assist with depth sorting and such).


That's my take at least.

  • Hash Fellow

Fast motion blur and fast DOF are other effects that don't work against the default camera background. Put a card in back of them.


Thanks for the advice gents. I decided to abandon outlines entirely. I don't think it particularly needs them. Here's a pic of Andy's D&D avatar Corazon de Leon demonstrating the lineless style.


corazon what0.png

  • ____ 1

Been working on one of the girls from OXBOXTRA since I finished the lads. This is Ellen and believe me when I say, A:M did not want me to finish this one. Something about this project file caused it to crash over and over. But we kept at it and now we have a disembodied head. Might strap a body to her before I start working on Jane.



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Started working on Mike's D&D character, Egbert the Careless. Unlike the rest of the cast, I can't modify his normal model as his character isn't strictly human. He's a Dragonborn Paladin so I've started from scratch. Here he is so far.



  • ____ 2

Warning! Dan has animated something! Warning, evacuate immediately!


Finished up modelling and rigging Egbert the Careless so did a bit of mace swinging, the mace and shield are separate models constrained to the main model in an action.


Sequence 01.gif

Sequence 01.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow

Pointless bit of swooshery that I made as a joke after a twitter post a youtuber made. I need to stop making jokes that take 3 days to model, animate and render.









What was the "tweet"?


He posted this picture


tape player.jpg


along with a comment that he didn't know why or how the tapes were floating above the player but he wanted to RECREATE (he used capitals) it.


So I pointed out that the tapes were probs glued together and probably stood on a smaller piece of transparent acrylic that's hidden by the angle of the photo and the tape at the front was probably on a little platform that's again hidden by the angle of the photo.


To which he replied


"I hoped it was 80's magic"


So I decided to whip up something that made it look like magic. Frustratingly there were no photos of this player that would have allowed me to decal a simple box so I had to model it and make textures of all the wording on the front. The tapes are just a textured block.


So yeah took longer than I'd hoped for what was supposed to be a quick gag.

  • ____ 1

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