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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Yes it was the v11 fur, but then I got the render hit so I went back to an image map, for the preliminary stages at least.

The plan is to use the v11 fur to do most of the vegetation, but in this image I used a tree I built a couple of years ago, and scaled it down. Now I can show it to the client for comment before I invest additional hours. Most of the image will end up being replaced as I add detail, including the sky rotoscope


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Nice. I was about to ask which pre-fab homes company--my parents do a lot of work with one here in Maryland, U.S.A.--then I noticed you're in Australia. :D Talk about a commute!



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Hi John,

Get the perspective right on the sky and take that pic over to a non-A:M forum and see what folks think... especially from the pre-viz / arch field. Once you get a bunch of compliments, let 'em know "the truth"...


Neato pic by the way!

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Thanks guys, tonight I'm going to redo the garden with marcel's tree plugin :D

PDaley & Steelshark: bad sky but I just needed to drop something in B)

Jimmy:100% version8 hand sculpted, I made about 10 different variations for the Roadkill(in showcase). Each one took about a day to build.

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These are great. I think it's working when I find myself saying, "oh, I'd like to live there!". There's a slight muddiness/murkiness to these renders but I'm sure you already know that so I'll go shhh now.


(The picture on the left reminds me of the joke - "I friend of mine has been stealing futons.... he's lying low for a bit." :rolleyes: )

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Thanks guys:

Sam... :) theyr'e just quick mockups to check material settings. I threw a skycast in for quick ambience(which is causing the murkiness because it's an inside setting) but I'll switch it to a "room light" setup before I render a final.

Room lights are a variation on a SkyCast where i create an action which moves the light around them room surfaces, while changing it's colour(if I have time). basically I use this 1 light to behave as multiple bounce lights.

Rodney...I occasionally run off to my kitchen to get accurate bench heights, and I called a furniture store to get the measurements of a double bed. for reference I flick through interior design and architectural magazines until something clicks, and then I do quick sketches. I don't need to redesign reality, and it would be cost prohibitive to design everything, so I maintain a fairly large library/ image morgue.

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and the exterior with a modified Jane model(thanks Jim) and treeZ's added.

I don't know why it's so washed out (total light is well under 100) but it's 1.30am(2.30 to my bodyclock because I haven't got over daylight saving :o( ) and I'm too tired to think straight. :blink:


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Well I discovered why it was so washed out, somehow scaling the lights caused them to go whacko. I actually almost doubled the previous light settings for this render(once I'd removed the scaling on the lights). Lot's of treeZ's and new fur foliage. Next is the grass, some stepping stones and lights, plus a bit more playing around with materials and lighting :D


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more interior decorating . and reed fencing was easy with fur.

This is great - I especially like the fur reed fencing - it's got a strong organic feel to it. I want to live there (though the lady perpetually suspended above the pool might get a bit annoying after a while....)

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  • 1 month later...

Nice models textures and settings and nice project too.


My critique is that the lighting looks like the buildings are under a cloudy sky even though the sky looks rather blue / Sunny. It gives a sort of sad feeling to the render even though the setting is rather happygoing. I think that adding a bright yellow sun and shifting the skylight toward bluish would help in bringing out the joy of livin in those buildings.

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Nice work, John! Looks like a fun project. Cozy looking little prefabs! I think your client will be very pleased with these illustrations.


My only suggestions (very minor):

1) Give the pool water at least a slight ripple. Looks a bit too much like (hard) glass.

2) I agree with Yves about needing just a touch of warmer light (not that I'm an expert by any stretch of the imagination!).


Great work! I hope I can make the brownstones in my tree animation look half as good. Great job of landscaping too...love the trees and plants!


Bill Gaylord

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  • 1 year later...

Pulled this project file out to render off some frames for my demo tape. It's a long render (2 hours a frame) but since my computer doesn't need sleep I figure it can take a week.

Tweaked the lighting a litttle since the last version (Thanks Yves & Bill)



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Where can you find the treez plugin that you used, cause it looked AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


really good work. i love it. it's great. :P ( i really only have nice things to say about it.)


Ohh, i also wanted to ask you, what kind of lighting setup did you use? it kind of looks like radiosity in some of those shots, but i don't know, it could go either way. :)

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Hi Guys, thanks for the comments.

Paul: they're standalone studios and granny flats. The main advantage is that they're cheap and can be built very easily by an average handyman.

David: which grass mat/panel? the tilable texture or the reed fence for the pool? If your after the grass it's one of a dozen or so I donated for the new cd, so it should be available for download. Let me know if it'snot and I'll post it.

Will:Thanks :)

Phnxpyre: TreeZ's available here.


The lighting is a keylight combined with a SkyCast spinning rig with two lights(shameless plug). Skycast

And a light inside the studio

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Either of the ground panels on the first and second tabs of this thread.

I love the texture (I love all your textures).





John, I searched the Extra CD and there is no category for textures.

Unless there is a later version than I have.

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David: I think they made it onto the program cd.

Tileable grass textures...free for use but not for redistribution. Enjoy....

For those of you who have version 12, there's a stack of my tilable textures in the images section.





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The illumination still looks like it is under a cloudy sky. I would suggest reducing the sky intensity and increasing the sun intensity first to get nice sunny-day shadow contrast first. Then, see if you need to increase the yellow/blue contast again. Also, that noisy shadow banding coming from the sky is disturbing. Set your skylight to cast 2 rays. Even with your skycast setup, that should help reduce those bandings.

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  • 4 months later...

A very "zen" office! I really like the concept!


I have to agree with Yves, (in your animation it really stands out) It looks as though it's about to rain... just a shower, mind you... but has a slightly gloomy look as though there are storm clouds behind the camera.

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