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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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After having rested and had some time to recover from the marathon of doing the "Stalled Trek" part, I am finally ready to get this webseries finished and up!


Having had considerable time to think about it, I've opted for making this first "season" three episodes instead of five. This based mostly on the fact that I think the audience will better appreciate waiting through three episodes than five.


The only real reasons to do it in five episodes are: 1) I get more episodes for my buck; 2) Episodes are shorter.


To be honest, I don't think the two minutes will be make or break.


Having looked at both alternatives, the segments end in much better spots with this configuration. For those of you who have seen "Stalled Trek: Amutt Time," the segments end up being:


1) Opening --> Fade out after the sickbay scenes


2) Bridge Scene-->McGruff's "Typical" Line.


3) T'Poodle's "Fight to the Death" Speech-->Ending


They work much better than the breaks I was having to make for the five-part version.


And hey, one of the big plusses when you're the guy doing everything is you are King and get to make your own calls. :-)


One of the things that got my engines going was working freelance a couple of days last week. There's nothing like being forced to do other people's work to get you excited about doing your own work again. :-)


During the downtime, I doodled some ideas for a new main set and for the exterior of the ship.


Spent a little bit of time modeling the latter. Probably going to add some windows and stuff, but thinking this basic shape/configuration.



  • 2 weeks later...
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Back with family to support my little brother while he's undergoing his chemo treatments. Couldn't bring my computer, but am able to write on my iPad, so I'm going over the scripts for the three episodes and polishing them up.


It occurred to me the other day to check on the original airdate of the Star Trek episode, "Amok Time" and by coincidence, September 15th is the 45th anniversary of that original airing. Now I've got a day to tentpole the whole thing around. I want to have everything up and online by that day and hopefully I can use it to get some stories on Star Trek blogs and podcasts.




Just recovered from Hodgekin's Disease myself. Port removed from my chest about a month ago.


It was about a year out of work all in all. Six months of Chemotherapy, a hospital visit in there (fevers) and three weeks of radiation for fun. :D


*HUGS* to your Brother. We'll say some prayers.


Thanks, guys!


Wow, I ddin't know that, Jody. He's doing the 6 months of chemo right now and they haven't made a decision about the radiation. The doctor says he is responding very well to treatment. He's only a month into treatment right now, but it's getting him down and we came out to try and cheer him up.


I'll definitely pass on your story. The more positives he can get, the better.


If he has Hodgekin's disease, they will most likely insist on a small series of radiation treatments as 'clean up' for the Chemotherapy. This is what they did for me. I was stage 2A "Bulky" before we got the biopsy back and other tests completed.


All in all, it was mainly a huge inconvenience for me as I could not work. Anyone in a desk job where they can rest, and are doing mostly meetings, reports, etc. can usually continue working. My work is more physical and also involves possible contact with rodent feces and other fun things. I was not allowed to take that chance because the Chemotherapy compromises your immune system.


The Chemotherapy went VERY well for me too, but they still insisted on three weeks of radiation to make sure it was all taken care of. I go back for a follow up PET/CT scan in October to verify my lungs are healed as well as the size of my lymph nodes has either not changed or gone down.


I have a video of one of my radiation treatments. (38Mb, too big to post) Under fifteen minutes from before getting on the table to after I get up. The 'static' in the video during the buzzing sound is the actual time of the radiation exposure. Mine was a "Stereo" treatment. One from the front (top) and one from the (back). Where the beams merge is the highest concentration of exposure. Also, they can 'shape' the beam now in the emitter area. Two hundred magnesium 'fingers' move in and out to shape the beam.


It was... all in all, uncomfortable at times. Irritating at times. But I had loved ones around me and my lovely bride to keep me smiling. NEVER loose that positive attitude. You WILL beat this. It has already been beaten, you're just not done beating it yet! :D



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Wow guys. My thoughts and prayers go out to you too!


Jody... what can I say except, "Keep up that positive attitude!"


Thanks, guys. He has non-Hodgekin's, thankfully. I think it's likely they will do the radiation, but he's hoping he doesn't have to. He's due for a PET scan sometime after tomorrow's treatment.


Day 1!


I've got 28 days to finish this webseries, so today starts the heavy lifting!


Working on set pieces today.


This is the new Isolation Chamber for Barry, the Earth Nerd. I think this will read better than the forcefields and also doesn't require me to do that extra work.




More progress.


Building out the set. Going more for a "viewing room" vibe than a bridge set. Going more cinematic and large. Much of this will likely never be seen, since most of it will be shot as close-ups of characters.




That's quite impressive. Perhaps that bin-thing on the left could be a talking-bin-thing. Looks like it has 2 eyes and a mouth, ever so eager to spout some Paunky pearls of snarkyness.


Thanks, Nancy!


Day 2!


Working my way around to the middle of the set and setting up cameras for "standard" shots I'm likely to do. Trying to construct and light the set so that I can keep the same lighting setup. Thinking of this a little like a 3-camera setup.






My thinking is that the monochromatic background will help the characters pop off more. The giant viewscreen is a bit tricky to work around, but I felt like it would make sense that Paunk would want to see it on a giant screen.




This view will only be used when cutting out of a segment and will quickly switch to a close-up of Paunk. The final part of the set is Pear OD-9000's alcove and will be interesting to develop. Pear OD-9000 is now an android and mobile.


I was really meaning that they both are take offs on the old horror host monster movie shows of the 50s and 60s, but the theater aspect is there, too.


One thing that's probably adding to the MST3K look is that I've been using old models as a kind of kitbashing for the decorations on the walls. Mostly the Jack Kirby-inspired ones that I made for Apeopolis.


A sidenote: Some of the Kirby art I looked at and aped included the designs Kirby did for Lord of Light that were used by the CIA in a plan to rescue some of the Americans from Iran during the Hostage drama in '79 that is being featured in the new movie, Argo. Michael "Red State" Parks is playing Kirby in the film.


Day 3!


Last night I decided to give the Pear OD-9000 a Captain Pike's chair/Robby the Robots vehicle body.



  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, Gene! I appreciate all of the support!


Well, I procrastinated and I'm under the gun. I have to work freelance this week, which means the only way I can get the first episode up on Saturday, Is to seriously burn the candles at both ends.


This project has been a crazy on since day one, so I'm going to go for it!


I've got all the models and sets finished and lighted. It's easy talking head animation, so it's possible. I've broken it down into 15 shots.


I've got to do a new opening title, too. Rendering and editing and designing a new website is going to be really tough. But hey, as Mr. Spock is fond of saying, I like to think that there always are possibilities.


Thanks, guys!


I tried getting ThinkGeek to carry the Stalled Trek DVDs, but they said they don't have any luck with DVDs and passed. On the bright side, they did say that Stalled Trek looked fantastic and wished they did have interest in DVDs.


This is symptomatic of what I'm finding. People seem to love it, but not want to buy it. At one show, I had a guy come to my table three times saying how this was going to be a huge success and how he knew a good idea when he saw one ...but didn't buy one. :-)


Gives me hope for the web series, but there's still the question of how to monetize it. I'm going to try putting up ads, but that will only be significant if it gets lots of views.

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Hang in there Mark. You've got what it takes to break into the big time. :)



Added: Just how does one deal with people that want the experience but don't want to buy-in? That is the question of the century.

Thanks, guys!


I tried getting ThinkGeek to carry the Stalled Trek DVDs, but they said they don't have any luck with DVDs and passed. On the bright side, they did say that Stalled Trek looked fantastic and wished they did have interest in DVDs.


This is symptomatic of what I'm finding. People seem to love it, but not want to buy it. At one show, I had a guy come to my table three times saying how this was going to be a huge success and how he knew a good idea when he saw one ...but didn't buy one. :-)


Gives me hope for the web series, but there's still the question of how to monetize it. I'm going to try putting up ads, but that will only be significant if it gets lots of views.


I have wondered if ad inserts into a short would be viable. You know something like "Oh no my space toilet is plugged" "Try ACME DECLOGGER for all your space toilet needs!" (character grins stupidly at the camera)


You joke, Paul, but just like old time radio and early tv, I think sponsors are the best and maybe only way to go. Get a corporate sponsor and let them pay for everything.

Well, I'll find out how the free model goes over. Maybe it will create more DVD sales.



Not to be a pessimist, but I wouldn't count on it. I think most fan productions of your nature pretty much only generate revenue via Youtube partnership and that sorta stuff, and even with that I don't expect it to be much. Now I do see straight up donations as something that people seem to be somewhat into. I follow this one production (The Danger Element) and though he will be selling DVDs, what he's done is ask straight up for donations and much like you did with kickstarter, has various giveaways for each level. (posters, DVDs etc). From what I can tell he's generated close to $8,000.


Also, I'm gonna admit, I'm biased to DVDs not being a great seller due to the fact that my dad worked for a CD/DVD store for 7 years ago 1.5 years ago, the whole chain shut down. It's not the only one either, the even bigger DVD/CD chains have been and are closing down. So that said, I personally think offering up DVDs as an option is all right, you might get a few blokes buy them but I wouldn't count on them being that big a revenue generator.


Also you might run into problems with CBS if you start selling them... just throwing that out there.


Sounds pretty pessimistic to me. :-)


I mildly gripe, but every time I've gotten a mention on a website or podcast, I've gotten sales, so I don't think it's as out there as you suggest.


Not to mention that the DVD is still the only way to see it in its entirety. The web series version will be broken up into parts and shown at angles on the viewscreen of the Paunk set.


I've no worries about anything from CBS. Stalled Trek: Amutt Time is a parody. If you want to read up on that, you can. Suffice it to say that I knew what I was doing when I did it.


I've been selling it for months now ...and if I was going to get a cease and desist, I'd have it already, since a senior VP at Paramount Pictures was one of the first people to receive a copy, having been one of my Kickstarter supporters. I know that one went straight to the lawyers. :-)


Although I might be a fan, this isn't a "fan production" or a fan film. That's a different animal and that is a case where you can't legally monetize it.


Well hey, at least you did your research! And that is good to hear that you can sell it!


Well maybe your format in and of itself will help then as it's not like "oh, I can just watch this whole thing online for free, why should I buy one?"

You joke, Paul, but just like old time radio and early tv, I think sponsors are the best and maybe only way to go. Get a corporate sponsor and let them pay for everything.


It is a business model that worked then so why not? Also, here's a thought sparked by Darkwing's comments. It is true that dvd's are a dying media, much like real paper based books (much to my old fashioned chagrin) are being made extinct by e-readers. But here's an idea....why not make a mobile game from the Paunk Show??? Find someone to create an iPhone, iPad, Droid, FaceBook, game of it. Sell it for 99 cents, make it free and do ad placement, etc. You may find that that is a faster path to financial success than a more traditional route. If you're interested, a gal I work with loves to make mobile game apps, almost for fun, I can put you in touch with her.


In truth, the mobile app path excites me more than anything else does. It's the trend, and your shorts are a perfect tie in. You have a growing following for them already, the games the next step. Think about it....


Or sell the animation as an app. Doesn't have to just be a game to be an app, just throwing that out there (probably a lame idea, I've never looked into it :P )

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I see the keynote speech at SIGGRAPH 2012 by Cory Doctorow covers the problem of copyright... and to a degree, monetizing the internet.


  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update.


My plan to get the first episode done by September 15th was scuttled when I was surprise called into a freelance job on the 5th of September and I'm still there over a month later. I've had to put a break on everything, but I think I'm almost free. I'm working Monday and maybe Tuesday, but I've had to remove my availability for the rest of next week to play catch up and get ready for another convention.


As part of such, I've decided to take an easier way out with the creation of a website for The Paunk! Show. I went with Squarespace because it's easy. I'm not crazy about the lack of ability to really design it the way I want to, but sometimes that's a black hole of time waste, so I'm just accepting that it's limited.


I'm going to use the site not only for the web series, but for occasional web comics, letting me do short snippets of parodies that I won't have time to do as full projects.


The new site: paunkshow.com I've already succeeded in getting stalledtrek.com forwarded to this site and I'm waiting for the change to propogate so that paunk.com will go there, too.

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