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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Abandoned Dragon

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That's the syndrome where the client can't decide where they want the six thousand pound desk so they want you to move it all over the room until they find a place they like it. :-)


Oh poo on them - this is a fun character - I LOVE THE SWEATER - great touch...


Perhaps this post might help for the next time?

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Thanks, everybody! I gotta' say you guys are making me feel much better. I was really bummed out by this.


Nancy, that "contract" is hilarious ...and painfully true! SO painfully true!


LOL, Ken, I had a similar thought. :-)


Al, I've always been hesitant to do a modeling tutorial because the way I do my modeling is the way I learned from Barry Zundel's training videos. So if I were to do a tutorial, I'd be ripping him off. 'Sides, I think he's better at explaining it than I would be. A lot of mine is still seat-of-the-pants, I-wonder-what-would-happen-if-I-did-this kind of stuff. :-) In fact, for this model I didn't draw any rotoscopes. I just kind of had an idea of what it would look like and drew out the front and side views with splines and went from there.

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