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Update. I tried making an eye decal myself and it turned out okay.


Most of the rigging for peach is already done. Everything but the eye poses.



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Which script are we using?


I'll be gone for a week and i'm leaving first thing tomorrow.


Here's the final rendering of peach. I'll send the model to nuns.




sorry, I've been um lazy lately. :blush:


I've added angry eyes to the bob-omb as well as a fuse lit material and a fuse burning pose. If you don't have another assignment, I'll make a short.

dude i told you man the bust(or chest or any other form of the word) isn't right...


take it easy cheezey, I'm sure no one wants to see an exact reproduction, or

expects one....

Which script are we using?


I'll be gone for a week and i'm leaving first thing tomorrow.


Here's the final rendering of peach. I'll send the model to nuns.





Very nice work Jequed!


You would usually only see his angry face when he lit his fuse.



I was going to try an animation but the ease/action transitions were stumping me. <_<


The only pose you don't see here makes the fuse get smaller over time.


Well, I finally got my laptop, and I am actually posting from it right now. I will start to catch back up on the castle and the log cabin room. I will talk to you all later!!!!


I'm getting my computer back (they came to deliver it but wasn't home, getting it tonight)


That means that I will model something. What do you want exactly?


A monster (be more specific)


A room?



does it have to be mario related?


Why aren't we juste taking the classic bowser?


also, all mario characters are "cute" even when evil so I'll try to deal with that...


Hey guys, was just searching for Koopa Force discussion, and came across this thread.


I'm Marc, the guy who did the Koopa Force trailer. I'm not as experienced in animation as I would like to be, and Koopa Force was only the second major thing I did... and the most recent, aside from continuing to play around in Hash.


I'm not sure if I can offer you guys much of anything, but if you'd like some of my n00b-level models, or some story ideas, I'll see if I can help. I'm in the planning process for other animation projects right now (based on video games of course!), so I'm not sure if I can really commit myself to being directly involved with this, but I'm completely obsessed with Mario games, and know everything about the universe. I was developing the story for Koopa Force for 3 years before I even showed a tiny glimpse of it in the trailer. It had long been my dream to make it into a full length animation, but of course, no one ever believes that such a thing ever gets finished. I'd love to see it happen, but right now it isn't a priority.


I'm sure I could learn a lot of things from you guys if I hang out with this project for a little while, regardless of how much I can actually contribute. I want to learn a lot about Hash and get better. So many things about it are still a mystery to me, and Koopa Force probably represents about all I know. After graduating from college, I've stayed around to work at the campus TV station... but it's just so dreadfully boring for me. I've realized that, even though I'm a video guy and that the "obvious" jobs are in TV, I just have no interest in it. I pretty much don't watch any TV anyway. I don't like the news, I like creative ideas, and seeing ideas come into motion. I'm hoping animation can be my ticket out of the "normal" work world and I can get into something on my own that I'm truly passionate about. Sadly, the way things are now, after a day of work, playing actual video games seems more appealing than playing with Hash. :P But at least I've got ideas in the works.


Anyhow, enough of my rambling, I'm just glad to see there's a group of people who want to make a Mario cartoon with Animation Master. I'll try to keep up with this thread from this point, and see what is created. If you think my experience with Koopa Force can provide some help to you in any area, I'll see what I can do!


Hey. Thats funny. We hadn't heard of Koopa force until about half way through our project. lol. Are you willing to donate a few models to us? That would be just fantastic if you could. We would be just thrilled to have you help us.


Yeah I can provide some models, though first I'd like to have the confidence that the story/animation/and such will be up to a certain standard. :D Maybe if some of the key people could show me their best work (not just still, but in motion too)... I hope I'm not sounding like a snob, because I feel highly inexperienced in animation, but giving up those character models isn't something I can do on a whim. I put a tremendous amount of time into Koopa Force.


Some of my models are a little limited, such as Yoshi, which is mostly just the head and neck, and only looks good pretty much from the front (I made him at the last minute, as as you can see, is barely in the trailer). Bowser is also modeled pretty much just sitting in his throne... he can't move as he is. But you probably don't want to use my bones anyway, because I couldn't rig the 2001 system's legs properly, so I made my own very basic leg bones. Princess Toadstool is probably the model I've gotten the least positive feedback on, and that's probably also because she was the first I made (her eyes can't move, so she looks... crazy). The Koopa Troopa was a huge problem for me, and I spent forever trying to get that dang beak right. I'm still not wholly satisfied with the beak, but it works. I made the Mario and Luigi models last, and I think it shows. I think they turned out the best. Though their mouths barely work at all.


I still don't know if I would just outright give the models away, I'd have to think about it, but I really think there needs to be more Mario fan animation out there, and it seems a lot of people here have been talking about this since January, so that really shows some long-term dedication. I think you guys will definitely get something done.


Yeah I've got Kamek (one of my all time favorite Mario characters). He's a little weird though, because it's basically my Koopa Troopa model, except I deleted the eyes. So unless you frame him up at just the right angle, you're going to see that his face sort of disappears behind his glasses. Maybe you can modify the model to fix that up. He also isn't really suited to riding a broom at the moment, if you planned to have him do that.


Actually, I suppose I'd be happy to let you see any of the models, provided you heavily modified them, to the point that they looked very different from the ones in Koopa Force. Or if you just used them as reference to help you along the way. (By the way, if you want some good references, just take a look at Super Smash Bros. Melee's trophies... it was an invaluable resource for me.) I just want Koopa Force to still look like its own unique thing, but I don't have a problem with you using my models as a starting point for a model that is changed up to fit your own style.


Take another look at Koopa Force and let me know if there are any particular models you'd like to see.


I was getting ready to start modelling bowser, I sure would love to start it by using your model. I would have to change him a bit to get proportions right but he looks good.


Also, our story needs work. Nuns, what is the actual version of it? maybe try4ce could take a look at it?


Hello, I'm back. I'm very glad Try4ce has noticed this thread. :D


i've tried writing some more of the script, so please make any changes that you want, and maybe we can incoorporate some unused models into it.


from the beginning...


(mario is jumping from one green pipe to another (he seems to have fun with his yohoo wa screams...) meanwhile, luigi is taking a journal and go toward the bathroom...We see mario jumping in another green pipe and he starts running in the pipe...We see luigi sitting on the toilet and opening the journal. Mario is still running. Camera closes up on luigi and, all of a sudden, we see his eye getting round...)


(luigi starts crying in pain and mario and luigi start making a bunch of screaming noises)


(a toad is washing his hands then turns around after hearing all the screams)


(the camera looks at the stall door as it shakes around and you can hear all the screams)


(there is a close up of toad as he looks at the stall, scared and puts his hands over his mouth)


(the toad runs and screams into the hall and tells another toad walking by: “mario and luigi are in trouble”)


(the other toad: “oh no! bowser must be back!”)(he screams in the hall: “BOWSER’S BACK”)


(all the toads start screaming and the halls fill up with toads running everywhere)


(mario and luigi finally get out of the stall and a toad is coming out of another stall holding its pants up running in a hurry)


(mario and luigi walk out into the hall looking confused and toadsworth along with peach come by)


Toadsworth- “master mario, master luigi, make sure no harm comes to the princess. Guard her with your life.” (toadsworth walks away)


(mario and luigi walk with the princess as the camera fades out)


(the camera fades into princess peach’s room where mario and luigi are playing cards and princess peach walks around, bored)


(peach walks to the window and looks out)


(mario and luigi are still playing cards and you can see princess peach staring out the window behind them, then the princess is mysteriously snatched up by an object from outside. Luigi looks back and sees that the princess is missing and shouts “mario”)


(mario grins down at his cards hmm-ing)


(luigi shouts again and mario turns around and looks out the window and yells “ahhhhh” after being so surprised)


(mario jumps out the window saying “lets a go”)


(luigi snags some card playing chips and follows mario out the window)


(mario lands safely out the window and starts walking away from the castle then you can hear luigi yell help and mario turns around and looks up)


(luigi’s overalls are caught on a pole hanging out from the castle, then he pauses and looks up and points outwards yelling “mario!!!”)


(mario turns around, looks up and yells “no!!!”)


(the mysterious monster is flying away with princess peach and mario chases after it)


(mario jumps on to ledge after ledge until he reaches a high spot to grab on to the monster)


(mario jumps on to the monster’s legs and hangs on and tries to kick his legs up, trying to hit the monster. Princess peach is reaching towards mario screaming “mario”)


(mario gets swung around a lot and finally gets shook off and falls towards the ground)


(meanwhile, a goomba walks by and looks up, then scoots to the side as mario hits the ground. A chalkboard lands next to him)


goomba- mathematically speaking, (points to chalkboard with stick) if exhibit A, tries to jump on a poor innocent goomba like me, his chances of hitting it are approximately 80% due the freaking 2D plain, he will either hit him exactly on, or be eaten by a freaking muffin.


(mario jumps past the goomba and continues on)


(the camera stays where the goomba is at, then luigi walks up asking the goomba a question in gibberish {it’s implied he is asking where mario is})


goomba- exhibit A traveled east (points where mario headed) at a height of whoa. whoa. (luigi runs past the goomba and bumps the chalkboard a little causing it to fall on top of goomba and squishing it)


(luigi catches up with mario. Mario is looking up, watching the mysterious creature fly away with princess peach in the distance. There is a pause and mario jumps past the ledge and continues on.)


(mario is in the first level of super mario bros. and hits the first question mark block with a mushroom in it and gets the mushroom, then he grows bigger. He continues to run.)


(luigi goes to the same question mark block {which is now just a blank block} and hits it but nothing happens. He hits it again and nothing happens. He looks up at the block and yells “no”.)


(mario continues on and goes up to another question mark block and gets a fire flower, and turns into firepower mario. He throws some fireballs at some goombas. Luigi comes by and says “oh, yeah”, thinking he’ll get a power-up. He hits the block and looks up at it and yells “mario”.)


(the camera fades from one scene to another, and the backgrounds change (grass, caves, desert, ice, etc.) as mario and luigi jump past enemies and use some team moves to get past obstacles. The last part of the group of scenes is mario flying with a raccoon suit on, towards the sunset, and luigi is hanging onto his legs, then the flying ability wears off {sound effect} and they scream a little, then after shortly falling, mario waves the raccoon tail a little and slowly descends.(camera fades to black.))


still needs more...


It's going to need to be multiple episodes, but we still need to add more to this one. We won't find out who the villains are until part 2.


It's not a bad start. Though I'm a little confused as to how you get from the bathroom gag to the traditional Princess-is-capture storyline. I could be reading into it wrong, but it sounds to me like the alarm over there being a problem (the Princess being in danger) arises from the fact that there was a commotion in the bathroom. I don't see how a false alarm then becomes a real problem where she is kidnapped. My suggestion would either be to make a whole short story based around the pipe/toilet joke, or to cut it unless it can be made to fit into the rest of the save-the-Princess story. There needs to be a stronger connection, but I really think it's a decent start.


If you want to take a look at my models, my AIM is Try4ceCubed, and I can send you some files.


You're completely right. I think i'll change the whole false alarm thing. This might work:


(the toad runs into the hall and tells toadsworth along with peach "mario and luigi are in trouble" (points to bathroom))


(toadsworth walks into the bathroom and then mario and luigi fall out of the stall)


(toadsworth stands beside them and looks down at them)


toadsworth- "what on earth were you two doing in there?"


(mario and luigi stand up and start talking gibberish)


toadsworth- "alright, could you guard the princess for a while."


(mario and luigi nod their heads.)


(toadsworth walks into another stall mumbling.)


(mario and luigi walk towards the door and open it as the camera fades to black.)


(the camera fades into princess peach’s room where mario and luigi are playing cards and princess peach walks around, bored)


We did this awhile back where we made a list of what is done and what needs to be done, so this is what we have so far:


Probably missing some things...







Princess peach










Goomba & chalkboard area







Mysterious creature



Hallway in castle

Princess peach’s room

Areas in the first level in super mario bros.

(grass, caves, desert, ice, etc.) themed levels


I had a great Idea guys. I think somewhere throughout the film, each of our faces should be somewhere. like maybe on a playing card, or a picture on the wall, a wanted poster, etc. Sound like a good idea?


Okay, but i'd rather just have my name on something.


...and for the characters, we'll have to have walk cycles for all of them and run cycles too, for mario and luigi.


Edit: could i start working on princess peach's room?


try4ce, did u get my pm?


I gave you my email adress so you can, if you want to, send me your bowser model


Yeah I just sent a reply. Sorry I hadn't been keeping up, but since the PM sent an alert to my e-mail I remembered to check it out. I'm at work now but I'll send it when I get a chance. Do you want any textures with it, or just the model file? I'm sure you all are much better at making your own textures. Besides, off the top of my head, I believe the only textures on Bowser's model are his nostrils and eyeballs. Oh, well, I guess I do have a texture for his belly, and I can't remember if there is one where his arms come out of his shell (I know I used those on the Koopa Troopa). You probably want actual holes, but that was too hard for me to model at the time haha. They probably don't fit in with your styles. He's also a somewhat "incomplete" model, as I only really needed him to be sitting down in Koopa Force, so if you need him to be walking, you're gonna have to do a major overhaul on his legs and lower body.


Actually, I never used materials, I only model things


and it's fine, I only want a base model to start faster.

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