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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Full scenes aren't something that i can do often, due to school and things like that any time i try to start something i normally end up ending it. this time i plan to finish it, so I'm starting out pretty simple. I'm using animation:master and made the models pretty quick starting out with the arm chair and making the other chairs from that model, the table i had already modeled a while back. then i found some textures on the net for the floor and walls which i used as bump maps. it should be obvious that this is a test render just using one klieg(spot) light. the painting on the wall(if your wondering) is a Vincent Van Gogh painting(can you guess what it is?). i might change the wall and floor texture and i will add a lamp in the room. I'll also be adding glass bowls,framed pictures, remotes, etc. after I'm done with texturing and I'm 100% satisfied with the look of the room I'll do an actual final render and an actual lighting setup. any suggestions and comments are appreciated...also any links to textures would help too.





newest render on page 2!!!!

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Hey Ultimate shouting goofy guy - This is a terrific start! I was going to suggest a lamp but then I re-read your post. what case said about the window is definitely something you should look at.


Here's a couple of things that caught my eye: That crackling texture in some of the floor tiles is really working, and i assume you're going to carry it through the whole floor. The rug is a little on the traditional side for the modern style of the rest of the room. Maybe something a little more modern, but that's strictly a judgement call. I'm not crazy about the frame on the painting, either a different texture or more detail in the moulding maybe, not sure what it needs. I really like the style of the table. something about the design of the couch makes it not as cozy or inviting-looking as it could be. Maybe it just needs more front-to-back depth, or more roundness in the cushions.


So much for my maybe-a-little-of-this-or-that-maybe-not critique. Hope it helps!




yeah actualy theres no window any more its a patio glass door now with blinds over it. and im changing the floor to hard wood, and the picture frame IS going to be changed cause i thought it was horrible too. i fixed up the temporary lighting a bit and i'll post a render later today or tomorrow. does anyone have any problems with the walls?


There seems to be a bit of a visible pattern in the corner of the walls. I think it may depend on the lighting as to whether it will be visible or not.


Could be just the angle the render was done at, but the couch does look a bit narrow (back to front wise).


Looking good, tweak, tweak, tweak!


just my 2 cents




heres the new render! i added a lamp fixed up the lighting so that its more appealing though its still temporary. changes the floor texture and remove the window, i also changed the look of the chairs a bit too. the lamp i'm not sure what color it should be yet. i know the frame isn't fixed yet but i tested the wood texture and it now matches the floor, i did the same with the blinds boarder. i'm also looking for a different carpet texture to use...it just doesn't do it for me...


hope you like it so far...




In my opinion the red furniture is way too vibrant. It seems to be almost completely 255 red. Most things arn't made that way. Maybe try experimenting with textures to please the eye a bit more.


The scene itself is well setup, but it looks sort of ... crooked.


Keep it up,




I think what is causing the "crooked" appearance, is that the back corner is not straight up and down, niether is the lamp post. It leans a little to the right at the top. You might check your camera angulation. While the horizon lines of the Floor and ceiling will angle in a picture, the verticals usually do not deviate. There are cases where they do, but in this case I wouldn't expect it.


If you are going for a wood floor look, the width of the boards looks overly large IMHO. size it about the same as the picture frame, give or take a little.




heres a new render fixing the chair color and the cameras angle, it turns out it was rotated at about 3 degrees. i also think i found a good color for the lamp too. i'll see what the smaller boards look like and get to work on that couch...



I think the table texture is good, but as you darken all the other colors, it's looking a little orange. Keep the texture but adjust the colors to tone it back a bit.


lol i did the opposite :D , heres the new render with some new stuff. i finaly fixed that picture frame and added a plant, i also did a few unseen changes as well.


now i need to fix up the couches and add stuff on the tables...



This scene is turning out great.

The seats have the feel of realistic color.


I wondering if the thing that will make the table fit into the scene is right now it doesn't seem to be casting shadows on the floor, so it appears to be floating.


Maybe make some adjustments with those things and see what happens.

Oh, be sure to save out a seperate version of your files in an archive before you do that.


If you're going to use Radiosity, you will need a ceiling. Most rooms have a white cieling RGB(228, 226, 220).


The colors are getting pretty dark, especially the floor. For your scene, you probably wont even need radiosity, because the changes wouldn't be that great. That's not to say there wouldn't be changes; they just wouldn't be as predominate as if you were using lighter colors.


lol there is a ceiling lol, its just hard to see cause i don't have a light up there :P . and nyah the carpet is risen which is why the table looks like its floating...i'll see what i can do. also i kinda like it getting dark, when i see my living room the room isn't exactly bright, and when it is bright its not pleasant. and also as i said the lighting here is just so every things illuminated and to give some what a sense of what the final picture will look like. the final pictures light sources will be from the lamp and the out side...



EDIT: does anyone think theres a problem with the tree?


yeah, the final render will be more dynamic than this. ever since my art craze which has lasted for the last several months I've been into the wow factor, which is also involved with lights. also if you don't know what the wow factor is, its something i made up. basically it my practices of making drawings or renders that make you say "wow..." weither its the sense of motion, the explosion,to something impossible or to the look of something unimaginable...or even the look of something simple... :)

Full scenes aren't something that i can do often, due to school and things like that any time i try to start something i normally end up ending it. this time i plan to finish it, so I'm starting out pretty simple. I'm using animation:master and made the models pretty quick starting out with the arm chair and making the other chairs from that model, the table i had already modeled a while back. then i found some textures on the net for the floor and walls which i used as bump maps. it should be obvious that this is a test render just using one klieg(spot) light. the painting on the wall(if your wondering) is a Vincent Van Gogh painting(can you guess what it is?). i might change the wall and floor texture and i will add a lamp in the room. I'll also be adding glass bowls,framed pictures, remotes, etc. after I'm done with texturing and I'm 100% satisfied with the look of the room I'll do an actual final render and an actual lighting setup. any suggestions and comments are appreciated...also any links to textures would help too.





Black!!!! looks awesome!!!!


Great job man!!

lol i did the opposite :D , heres the new render with some new stuff. i finaly fixed that picture frame and added a plant, i also did a few unseen changes as well.


now i need to fix up the couches and add stuff on the tables...



OK now you REALLY are going all out. You did it. You made me say WOW!!!


Great JOB!!!!!!!!

  • 1 month later...

ok i did a render, since my focus from here on out is rendering i decided not to change the couches yet. with this render i went for a diffrent lighting setup than before and actually used radiosity this time. it was around a 13 hour render O_O! but i'm satisfied. i recently discovered that you don't have to render the whole scene to see if the settings worked. you can use the raytracer in the choreography, just right click and hit calculate radiosity first, then use the raytracer(green render icon). you get a low res render which is good enough to tell if the final render will turn out ok. but theres only one problem with this render thats obvious...the tree..theres a whole lot of white dots on the tree and i don't know why.....does any one else know? should i post my settings?



heres the image, like it?




and heres a test radiosity render i did before a began this render.


no color




with some color




Great work Mage!


Have you ever seen the TV show "Moonlighting"? This scene reminds me of it, especially the way you have it lit now. I would imagine this as a night scene (maybe I'm wrong) about 20 stories up. You've got the cool blinds casting shadows on the wall, I like that a lot...but just as a personal choice, I would make them horizontal...for the film noir kind of look. Also, if you added strings between them, it would make them more believeable. I like the simplicity in the furniture, that looks good. As far as the lighting itself goes I have a few suggestions:


Try lighting the scene without radiosity...set it up with spotlights and some soft shadows...eyeball where the light would bounce. This would give you more control over the outcome.


As this does look like a night scene, I would suggest using multiple outside yellowish lights, at different heights and locations--and then throw in some blue for a night sky.


I hope you can get something out of this :D Great work!




WHen you render with radiosity. always add a gamma correction of 2.2 to your final render. That will add the same color correction as on digital photos.


ok cool yves, i didn't know that, i'll try it.


and jimmy in post number 18(and any post be for the last post i made) is just plain lighting, no radiosity. i'm a pretty good non radiosity renderer. the "nobodies home" render i did was the only radiosity one. lol did the last renders i did look like i used radiosity? if thats the case then i've done my job ;).

and jimmy in post number 18(and any post be for the last post i made) is just plain lighting, no radiosity. i'm a pretty good non radiosity renderer. the "nobodies home" render i did was the only radiosity one. lol did the last renders i did look like i used radiosity? if thats the case then i've done my job ;).


Hmm...okay, I was only talking about that last one, you used radiosity on that one, right? Maybe I'm a little confused...well, I'm always a LITTLE confused, but maybe I'm REALLY confused :D





your white render look a little jagged, you should try turning jitter to full. I think with all my original private testing, full jitter didn't take all that much render time than with it at a very low level, but it smooths everything out incredibly. the jaggedness might also come from the radiosity "spots" being to small or not overlapping other spots enough; that can be corrected by increasing the sample size

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