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Ok, so... Humans aren't my modeling forte. ;) Actually, modelling isn't my forte period. :P But, I have a character, and I know his personality quite well, so the trick is getting him on screen. :)


His name is Peanut Butter. Don't knock it, my little bro named him. :P He IS modelled after a real teddy bear we have (hence, the personality). This is my first real model, and he needs a bit of work still. (With school and TWO, I haven't had a lot of time to spend on him.) Take a look and tell me what you think.


The biggest thing that I've had to fight with is hair. :blink: Too much hair, and it won't render (and takes forever to render). Too little, and it doesn't look right.


Just a note, the muzzle is actually how I want it. The real bear doesn't have those sharp lines, but I've come to appreciate those. :) (Oh, and he doesn't talk, as he has no mouth. It's all in the facial features... Which I've yet to figure out how to rig. :huh: )


(The ears are free floating... I haven't gotten up the nerve to stitch them in.)







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i think you did a very good job on this, and you say modeling isn't something your good at.....


lol it would be cool so see him a a scene. he dosn't have ot be in action, just something like him laying on a bed or something. it would be a great chance to improve on posing, lighting, and modeling(as in the bed and/or the backgorund). try it...id be looking very forward to it if you do.

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i think you did a very good job on this, and you say modeling isn't something your good at.....


This is version 2.2. About 6 times of total deletion and recreation. This was the first that I got up the nerve to actually stitch together. :)


Thank you for the encouragement, though. I'd still be interested any spline optimization y'all have. :)

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He's very cute.


Have you tried using hooks instead of dead-ending the splines? This would mean that you have a few less 5 pointers.


I tried making a dog, that had the same nose spline problem - I ended up with a spline running around the end of the muzzle, and 3 point patches at the corners.

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He's very cute.


Have you tried using hooks instead of dead-ending the splines? This would mean that you have a few less 5 pointers.


I tried making a dog, that had the same nose spline problem - I ended up with a spline running around the end of the muzzle, and 3 point patches at the corners.


Hooks and I don't get along terribly well. Neither do 5 pointers. (Especially with the hair. :shock:)


But, I'm willing to try anything! :D


*Makes backup* ;)

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You could just try it on the end of one of the feet - looking at the furred picture, there's something happening there, and I can't see the splines well. But I haven't had experience of fur and odd patches, so let us know how it turns out!


Ahh! Yes, the feet and paws have that. That's a remain from the first rev's paws. That's further down on my todo list.


Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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Ok, so, here's what's up. I have the fur/hair settings as shown in the screenshot below. However, when I render it in front of a force, it... Doesn't blow around like fur should. I've put some SimCloth behind him so you can see what the force is doing. SOME of the fur moves around (look at the top). Sorry for the reduced fur count. I didn't feel like waiting a week for it to do a full render. ;)


All help is appreciated! :D



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i think you did a very good job on this, and you say modeling isn't something your good at.....


This is version 2.2. About 6 times of total deletion and recreation. This was the first that I got up the nerve to actually stitch together. :)


Thank you for the encouragement, though. I'd still be interested any spline optimization y'all have. :)


so... when i first started modeling i made a head around that many times before i was finally satisfied. the worst part was i never got to do the body, my mom doesn't like me modeling(or drawing) female characters....

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the angle limit.... put it back to 90 degrees. And plus your hair isn't that long, also turn object collisions on.





Object collisions was it! I figured I could cut some calculation time by turning it off, but I didn't know it had anything to do with forces! Thank you SO much! :D

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the angle limit.... put it back to 90 degrees. And plus your hair isn't that long, also turn object collisions on.





Object collisions was it! I figured I could cut some calculation time by turning it off, but I didn't know it had anything to do with forces! Thank you SO much! :D



lol you give me to much credit lol....btw i know what you mean by calculation time. what you need to do is turn off hair when your not rendering, never make changes or move the frames with hair on. turn it on only when your moving frames in a positive direction never backwards. type in frames if necessary. these will stop the annoying long calculating.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so, as I'm not sure what's going to go where in my life yet, I'm not committing to more TWO work (yet). But, I've become addicted to working with A:M, so I pulled PB out, as well as V14 A5. I just HAD to get my paws on the new hair material and shader. :) I was quite shocked, to put it mildly. I was getting in v13 error after error about the render failing because it ran out of memory to render the fur. Plus, the renders were taking hours per frame, for an estimated 8,000 hairs. :shock: Now, with v14, I'm rendering at an estimated 100,000 pieces of hair in 11 minutes! That just ROCKS!


Here's the latest. :)


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Wow, Daniel - Peanut Butter looks fantastic! And the model with that much hair rendered in 11 minutes? Hmmmm...I may indeed have to upgrade to v.14. I remember doing the Wookie tut and it took FOREVER to render that bloody Wookie fur (but it looked great when it was done :D). I really dig PB - beautiful job. I'd love to see him in a room, sitting on a bed or a chair, perhaps with some diffused sunlight coming in through a window.....marvelous.


- Michael

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Michael, your post made me smile... But... As you mentioned each additional thing, I'm imagining the render time rising! :shock: ;)


But I can definitely picture it!


I wanted to see the effect of a multipass... Here's 16X softened. 1080i res. Total render time 1:14 hours.


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I should have been more specific. If the squetch rig installation would work with v14. Which, you may say does, and may very well be right. I'm still researching that move. :)


Ok, I've been playing around with it a bit. V13's rig certainly opens in v14, and the plug-ins seem to work. Now I just need to find time to watch the whole tutorial... Yeah... That'll be a while.. :)

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So, I finally came up with a way to really tax the render system. :D;) I wanted to do an overnight render, so, with a nice pose, a wind force, and 100,000 hairs at 9 pass, no soften, this is what I got. (Sorry, I wanted to see it high res, so it's 1280X720.)




Now, that was pretty awesome to me, but the wind needs work. Anyone know of an expression formula for wind amplitude? :D

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Ok, PB's setting off on his first film adventure... But I need some thoughts on it technically do-hickies...


How would people suggest tackling footprints/depressions in a sand ground? And the foot prints are going to stick around... For a while. Through many "scenes". Any thoughts?

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Thanks Caroline. That tutorial should do in the worst case. While searching this up, I saw this thread: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...mp;hl=footprint

I wish that plug-in was 1) available, 2) worked in v13/14.


Oh well. I'm going to really want an automated method, so I think I'll play around with it a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PB is so cute! Sorry, couldn't resist. Looks good. My only comments on the lighting: I like the deep blue you've got on the stones, the ground, the tent and the rock. But why isn't that light also on PB? He almost looks like he was pasted in. It's kind of strange. He's only orange.


Just my two cents. Otherwise, I love it! Now add trees to the bg and flames to the fire (and some roasting marshmallows) and you've got a camping scene! :D.


- Michael

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Nice render Daniel! I like the composition. Mountains always seem steep and slippery to me and I think you've made this more exaggerated with the tilt in the camera. As far as lighting goes, I would add a backlight on PB's right side to seperate him more from the background--the moon maybe?



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i like the lighting, i would recommend more sky illumination on him(a blue light). also one thing you could try is having a specularity only light on PB(which stands for poo bear right?) to increase highlights. some times making it high intensity will help in the look.you have to turn everything off but specularity.

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