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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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i have an idea...in stead of modeling from an old castle reference how about re-invent the castle,you know...show that we can be creative. i can probably come up with something. I'm good at drawing so i could make a front, side, and angled drawing of the castle. normally when people make remakes that add some stuff of there own, or make something suit the present day style. i'm not saying make something complicated, just modern...we don't have to make every thing look exactly like the old stuff. for instance this guys modeling the ninja turtle in a whole new way!




it doesn't take away from the ninja turtle feel, it make you say man thats awesome! you wouldn't really say that if he just modeled from an old ninja turtle image...


EDIT: this page has renders



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we never said to stop working on the castle.... just to SPICE it up with creativity.. we dont want a complete remake.. make it our own... make it ORIGNAL


not like wierd just modernize it and give it some of "you" in it

lets see what you can do

so do you guys not want me to work on the castle anymore???

I would probably prefer the original castle but I want to see what blackmage has in mind.


And, even if we don't change the general design, you would require a lot of modifications to make the castle look like the actual one so just hold a few hours and, as soon as we know where we are hedding, you could modify the castle you started to make it look like one of these 2 designs.


I can't believe you guys are already at 61 pages, haha. Do you have a place where you are keeping all the WIPs you are doing?

hmm. I see where you are coming from Heath. would you mind whipping us up a layout that you think will work better? I use dreamweaver... so yeah. thanks. Always good to have constructive crit. :D


Alright, I am making a website for my animations, http://uberanimator.com/ . The layout it has right now is what I like to call a bare bones layout. It has all the declensions set, but basic images. I will be able to change the images as I see fit. I use black dividers to separate major features (banner, navigation, background) and then I use different colors to suggest a boarder for the side sections. Notice I NEVER use white (except for the images I will replace at a later time with non white ones). I can't afford Dreamweaver so I use Nvu, it is a lot like it, but you need to know some HTML to use it properly, and it doesn't have templates that I know of :(. I spent the last few hours on the site so I have to hit the sack.

About the castle:


Why don't you model windows and flags? It would look a lot better than decals


Here is a picture of what I was saying about the 4 towers that aren't like the actual castle




take this into consider ration. that castle is old, back then low polygons were required in those games. back then they couldn't make castle pillars that were actually round. you have to think of what they had in mind back then.


also i'm scaning the first concept drawing, its decent but i think it could be better you'll see what I'm saying in a few mins...


ok here it is, but i'm not satisfied with it. to tell the truth i haven't designed a fantasy building in months. i just need to get used to the water thats all. its a start but not final. first off i don't like the main building being square, the pillars I'm ok with. second i was trying to figure out were the color glass of princes peach should go...it has some work to do but it WILL look better next go around. also i wanted to keep the classic moat around the castle too.


what i had in mind when i did this was "mushroom kingdom"


EDIT: the ring around the tallest pillar is supposed to look like a sun. that tower is also were the castle thrown room should be.



the black_mage for some reason this building is good btw but when i look at this drawing it reminds me of a factory/school building i don't know why


same here Tanman... it looks as though it is Peach Industries not her castle....


but i like the idea....


and can we update a list of what people are making and what needs to be done...


like i said i am not satisfied with it. i noticed it didn't look much like a castle, that why i didn't like it. i know how to make it more castle like and i'll do it after i finish some chores i gotta do...


also do you guys think the angel winds were a good idea? i figured it adds to the peaceful effect. and if you gonna say"i don't know how to make angel wings!!!" i've done wings before and i can make it.


hmm. that has php doesn't it. My server does not take php for some strange reason. also. the layout is a bit to simple. I will just find another nice layout. I just bought about 3000 layouts off ebay


erm. I dont mean to be mean, just some constructive crit., ok? but, It does look like a corporate office. I would rather it look more like a copy of peaches original castle in super mario 64.


Why do you guys use such things as Dreamweaver or Nvu. Making a web site is 1 of the first things I learned to do on a computer and it is damn simple.


ok i have an idea how about every one give one word(only one, no descriptions) on what you think the castle should look like, that way i can have a good idea on what everyone wants then draw it up. normally when i do this in school everyone is satisfied with th results.


nuns, i under stand you want the classic look but you gotta understand that-that was then, Nintendo was limited back then there wasn't much they could do with the castle(due to the console). but we are limitless!!! we can make a castle worthy of todays technology. but i'll respect your feelings and make it modernly classic(which is possible).


I think the castle should stay polygonal because its always been that way even in ssbm. Having curved towers would just not look right.


To put that in one word:



I think the castle should stay polygonal because its always been that way even in ssbm. Having curved towers would just not look right.


To put that in one word:



my problem with that is that the newer castles weren't polygonal, if you look at cover images and concept work, there are many versions of the castle. in super smash bros melee they remade the castle for a stage. the keep the original look with some fancy add ons to it. in this case there was no reason to make a new one, Nintendo made that remake for enjoyment. but if they made a new game with peaces castle it would suite modern technology....




but my word is my word...I'll incorporate polygonal in there someway with out sacrificing a moderated look...


BTW: i like ELEGANT that will do. any others?


oh i forgot to add my word, i'm thinking....MAGICAL


so sofar we have:






whats next :)


BTW:i have a good idea for the polygonal part, i think you'll like it...


Great this is coming along nicely, looks like a PRINCESS lives there got it




POLYGONAL in some areas

And feels like a PRINCESS lives there


tell me if i have what you had in mind wrong.


hey nuns i know you wanna add the words CLASSICAL ;) what you say is what I'll add, k?



any thing else, anyone can suggest a word.




POLYGONAL in some areas

And feels like a PRINCESS lives there

And completely EYE-CATCHING!


i'll get started on a new one during school today, feel free to add more words if this one doesn't turn out right, i'd like for every one to be satisfied...


well its not done yet, I've been doing allot of thinking and finally have the shape i want. the thing that i can't seem to get right is the entrance. what I'm going right now is the castle, and theres also a gate around the castle as well(that i haven't done yet.). i just cant figure out a good door...


so far i have polygonal incorporated as the castles primary shape.

elegance has yet to be incorporated but i'm working on it.

it keep the classical look by having the colored glass of princess peach on it.

Its magical by some feature that i wont mention until i finish it.

its maintaining a princes look.


i'll post it when i'm done....

same here Tanman... it looks as though it is Peach Industries not her castle....


but i like the idea....


and can we update a list of what people are making and what needs to be done...


nuns can you make a list of stuff needed... i would like to do some stuff

The door could be star shaped or mushroom shaped.

take a look at what I was thinking




well i was thinking the elegance part in the door...the entry way is the shape of a mushroom, but the door doesn't look right the same...


classical is a good one. lol! Thats probably what I would have said. lol. actually. mine is 8 bit. lol. oh the good days


8-bit? you serious? like the castles in the first super Mario game? well i was thinking of having painted glass on diffrent sides of the castle, but i wasn't sure of what, stuff from the old Mario games is a good idea....


also i would like to know what textures are planned for the castle, and what it will be used for. that way i can plan it out better...


i am withdrawing from this project for reasons unknown

dont worry bout me... i can find better things to do anyways


dont bother trying to get me back


sorry and bye,



geeze guys. I am really sorry. Most of the modeling is done,(besides whats being worked on). and we will start animating once mario and luigi are fully rigged. I will talk to you tonight tanman.


and sorry you have to leave tot.


yeah things are a bit at a stalemate....how about you keep us interested by pming us what your plans are. that way we'll be hyped about it too.i'll finish that castle today too. i'm not gonna quit because while i'm doing this i do other things as well, i devote any other time i have to this. maybe the others should do the same until their given another assignment...this will help you improve and be ready for what ever nuns gives us next.k?


i dont know why yall thought it was because of the lack of things i got to do...


i have a different reason so stop yapping about it and get over it.


dude you sound pissed to me for some reason....


ok well stop yapping about it. also i'm dong some finishing touches on the castle, and since over here its spring break i'll be on more often...


i wasnt really derecting it towards you.. just letting yall know that it aint the reason i left.... and yapping did sound kinda harsh... my bad.. didnt mean too...




Caleb, Please dont be crabby. If you dont want to work on the project any more thats fine. Its your loss. I still wish you wanted to, but it seems you have made up your mind. You are welcomed back whenever. :D

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