Leo73 Posted March 23, 2006 Posted March 23, 2006 Welcome Michael. AM is a great product. I had the same trouble that you are having when I first started using AM. I was trained in Maya and 3D Max and I found that I kept trying to do things in Hash that I would in those programs. I found that I had to stay patient and though the steps and terminology might be different, in the end I was and am getting the same results without all the hassle of using complex menus and such. Again welcome and have fun Leo Quote
Admin Rodney Posted March 24, 2006 Author Admin Posted March 24, 2006 Michael, Let me say this... You are joining the Animation:Master Community at an opportune time. Not only is Animation:Master at its peak in terms of performance, features, price and support but the A:M Community is involved in a host of projects that provide a rewarding and accelerated learning opportunity for everyone with an interest. Everyone is busy these days. The fact that you've searched out and selected A:M tells me a lot about you. It sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy but I hope you'll find time to get involved here in the forum. You can gain insight into A:M from community projects like 'The Tin Woodsman of Oz' movie. Closely related to your current work you'll find the community has recently launched a TWO related game to complement the movie. With your background and experience I know you'd be a welcome addition to either team in any capacity. You said: Quote I'm an actor and singer and relish the idea of mixing those talents with animation. I love doing cartoon and character voice overs and will be in heaven as I learn to combine all these elements together. You definitely should get involved in TWO. Even though you are sure to see a lot of TWO related projects in the future that isn't all there is to do in the forum. To get new users up to speed quickly there is the manual; The Art of Animation:Master (TAoAM). The exercises coupled with free online video and live assistance from others in the forum is a great way to learn the basics while meeting other up and coming animators, modelers and technical directors. Looking beyond the manual you can expand into the Animation BootCamp (ABC) which provides a thorough path toward mastery of 3D animation and technique. ABC walks animators through the creation of a Demo Reel demonstrating the 12 Principles of Animation and beyond! Its hard work but really rewarding. I highly recommend it. As Hash Inc has often stated; people are Animation:Master's greatest asset. The community is a great place to collaborate with others. For those apt to teach there are opportunities to take what you learn to the next level through teaching. There is a Mentoring program (now operating within the TWO project) and the Tutorials forum is relatively new but is finally starting to take shape. With new technology like Wikis and A:M's collaboration features the time has never been better to get involved with other artists. What you learn working with others can help make your own projects a reality. Not enough you say? There are contests to enter (both still imagery and animation) or you start a Work in Progress (WIP) and get critique and commentary on your work. There is the Extra CD project, the Hash Fellows, Software development and programming and more. Even if you just want to sit back and enjoy... there is always something fun going on in the forum. Welcome to the A:M Community. It's great to have you with us. Rodney Quote
Rogue66 Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 *Peaking through door,,,,,,Throwing hat in,,,,,,* LOL Heya A:M SuperGroup! Been along time. Survived Hurrican Season 2005 *and Mardi Gras 2006 lol* I'MMMMM BACKKKKKKK. Got CanCan eh hem,, in the can LOL , oh and actually SAVED it correctly,,, and wooohooo found it again! Moving right along the exercises. Hey do we still get a Certificate or something??? Me and that Silly Waboose (Rabbit) are about to have a go at it again LOL hhmmm bet I can get em into some Yoga positions LOL Mr rodney Sir, I hope you remember me, but hey, if not thats ok. At least I remember how to save a screen shot this time right outa the starting gate See,, I DID learn something *that I actually remembered too** Just skimming through the Art of, looks like there are some really cool new goodies just awaiting the touch of a key, and the click of a mouse. Uh Oh, I feel the Mad Scientist personality happnin LOL. Uhhh, do we still supposed to post the exercises? Or are ya just ummm,, taking our Scouts Honor for it?? Oh yeah, if we do post, is it on another topic thread? Cause I didn't see any on this one,, I don't think I did,,, I may be wrong tho,,, oh anyway, GREAT to be back Quote
Admin Rodney Posted March 28, 2006 Author Admin Posted March 28, 2006 Quote Mr rodney Sir, I hope you remember me, I most certainly do. Its great to have you back! Quote
Christian Posted March 30, 2006 Posted March 30, 2006 Hi there Am community, I guess this would be a re-introduction for maybe one or two people. my names Christian. I was using AM about 4 years ago. Im from Brisbane, but right now Im teaching english in Japan, and trying to complete my own animation on the side using AM. Anyway, Im looking forward to meeting you all. Christian Quote
Leo73 Posted March 30, 2006 Posted March 30, 2006 Christian, Welcome or welcome back. It's always nice to see people come back. Looking forward to seeing your animation that you are working on. Good luck with it, Leo Quote
Christian Posted March 31, 2006 Posted March 31, 2006 Thanks mate, and I will take heed of Yoda`s words. Try, I will not, but do.. -Christian Quote
steff Posted April 2, 2006 Posted April 2, 2006 hi all i just bought the v12 a:m version and i'm waiting Fedex for it because well my question is coming: is there any french people from Lyon , center of france on this forum ? because if they exist and could give me not lessons but advices about beginning with the software well it would be great ! and to share too because i make 2d animation since 1998. can i put my website for them ? well admin will decide steff webpage p.s: i wait for contacts all other the world too. c ya all best regards to all steff from froggie's land Quote
Admin Rodney Posted April 2, 2006 Author Admin Posted April 2, 2006 Christian said (among other things) Quote right now Im teaching english in Japan Welcome back you lucky dog you! If you get a chance you should look up some of our illustrious Japanese friends in that part of the A:M Community. You don't have to teach them english... animation is a universal language. I think Shao Guee's Haruwo topic has been removed from the forum but if you haven't seen his short its a treat. Haruwo - by ShaoGuee BTW - I wish *I* was in Japan teaching english. Several other A:M Users have or still are doing the same. Mike Stamm (Luckbat) for instance! Steff! Great to have you in the community on the other side of us. I like your animation style. It really reminds me of that independent animation that keeps pressing the artform. I can see you'll go far with Animation:Master. Best, Rodney Quote
steff Posted April 2, 2006 Posted April 2, 2006 Quote Steff! Great to have you in the community on the other side of us. I like your animation style. It really reminds me of that independent animation that keeps pressing the artform. I can see you'll go far with Animation:Master. Best, Rodney thanx rodney i have to learn on a short surprise film and continue on a video clip when i 'll be ok with this software best, steff Quote
einekatze Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Hi Everyone, I am a brand new user of AM and this is also my first time to join and post on a forum! I have no previous experience in 3D animation so I have to say this is a bit intimidating , but I know that I can do this. My background is in graphic and web design. I am currently a government contractor. Recently, I have made a shift in my career, I have joined the multimedia lab, where the focus is in on video and computer based training. The folks in the lab gave me list of 8+ programs that I need to learn starting with Animation Master. I am supposed to become the animation expert for the lab so that we can in the near future incorporate animation into our videos and training materials. I have to get some skills fast because potentially thousands of people could be seeing my work in the very near future. So, I look forward to a dialog with other AM users. Elizabeth Quote
nimblepix Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Welcome Elizabeth! Looking forward to seeing you progress. A:M is a great program, with a bunch of very dedicated and helpful users. Quote
dtone Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Greeting all Brand new user to A:M, and from what I've seen and tryed so far. Not bad piece of software. Mainly coming from Illustration and 2D animation. Had some training in Maya and Softimage. Seen the software through links but was unsure until April 1/2 was visiting Seattle at Emerald City Comic Con. Broke down and purchased the software. I've so far been impressed and learning A:M. Richard Broza Vancouver BC, Canada Quote
Leo73 Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Richard and Elizabeth, Welcome to the community. I think you will find that the more you use this program, the more you will like it. It is quite addicting. Quote
pwaslen Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Hi Richard, I am from Vancouver, Canada as well. Welcome aboard! Hi Elizabeth, Nice cat! Looks like he/she knows the good life. Have fun and looking forward to seeing some work from both of you! Paula Quote
jbooker Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Hi Everyone, My Name is John Booker and I have had a fascination with computer art since the early 1980s when I attended SIGGRAPH in Seattle, Washington with my father who was a government contactor for the department of defense. I had the opportunity to draw Star Wars caracatures for the Balley corporation in the exhibit hall and I was hooked. I started painting in computer art with the first edtion of Fractal Painter. My new interest is playing with Animation Master and learning the ins and out of the software. I look forward to talking with everybody. I received AM for my 42nd birthday this year at the FTEC conference in Orlando, FL where I met Marshall Hash and his wife. Thanks and take care... John Quote
Kitsapian Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Hi All, I work in DC, and go to FOSE every year to see what is new and interesting. Over the past few years, FOSE has been declining: usually, I take several things back to the office for consideration, but the load has been getting lighter. This year, I only saw only one thing that grabbed my interest, and it was not for the office. It caused me to do something I have never done at a trade show before in my life--I whipped out my plastic and bought Animation Master on the spot. I have been reading the manual only: the program looks so interesting that I have not allowed myself to install it until the income tax was done. Just as I was finishing that, my Wife went into the hospital--another delay. She comes home tomorrow. I notice that people have various skill levels here: on the scale of Master down to Apprentice, I am scarcely on the level of sperm bank. But I am looking forward to learning it. Whether or not I ever produce anything worth watching, my time will be happily spent, and the process may keep Alzheimer's at bay--at my age, no mean feat. Don Martin Quote
itsjustme Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Welcome on board John and Don! Be sure to check out the videos that correspond to the tutorials in "The Art of Animation Master" located here. Quote
Admin Rodney Posted April 14, 2006 Author Admin Posted April 14, 2006 Quote my Wife went into the hospital--another delay. She comes home tomorrow. Hey. THAT is great news. Hope all is well with her and her recovery complete. Take care of yourself as well. You'll get a lot more animating done that way. Glad to have you with us. Quote
Markk Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Hello everyone , I'm Mark and I'm basically beginning all over with AM. Currently I have just loaded up v9.5 but I have the latest version (upgrade) on the way. I suppose I never really got beyond beginner stage before but for awhile I had become quite familiar with the program. But, it's the type of thing that if I don't do it often I forget and have to re-learn everything. So I will peruse the threads and archives for information and for good tutorials. Quote
Leo73 Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Well welcome back Markk. I am sure you will have no trouble getting back up to speed. Good luck Quote
c-wheeler Posted April 20, 2006 Posted April 20, 2006 Welcome Aeion, what do you do in Prortugal? Telling people a little bit about yourself would be good! Chris Wheeler Quote
youngman Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Hello,I have been a new user since nov 2005 and this is the first time i have posted anything. I have been messing around with program on and off and even upgrading to the 2006 version(yeti). I think now is the time to really immerse myself into what Am can do and will post my results onto the Ta:om side of the forum. The reason i chose Am was the good response most paeople gave the program for ease of use,I'm not that great but i have always wanted to do animation & sfx and i thought this waould be a good place to start. Quote
Leo73 Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Welcome Youngman. Your right, this is a great program. You will have all kinds of fun with it and with this forum. Good luck with everything. Quote
thumperness Posted April 24, 2006 Posted April 24, 2006 Well, I'm gonna sound like a broken record here after reading through this whole section. I too am returning to A:M for the 4th ot 5th time. I've been 'playing' at using it since about 2000. It's great to see this fresh level of encouragement as well as this thing about the certificate. I have version 12.u loaded up and I guess I'll start through the tutorials again and start posting. I in no way claim to be an artist. Modeling and such is at the bottom of my list. I want to animate. So I'll quickly but conciensously(sp) burn through the tutorials and head into the bootcamp. Those will force me to take my time and learn the ins and outs finally. Things I have always become hung up on were/are: Ease (like a ball on an arc slowing and speeding up), Walk cycles (all aspects), etc... I seemed to always end up with the technical question no one could answer or figure out. Hopefully, we can work through these things together. Happy Hashing Quote
Admin Rodney Posted April 24, 2006 Author Admin Posted April 24, 2006 David, Great to have you back. Hope you'll make yourself more comfortable this time. Do you have any specific goals this time around or are you just having fun? Good luck on the exercises and Bootcamp! Quote
thumperness Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 Rodney said: David, ... Do you have any specific goals this time around or are you just having fun? I really want to find out if I have a knack for animation. I believe I have a good eye for bad animation, but the trick is to also be able to create some good stuff. If it turns into a money making ability then Great!!! A dream come true. If not, I'm gonna have fun trying. I have a couple of 1 minute shorts I really need to get out of my system. But I want to put in the time and go through all the training 1st. I'm quite excited about this training system you have created here. Let's Play... Quote
Mr. Sax Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Uh..Hi! I'm Mr.Sax. I am an Anime, Sims 2, and Aibo enthusist. I always wanted to do some computer animating like in A:M and I hope to buy it when I get my new Mac. A big hello to you all! Quote
newblood Posted May 6, 2006 Posted May 6, 2006 Hello, I just installed the AM program. I cant wait to get started. Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 7, 2006 Author Admin Posted May 7, 2006 A belated welcome to Mr. Sax and the same to newblood. Its always good to have new blood in the community. (or is that new eyes??) Lets us know if there is anything we can do to make you feel more at home. Quote
Leo73 Posted May 7, 2006 Posted May 7, 2006 Yes, welcome to the neighborhood Mr. Sax and newblood. I am sure that you will have a great time here. Quote
stumblebum Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 hi, i'm richie aka stumblebum or karltoonz. i'm new to the site and to animation master. i want to introduce myself. i'm looking forward to getting involved. i welcome any useful tips and/or attempts to make my acquaintance. Quote
Leo73 Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Welcome Richie. You couldnt have picked a better time to join the Hash Community. So much is going on now. There's the TAo:AM certificate, the Bootcamps, the TWO Movie, TWO Game, and the Extra Dvd. This is a pretty tight community so dont hesitate to post any problems that you have or any art that you want crit'd. Once again welcome and have fun Quote
stumblebum Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Leo73 said: Welcome Richie. You couldnt have picked a better time to join the Hash Community. So much is going on now. There's the TAo:AM certificate, the Bootcamps, the TWO Movie, TWO Game, and the Extra Dvd. This is a pretty tight community so dont hesitate to post any problems that you have or any art that you want crit'd. Once again welcome and have fun thanks leo congratulations on your journey into fatherhood. r Quote
stumblebum Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 fed ex arrived about forty-five minutes ago with my am. i'm finished installing it and i"ve opened it for the first time. Quote
stumblebum Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 stumblebum said: fed ex arrived about forty-five minutes ago with my am. i'm finished installing it and i"ve opened it for the first time. i have a m installed and i have done turorial one and two. i'm rendering project two as i type. r Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 24, 2006 Author Admin Posted May 24, 2006 Go Stumblebum! May you live long... and animate! Quote
stumblebum Posted May 25, 2006 Posted May 25, 2006 Rodney said: Go Stumblebum! May you live long... and animate! thanks rodney, i've finished move it and now i'm working on it's a pitch. r Quote
stumblebum Posted May 25, 2006 Posted May 25, 2006 okay i have to admit it i was pretty frustrated with trying to position the exercise it's a pitch. instead of spinning my wheels i jumped to flower power. i am the proud creator of a goofy flower that moves. i'm going to go back to pitch and use the skeleton instead of the night. this morning i used eugene for it's a pitch after many tries with knight and i had better luck. i was anxious to do some drawing anyway. Quote
dude Posted May 25, 2006 Posted May 25, 2006 hi i'm 12 years old and have had AM for a little under a year now so i'm sorta new. you can follow my WIP for my movie: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22000 Quote
the_black_mage Posted May 25, 2006 Posted May 25, 2006 hmmmm,well i'm not new but Isiac Dagraca from georgia living in florida 14 i've had a:m for about 2 years but i've only used it for a 1yr and a half due to moving. ummm, i've mostly used animation master for school projects and its been working excelent for me. And i hope to one day open my own company thats highly realated to this sort of thing(video game design, advertising and ads, movies).oh, and i am inspired by the wonderfull cg in games and movies like final fantasy,toystory,world of war craft,other disney& pixar movies(and some of the stuff the show in between cartoons on cartoon network,its good stuff). Quote
Pookney25 Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 Hi everyone I am very new to animation master and still far far awayz to build my own model but its fun and awesome. pook Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 27, 2006 Author Admin Posted May 27, 2006 Pook, You said it! I've got a really long way to go myself before I'll consider myself even semi-skilled but I'm definitely having a great time with Animation:Master. Don't be shy... post your projects and get involved as you are able. Other than that... the exercises from the manual are definitely the first place to focus. Welcome to the A:M Community! Quote
the_black_mage Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 hi i'm not new and i'm still terrible! ' dosn't matter if you suck just keep trying and you'll get it eventualy.i just didn't lot of time to work on my modeling skills. thank god its finaly summer!!! Quote
DarkLimit Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 Welcome to the A:M Community......Just have fun as you learn....A:M is great....... Quote
3dpdk Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 Well, I'll use this post to introduce myself also. I spent ALL day reviewing the galleries and short films and just purchased the software; so now I have to wait patiently on Uncle Sam's "Snail Mail"!!!! Maybe someone here might recognize my handle from another forum. I'm not new to the world of 3D CG and have become somewhat proficient with another really fine piece of software. trueSpace has incredible modeling and rendering capabilities and a physics simulator that makes animating objects within lavish scenery an easy task, but it's character animation leaves something to be desired. The Sci-fi movie I've been working on has finally reached the point where I can't deny these shortcomings. After a full day of watching ninja females, a ?dog? puppet as the Sorcerer's Apprentice, psycho Elvis, the "lush" side of Bush (te he), tap dancing B. Bunny, and five really hot super chicks kicking some monster mech's *ss, I think this program should be able to do what I need. I'm sure there's a learning curve and I hope there's a lot of friendly, helpful folks in these forums because I'm not afraid to ask questions. I'll be around, Paul Quote
KenH Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 Good to see you on board....on the board. Uncle Sam is quite prompt these days...if Hash have the staff. lol Did you watch Greg's videos? They're great too: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...=22034&hl=magic As you probably know by now, splines are a different breed to polys. That's not just the marketing talk but you may find it quite tricky to get the hang of them if you're used to polys. That's what the forums for.... Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 28, 2006 Author Admin Posted May 28, 2006 Quote I'm sure there's a learning curve and I hope there's a lot of friendly, helpful folks in these forums because I'm not afraid to ask questions. None friendlier. We are not unlike a really large family. The forum really is the place to get up to speed quickly so you can get on with your projects. ...and as for asking questions... bring it on! Since your brain is trained in Truespace definitely take the time to work through the manual. Thats the easiest way to reorganize the brain. While waiting for A:M to arrive I recommend viewing the online exercises from The Art of Animation:Master. http://www.hash.com/VM/ Welcome to the A:M Community. Quote
kayellen Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 Hello All Just stopping to say hi, then off to post my question... I do enjoy finding a website like Hash that has so many good things to offer. Quote
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