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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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1. Tweaked his nose a bit, as it was flatter and not as detailed as the rest of his face.


2. Added eyebrows, eyes and chest hair.


3. Worked on a collared vest for him.


Drapey fabric sleeves are probably next and his facial hair still needs some more tweaking to perphaps thin it in a few places on his go-tee.










That is one beautiful expressive face. The nose is very French (if there is such a thing). I'm not sure the hairy chest fits this character. He strikes more as the gentle type (the artiste), tall, thin. A hairy chest suggests a brute, rough type. (That's just my take on it, I could be wrong)


Keep up the good work, can't wait to see more :)


Thanks for the comments guys! I'm not quite sure what to think of the hairy chest myself... perphaps one more layer of clothing like a rough fabric off white shirt or something under the vest might help to cover a bit more of the chest. I think they generally did wear alot of layers like this in times past. Plus visual detail would make him rich... don't know about animatable, but intriguing none the less....


Next thing i've started tackling is SimCloth sleeves for this chap, I thought it could look pretty snazzy to have real weighted, hanging sleeves, dangling as he painted at an easel. Unfortunately, it's proved not as easy as I thought it'd be. This video clip is the result of probably 4 hours of setup and tweaking, this is the first time i've ever used any cloth feature in AM period so there was significant figuring out how in the world it worked. ANYWAY to get to the bottom of it, here is an exmaple and the corrusponding settings for the sleeve. The idea being a 16th-17th century loose hanging sleeve.


SimCloth Settings:

Stretch Stiffness 62

Shear Stiffness 50

Stretch/Shear Damping 4.1


Bend angle stiffness 5

Bend Angle Damping 3.05

The rest just left as default.




It's getting there, probably feels a bit lumpyer then I would like, but if anyone has any tips or pointers to get it to look/work better please share!







You are making simcloth work very well... you may think it "lumpy" but I think it's pretty realistic.


Ethan, noting your avatar, v12... are you using spline cloth or poly modifier? I can't remember which ver. changed to the spline based deformations... I really like what you have so far.


You're starting to piss me off with all this talent, dangit! :) I think the cloth look very good. THe only problem to me is the inside elbow, but I would have no idea what to do about it.


Lol Zaryin ... what's the quote by Thomas Edison.... "genious is 1% inspiration 99% perspiration" with the amount of time it took to make i'd say this definately falls in the perspiration catagory :)


Charlie it is the V12 Spline sim cloth, seems to work pretty well once you get a few settings right... though the mesh being so high res makes things more difficult to be sure.


Okie next update...


1. Added a belt and buckle as well as extended the vest all the way down.


2. Toned down the chest a little, going for perphaps some more sophistication.


3. Adjusted the SimCloth Sleeves to fit him... should be interesting to see how they... Sim now that they are on him.


Still renders with no MP in just 29 seconds, Hash you guys are amazing, if this was poly i'd be sitting here all day... though come to think of it I already am sitting here all day.... er...








Ah nothing like a friday night for some good ol' late night AMing....


Latest update.


1. Added britches and socks (or whatever the technical names are for them if you're into period clothing, feel free to correct me)


2. Widened sleeves as they go down.


Crits and comments welcome, shoes are next and numorous tweaking on the vest, as well as the wrinkles in his britches, clasps for his knees, hands at some point, been putting them off cuz they are not going to be easy.... ah so much to do and so little time.


Nights all!





  • 2 weeks later...



Added hands, shoes, buttons all the way down the coat, and shortened his sleeves a bit. Also, simplfied the sleeves considerably.


Still no textures yet, but the mesh is just about getting there.


I'm not entirely sure his overall proportions are correct, but it could just be that his belt line is creating this illusion. The vest design is taken from photographs of period clothing so the belt line was actually above the waist slightly. It just seems like this makes this thighs look a little to long or something. Anyone out there with a good understanding of human anatomy have any comments regarding his overall proportions?


Comments and Crits welcome,












Coming along swell :)


I agree about the proportions. His face tells of a slender guy yet his shoulders are that of a buffed guy. See if you can make his shoulders no wider than his hips.


Are you going for realism? If not, make him 7 or 8 head lengths tall, that usually works.


Thanks for the comments Dhar! I'll see if I can tweak his height and width a bit. I do want a sort of Psuedo realism. A realistic look, but stylized somewhat. Next stop textures, bumpmaps and displacement...oh for V13 D-maps...



  • 5 months later...

After nearly 4 months of other work, not to mention waiting for v13 to come out so I could use displacement maps on this character, I finally got a little free time for an update on this guy.


Added a cape, sword, sword holder, updated his nickers especially around the knees, shoes, as well as new tests with his sleeves using simcloth. Still no textures, displacement or bump maps. I'm thinking of possibly adding a more musketeerish hat, and some bindings for his cape. See any details i'm missing? Critique and comments welcome. I'd like to make his model as rich as possible.






Sleeves test (already posted in the cloth forum)





John I did try using porcelain per your suggestion but it didn't seem to change the way it looked much at all. Maybe i'm not using the right porcelain?


Small Update

Adjusted the cape gave it some small ties. Hopefully it looks more like a cloak instead of a super hero cape!




Still looking for more authentic details I might be able to add if anyone can think of anything.







If authenticity is what you're going for, I'd recommend toning down the color saturation of the cloak, as well as the blue lighting.


Also, while the bandolier could very well be made out of the exact same leather as the vest, it should probably be a different color. Brown or black, perhaps.


Well I guess i'm talking about as far as modeling goes so far, he has no textures except for the cloak yet, and your right it could use some help. Surfacing isn't one of my finer abilities unfortunately :(. I have to try and learn how to get some good textures on him and the wierd shape of his vest isn't helping. Anyone notice projection maps don't seem to be working in 13c?






Just wanted to drop a line and let you know what a terriffic job you are doing on that character. I've been following this thread in the shadows and really enjoyed the evolution of Le'Painter. I do have to to admit though, that I was expecting him to look more like an artisan than a - for lack of a better word - soldier? His incarnation at this stage reminds me of a Musketeer or mercenary. What ever he may be or may be up to, a fine work of art he is.




Thanks for the comments Eric! You're right he has kinda drifted into a soldier. He is to be both arisan and warrior though so never fear. He should drift back toward artist as I begin to work on the scene I have in mind for him. In this case a darkened Rembrant type art studio complete with canvas and oil paints, his sword will probably be laying around somewhere in it as well. Though at my current speed the scene should be done somewhere around the AM 2010 mascot contest ;) Thanks for the interest in this guy, more as time permits.




dude wow im posting an eveything you made that face look so interesting if you dont mind please post a spline image of the face thats if your cool with it

  • 4 weeks later...

Expirimentation with 3D painter, fairly subtle skin details, You almost only see the difference if you compare the two. It is alot of fun to paint directly on the surface. He now looks a little bit older and wiser.




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