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I'm starting to model Bal Loons throne based on this image:




I'd like to try and keep the patch count low so I'm trying render as lines. Should I go this route? As far as I can see render as lines doesn't seem to cast shadows. Also, there's that problem of the thickness changing depending on how far your viewing from.

Any recommendations?


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I went for a low patch vine. This is what I make of the base. I guess there should be some sort of "floor" so Bal doesn't fall through the gaps. Don't know what they'd use from the forest for that though.....



Good ideas! I had a re-think and made another model. It's smaller and more sturdy looking. I think it resembles the image more. I just added a few extra slats at the front for a floor. On to the chair now!



Looks good Ken - only thing I would say is it looks too regular for bamboo tied together. Maybe do this at the end of modeling: introduce more variation on the "green vine rope ties" - ie spread some loops out in a fanned way in the clumps of ties, make the clumps look irregular with different # of loops, thickness, to have a more hand-tied, irregular vine look... maybe some of the loops could be overlapping. Also maybe the bamboo should also have some variations, irregularities in thickness & angle ?


You know... a throne crafted by Loons who never went to Boy Scouts.


Yes, I'll keep that in mind at the end. I was hoping materials would help with some of that.


Hey Ken,


Looks nice and chuncky but a couple of things come to mind.


1. Bamboo is not so dowl-like - there should be some variations in the rods

2. Have you looked at the Act 2 Part 1 Storyboard? The throne is a tallish podium arrangement - are you going to build the 'podium' bit as well?



  • Admin

I like it Ken.


It looks a bit too perfect to my eye. Especially as these guys are always zooming around and 'boinging' into things... probably breaking things as they do.


How about lookout towers that have stack upon stack of these things strapped haphazardly together to dizzying heights? (There is a tall tree canopy in parts of this thick forest area perhaps? Maybe all around the edges of the clearing?)


Anyway... very nice. I love the straps/ropes/vines/whatever. Really cool.




Yeah, thats the ticket ..much, much better vine ropes... only thing I would say now is that there are too many in the lower level that don't really have a purpose (maybe it is something a Loon would do?) - the top level looks good, as the vines are only in places in order to tie the legs to the platform.


That's a pretty cool model. Now is this from a book or some sort of short story? I like how you made the ropes loop around. Are theactually rapped around with all the frappings and lashings? Your bamboo looks a little shinny though... but other than that. nice model.


Dan, it's from the TWO project.




I dunno if you have them "over there" but the throne looks pretty much like a papasan chair, Google that, you'll see hundreds of examples from real life. Baal's is just tipped back more to bowl configuration...


you prolly already knew this... but, just passing it on...


It IS a "papasan" chair, with kudzu leaves matted together to make a cushion. The part that supports the chair rising from the platform should be rings, not straight sections (as are the parts of the seat).

I pictured the deck as rectangular--just a lashed together platform on supports, with a ladder.

I wanted to have the Loon area draped with Kudzu vines, and have the furniture and any dwellings have a "jungle" theme.



This image has the camera at about 5 feet 6 inches. It will give an idea of the height of the throne. I rounded out the top of the base for the seat to sit in. Also, I came up with two styles at the top of the seat. The first seems abit more rough and ready (loon style?). Will let me know which you prefer.


I also thought it would be cool if there was another structure beside this that held the Kings accessories....instead of just putting a "shelf" on the throne, it seems the loons would build a whole other structure to do a simple job.


Edit: This is how I see the seat from the drawing. It's more of a perch than a chair....the chair is at an angle and has more of a back to it. I like the perch idea best.



Thanks Rodney. I've added a ladder....I'm leaning toward this design. But it's easy to put the ladder in the other model. Anyway, I think I've just got some vines on the seat and vine detailing left to do.



I like it, Ken. I think that we will probably rotate the seat part--It should be able to move around and shift (If you've ever sat it one, you'll know the feeling of nearly flipping out of it).

I think we should also have a few stray kudzu leaves on the vines lashing the throne together :)


Here it is rotated. Looks good too. Just the leaves and straggly ends to add now. I've also been thinking about adding 3 big jungle leaves to the back of the chair, but I can't think of the name of them. You know the jungly sort of leaf I mean....


PS I also extended the front of the base so there's room infront of the seat to step up.


  • Hash Fellow

I believe King Bal needs to be tied down to his throne. I know they could tie ropes to the existing structure, but some dedicated cleats would be a humorous touch, (easier to animate than threading ropes thru the structure).


Here's some leaves on it. Abit even and tidy (too slow for me to groom) and green (they don't look so green in PS) but acceptable.

I'll leave out ropes till the scale gets sorted....


Edit: One request for all the modellers. Can you model in "don't show backfaces mode". That way, particles will work properly and there won't be "holes" in the models for the cd.



Oh Yea !!! that is right on (sounds like the 70s) super modeling job there Ken...




Edit: just took a look at all your models for the TWO project.......WOW!!!!.......brings a tear to my eye....(and that's a good thing)


Thanks guys! :D


Paul: Drums!! That's exactly the sort of thing the Loons need. Maybe other instruments too. Hope someone "in power" is reading.


Dan: All the leaves are hair particles. As to what TWO is.....lift off that rock and rub the scales from your eyes:




Rob: Definitely. However, if the seat is going to rotate, they can't be fixed on there. Have to think about it. Yeah I think Palms are what I'm thinking of too. Off to Google search.


Jaqe: Yes, it's all temporary materials right now.


Very minor point: I know loons can't weight much, even so, since the leaf cushion is larger than its base, maybe the base should be tied to the platform in an obvious way.




Yep, I've been thinking that but trying to avoid it. Since someone spotted it, I'll add some more vines to steady the seat base.

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