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A 2 piece suite. I have done a quick 'Wink' tutorial on creating dirtMaps for the chair that I have just posted a link to in the Software Tutorials section. A bit of a cheat but it works :D


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.....And this bookcase. Yes, I think the feet look strange too. Clawed feet seemed a good idea but I think I'm going to go with just a plinth.



Those are some really elegant looking pieces. I like the claw feet because it adds to the air of mystery that this furniture conveys, at least to me. Did you come up with these designs or have you seen furniture like this? Excellent work and thank you for showing them.


Thank you also for the dirt map tutorial as I have always tried to use the A:M plugins for this but have not ever made it work satisfactorily for me. The method in your tutorial looks promising.


Thanks for the kind words Chris. Furniture isn't exactly the most exciting of subjects so I didn't expect to get posts like yours :D


Did you come up with these designs or have you seen furniture like this?

I have a folder on my HD full of reference material for the film we're working on that I've either downloaded or taken as screen grabs from DVD's. Obviously I never 'copy' things but they serve as a guide to the sort of look I'm after. The sofa and chair were inspired by a chair in the 1931 Frankenstein. The bookcase was totally made up. I think one of the great things about A:M is that you can almost 'sketch out' a model and see how it develops. I do that a lot too.


I hope the tutorial is useful. I thought it was about time I put something back into this great community we have here!


Wow, the stuff looks fantastic. I see an environment just with the 1 furniture piece in the image. Very nice.

And I too like the clawed feet!

Mike Fitz



Thanks Mike! :)


I will have to re evaluate those clawed feet now. To be honest it's unlikely they will even be noticed in the scene so I'm probably worrying unnecessarily.

I'm probably worrying unnecessarily.

Yeah, Join the club! I specialize in worrying unnecessarily!


Mike Fitz



I really like the "clawed" feet.... very spooky...

You should definately keep them.... you may want to add a shot just to show them off!



The furniture you've got so far is great.



Speaking of furniture...


I had planned to do an image for the image contest (mechanical of course).


It involved an old steam powered computer...


I wanted the actual computer "component" to be in this totally over the top elaborately decorated huge cabinet... like the ones you see on Antiques Road Show that those freaky twins drool over and are worth $70,000.


I went online and collected dozens of reference photos and "built" a bizarre contraption in photoshop to use as rotos for AM. I think I included every type of wood known to man. Lots of inlay and carved decorations...


Of course... the tiny little spot for the computer screen would be dwarfed by the whole cabinet at the very top.


I still plan to finish it... maybe for the next mechanical contest... i have about 1/3 of the cabinet modeled.


Vernon "!" Zehr


Vern - Thanks for the comments. Looks like I'm way outnumbered over the feet so I've got to keep them! :)

You should complete your steam powered computer btw - would be great to see.


Seven - The 'atmosphere' in the images is nothing more than a volumetric rim light! Sorry that I have no secrets to impart :) Ref the tutorial: yes, ofcourse, you should flatten the model if you are doing a very detailed painted decal for a face or something. However, if you apply this technique for dirtmaps to mainly camera facing planes it seems to work fine. If the decal 'smears' over other faces slightly it often doesn't matter with a dirt map I've found. You do need to think about this when you are painting your map though.


I've realised you are right about my tutorial being overlong too. I may try and edit it a bit. My next one will be much improved, I hope, now I know a bit more how Wink works.

.....And this bookcase. Yes, I think the feet look strange too. Clawed feet seemed a good idea but I think I'm going to go with just a plinth.

So, do you a short story in the works?


If so any info on it?


Mike Fitz



Terrific furniture! - especially love the poofiness of the cushions, curves & modeling on the wood, casual randomness of book alignments, and fantastic cobwebs - YES you have made furniture interesting! With great personality to boot.


As for the claw feet on the couches - keep them, of course! However they do look a bit structurally weak - a bit too narrow at the "ankles", with a strange improbable angle perhaps? But they are plenty good enough for a stylized version and are believable in that context.


The book case feet are just fantastically creepy, unfortunately can't see them enough - maybe put a tiny bit of ankle on them, to raise the case some?


The above "nits" were only if you want to spend more effort - I love it just the way they are. (great lighting too)

I've realised you are right about my tutorial being overlong too. I may try and edit it a bit. My next one will be much improved, I hope, now I know a bit more how Wink works.

I use Input driven capture at keypress

with the Pause key in WINK


It is the only alternative I use - and you can have about 40 screen captures if you uses a Palette under Project > Project Settings

and get a file under 1 MegaByte


Perhaps you need about 20 Screen Captures for the dirt mapping tutorial so it will be about half Megabyte - just a guess...



Just Volumetric Lightning!


I am experimenting a bit with Depth of Field


and balistic tells us better use Camera Fog - perhaps something to experiment with?!.,

  • Hash Fellow

Is that the style they call "Queen Anne"?


I wonder if she had clawed feet too.


Nice furniture!


Nice work, Dale! Those claw feet are like 'claw and ball' feet but without the ball. :)


To make them look a little less delicate you could have them clasping a round stone or carved skulls or whatever. Depends on whether you are going to animate them though.


It involved an old steam powered computer...


Vern, I was working on a very similar idea myself for the mechanical contest! Mine wasn't steam powered though but wind powered. :) The collective consciousness is alive and well, or maybe we are all just more likely to converge on the same ideas here in this community. Actually the same thing happened with the Fantasy contest. I was browsing the M&S entries one day and found that someone was producing something spookily similar to my 'Fantasy' piece.


Garcon - Thanks for the comments. Something like Queen Anne I think.


To make them look a little less delicate you could have them clasping a round stone or carved skulls or whatever. Depends on whether you are going to animate them though.


Paul - That's a good idea! That's what it is - they just look too spidery and fragile to me. I like the skulls idea. Luckily, no, they aren't to be animated.


Hi Mike, Nancy and Doug.


Thanks for the comments - it really motivates me to get on with this project. I will post some of the work done by the others also working on this soon.


Thanks Ben. I think I've almost finished the Clock now. I will probably start a new thread after this if I post anymore images. I feel guilty bumping this back to the top again ;)



Wow! Love your furniture designs! Very distinctive style you have going there. And yes, I like the clawed feet, too. Somehow the furniture looks like it was made by an otherworldly being trying, but not quite succeeding at making it look like "normal" stylish furniture in the human world. Sort of like the Munsters or the Adam's Family trying to fit into modern suburbia... Nice work!


Bill Gaylord

Somehow the furniture looks like it was made by an otherworldly being trying, but not quite succeeding at making it look like "normal" stylish furniture in the human world.


LOL! Well, I've been 'similarly' described in the past :D


Sort of like the Munsters or the Adam's Family trying to fit into modern suburbia... Nice work!


Hmmm, that's certainly very close to the script and intended setting for the furniture. Thanks Bill.

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