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  1. Guest


    Here's an update. I put cog/fan bones in his left shoulder and hip. All the cogs are driven by smartskins. So far, I like this way of rigging the joints; Between the bones and muscle motion there's a lot of control over the surface. Rhett
  2. Hey all, it's me again. This time, the problem is the eyes. (Yay that he has eyes at all! Now then.) Many of you know about the rabbit model in the Hash CD library, the one with the unusual eyes. The eyes are spheres in the model window but transformed into oblong cartoony eyes in all the relationships. The clever modeler/rigger made the eyes such that the pupils adhere to the surface of this irregular eye and still move to track an eye target. My Robot The Finished Rabbit The Rabbit in the Model Window See what I mean? I want to get that effect with my robot's eyes. The right eye of my robot (his right, your left) is just something I made to fit the socket so I could sculpt the socket and deal with this problem later. Now is later, and I would like to know if anyone knows how this was done with the rabbit model, so's I could imitate. Thanks for looking. ** EDIT: Wait, why am I asking this... Noel already answered it for me. Duh. Forgive the stupid person. Thanks for looking anyway. I should have more of this guy posted once I finish his eyes and hands.
  3. You have to remember that to have a good reflectivity to your reflective surface you have to have something to reflect. Otherwise it will only reflect the edges and the color of you modeling area. Do it in a chor with something in the background a good lighting you should have something.
  4. hi scrawntor : Thx ..... i used a very very very basic surface and 1 material ( enviroment map ). these news reflections options are great !!!!!!!!! THX HASH´s guys !!!!
  5. Step 2: Test for Depth now invoke the TreeeZ plugin. we are doing this to find out how many levels your tree will have. depending on your target surface and on your locality curve the number of generated levels may vary greatly. the example tree had 8 levels (0=the topmost level, 7=the trunks base) note the number as and reload your saved project
  6. another day, and again its 2:00 am and another premiere: target surfaces can now be animated! this example doesnt show it off too well, but it actually uses a rotating target surface to get the twisting of the tree.
  7. You might try a modified version of the cartoon eye thing. Where you have a round eye with pupil that you want to track on the surface of the eye controlled by the rotation of a bone from the center of the eye. Then a parent bone to they eye and pupil bones is scaled more in the y axis. This makes the pupil track a non spherical eye. You may be able to treat your mouth like the pupil If my explanation isn't up to snuff, or you want me to hack together an example just yell.
  8. okay,after a couple days of in depth research into the subject of liquor Here's another render with the liquor material and label in place. I'm having a problem with the label. For some reason the white lettering is transparent. I apllied it to just the outer surface of the bottle, it's got an alpha channel out of ps.Anyone have any suggestions please
  9. yes. but if you delete the old "base", the groups "level0" through "level20" will be empty. this means, that no new cps can be added by the plugin (this is being fixed in a:m - thanks dan!). so if you want the plugin to assign the cps to the levels (to be easily able to assign hair), you'll have to add cps of the base to each level you want filled. selecting one cp is sufficient (have a look at my example project to see how i did it .. difficult to explain (for me) but actually very simple ..) the model is actually created in the MODEL. the action is just used to get the curve controls (and soon the target surface animation). so you can just select your tree, copy it and insert it into a new model in your desired project. Aha! That's why I saw just the one CP light up when I clicked on the different levels in the PWS...makes sense now. Question: What happens if you add more or delete levels? Will the treeZ generate more or less branches (yes I know it does this based on target CP's, but what will happen otherwise)? And, thanks for the info on the model. Simple and should have thought of that, but being at my current day job (until we get the game studio off the ground) and using an old Dell drains any creativity from me...no matter how simple something is. Can't wait to get home and try this on my Mac!!
  10. yes. but if you delete the old "base", the groups "level0" through "level20" will be empty. this means, that no new cps can be added by the plugin (this is being fixed in a:m - thanks dan!). so if you want the plugin to assign the cps to the levels (to be easily able to assign hair), you'll have to add cps of the base to each level you want filled. selecting one cp is sufficient (have a look at my example project to see how i did it .. difficult to explain (for me) but actually very simple ..) the model is actually created in the MODEL. the action is just used to get the curve controls (and soon the target surface animation). so you can just select your tree, copy it and insert it into a new model in your desired project.
  11. Looks Great! I still detect a problem showing the lack of gravity. Google the web and find some Nasa footage. Once you see some of the astonauts "hopping" around, you may have a better feel for animating. But... Overall, I think it looks very good! I like the lighting and lunar surface! Keep up the good work! Its coming along very well!
  12. ...and well you should be proud! I like! My milk jugs don't have as deep a dent though... *(For Ken) Mine usually do have the dent though... There are probably several reasons for the dent. One guess would be to increase the surface area of the jug to keep the contents cool. My conspiratory mind first thought it might be to make it look like a bigger jug than the competition... but a gallon is a gallon...I guess. As Sigmund used to say, "Sometimes a milk jug is just a milk jug". Are you gonna decal it with a label?
  13. Great tips Zach! Didn't know all those.... Q: If you make 2 separate groups with the one patch and set the surface properties of each group differently which group will take precedence? A: The group furthest down the hierarchy line in the PWS(Project Work Space) Also, the best way to make a clean patch is to draw a line and extrude it. Then you can shape it. Here's what support says when you only have 2 groups: "when you've only got two items, drag the one you want to re-order, directly on to the groups folder"
  14. Modeling tips: Click on a control point or group, then when you translate it: Hold down 1 (above the letters) to only move it in the X axis 2 to only move it in the Y axis 3 to only move it in the Z axis Combinations of the above to constrain it to XY, XZ, etc. And the lesser known constraint keys: 4 to only translate in the direction of the selected spline 5 to translate in the direction perpendicular to the selected spline 6 to translate in the direction of the surface normal--EXTREMELY useful when attempting to make models smooth. These work anywhere, actually, not just modeling mode, and when working in camera or bird's eye view in Choreography, there's an added bonus: if you want to move something in screen space, as opposed to along the ground plane, hold down 1, 2, and 3, and you've got it.
  15. and finally another use for the thickness control: (keep in mind that along its height, the tree only has a certain number of segments, depending on your setings and target surface. any detail added to curves that are smaller than this "sampling rate" will be lost.)
  16. hmm .. how about going back "halfway" meaning not a flat pane, but only a part of a sphere some observations about this approach: - the real center of the spere would be farther back in his head - the eyes would better convey his original character - the conceived center would remain the same fot this kind of setup you could create a simple rig that works without surface constraints: - have a bone in the conceived center that aims at (constraint) the target null - this bone has a child called "tip" - have a bone in the real center this bone has the pupil cps assigned to it and aims at (constraint) "tip" (see attached project) eye_try.prj
  17. Hi, There is no secret that I'm a newbie, but I made a animation (Not shure I'm alowed to call it animation since it is just a logo thing, ... ) . But I'm using the excelent Ocean surface disk supplyed by zandoriastudios. What made me come to HASH was the need to do what I want to happen (Spesial effects and so forth) making mee searh the web after animation programs ... and what $299 ??? I could not belive my eyes Had great fun anyway making it, and learn a great deal about sprites If you have the time, have a peek at www.vivi.no/iedemo59.wmv Cheers Tor-Bjarne
  18. Thanks Ed, Povilas This work making for advertising movie about Lemonade I have spent 4 hours for modeling and 40min-8hours setup render and render. There only switch on Glossy parametr in "Specular Render Shader" in surface properities parametr (Plugin Shader - on (without any setup)) While one light.... and raytrase (caustic) -Is switched - off
  19. Ok, here's another one. This time I made the target a half sphere patch surface. The base was a small circle spline. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  20. 1 and 3: not necessarily. you dont need to use the hair material. after all you've already drawn the target-surface which, whith a nice texture will serve well as leaves. 2: re-read the above posts! this group is already there and its called "level0" - the group needs to exist already BEFORE invoking TreeeZ [WHY: because its currently not possible with the a:m sdk to create a new group] - the group must also contain at least one cp (in the sample project file it is one of the base-groups cps - doesnt matter really which one) [WHY: because its currently not possible with the a:m sdk to create the first cp in a group]
  21. 1. color comes from Model1>Surface>Diffuse Color 2. just play with the hair material! its actually really easy. to tweak, make sure to * have the model view open * have the material assigned to a group (or more) * tweak the values in the material * to update the view, click into it and hit the spacebar my settings for the last screenshot (v11.0 hair)
  22. Sorry about that I realize I'm not doing a good job explaining this. However, if you accept that there is a standard method available which solves something called the "2D wave equation", what I am saying is that this "2D wave equation" approximates a dynamic water surface, visually - meaning that the result looks somewhat like water, which is all we want in this community.
  23. Ummm.... help? Anyone? Please? Or, is there any other way to apply a material to a surface? Without having to make it a decal. I hate those things... I could post a picture of my screen, though I don't know what that would tell you...
  24. How does the surface look whith the 5 pointers? It might look ok, but you can't tell from a wireframe.
  25. Let me chime in here.. Before you attach your arm to the body you need to make a hole at the shoulder to accept the arm. Looking at your picture it appears that the shoulder is still a closed surface, so there are no available splines for the arm to attach to. The splines which run along the length of the arm should flow into splines that already exist on the shoulder, which means you need to break some splines open (and probably delete some spline segments) to create unattached splines for the arm splines to attach to. Try this: The spline running along the top of the arm should be one with the spline that meets it and flows up side of the neck. Disconnect that spline from the part which goes down the side of the body and connect it to the top of the arm. You should have one continuous spline running from the wrist, up the top of the arm and on up the side of the neck. Do the same with the spline on the bottom of the arm, attaching it to the free section of the spline which _used_ to connect to the neck spline but now has a free end. Then use the same technique to attach the splines running along the front and back of the arm to the spline running around the chest (break the chest spline at the point where the arm meets it. Now your five point patch should render properly. Note that the top arm spline connects to a vertical body spline while the front arm spline connects to a horizontal body spline. The two arm splines were going in the same direction, then they split off in different direction once they join the body. This is what creates the need for a 5 point spline. In a case like this, you will usually need four five point splines to complete the attachment. B-
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