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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. Moving, or nudging a bone with the mouse is the easiest way to make a keyframe. By just nudging the bone a little it won't really be noticable. I find it easy to open the time sheet, this way when I move a bone I can actually see the software update the timeline with the keyframe. Then if the ovement is too noticeable (and it better be one hell of a diffrence) I can simply delete that keyframe and nudge it again. That's my method anyway. Good luck.
  2. You mean as in eyes blinking? @@
  3. Good start! As far as I can tell the hands and feet can be removed with no issues. The only place i see that will give you problems will be in the waist and stomach area. These places will tend to shear when rotated if you don't have enough splines. Still, if your careful animating it won't be that big of a deal (Smartskin!!!). Good luck.
  4. so in order to have true "round hair" you set bow to 100%. Does this mean that each particle will be a tube?
  5. I remember that guy (I read through the entire post). He's an extremly nice model, whatever happened to him?
  6. Ilidrake

    New Creature

    I get an error whenever I try to view your pic.
  7. True. But I know there are some die-hard fans out there and I know it may sound corny but I don't want to screw around with the characters and ruin it. It's kinda like the original Dungeons & Dragons movie. It sucked! Why? Terrible story, terrible characters, and really terrible dialogue. I don't want to screw up is all and was hoping for some feed-back from some people who know the story and characters. Another view other than my own perception. That's all.
  8. Hey Ilidrake can you rig something of my i need it riged. That would great if you could Ilidrake. I would be very greatfull!! Sure. I'm currently using AM v13. I'm pretty sure for you to use anything I rig you have to be using the same version. If you want me to I can do it for you.
  9. You can't tell me someone in this community didn't play D&D and doesn't know anything about Dragonlance. Or perhaps it's just lack of interest?
  10. I've been working on a short film about the Dragonlance books. Specifically the part where Sturm defends the High Clerist Tower and dies. I've been experiementing with diffrent styles of modeling and was just wondering what particular look do the members of the community think would fit well? I have my own particular style and prefrence but i'm not sure it fits well. I tend to have a mix of real-life and cartoon (much like my avatar pic). Any suggestions?
  11. In your Project Workspace, right-click on the model name and simply choose Save-As. Wish I had AM on this computer so I could give you a screen shot.
  12. Just create a choreography and drag the letters into it. It's probably a good idea to model the 'falling letter' as a seperate model from the rest. Just a suggestion.
  13. Great looking models. I've got other things in the works but I'd be willing to rig them for you if you need. Great looking models like that how can I refuse. Good job.
  14. That does bother me a bit, the 'Jeff Lew knock-off', but I'm simply following some of his suggestions. I've animated complex characters and found that it can get really messy. And the fact that I'm extremly critical of my own work (my girlfriend forced me to upload this for feed-back). The fact that he's an egg with simple arms and legs makes animating soooooooo much easier. Of course his rig is actually pretty complex. He has a complete facial rig so the range of expressions is really nice. I went over the animation last night and found that if I rotate the camera the opposite direction it has a much better effect and it's more clear of whats going on in the scene. I'm going to tweak it and render again and post the results monday along with additional footage. Keep your eyes peeled. (Just so everyone knows, I'm a big Dragonlance fan and currently have a RPG in the works that will use movie sequences that I'm doing in AM.)
  15. The bullets is on a path with ease controlled. I actually had a nice transition from slo-mo to live time but I decided to play with the bias handles in the dopesheet and never corrected them. I suppose I'll finish this thing up one day and correct it but for now.....thanks for the input though. I get enough of these and I'll have to go back and fix it and maybe finish the whole piece up.
  16. K...think I figured it out. You simply need to move the axis manipulator to the center of the face. I placed it on the end of the nose, lined up in the x and y coord, c/f/a and presto! smooth connection.
  17. Ya, Jeff Lew is definitly my idol right now. Killer Bean is awesome. I got the DVD and Jeff made the comment that the easiest and best characters are the most interesting and fun. He's right. I got the idea for the ninja egg while reading Humpty Dumpty to my daughter. I thought, wouldn't it be great if Humpty kicked major a$$!!! So i started modeling and came up with this. I still have problems with his legs being so short and his body being round (tends to shear a bit) but if I'm careful the over-all effect is pretty nice. Glad you liked it, makes me want to work on it some more........
  18. So.......any comments would be appreciated....good or bad
  19. Finished this up a couple days ago. It's basically a ninja egg dodging a bullet with a backflip. I really wanted to just play around with bullet time and slo-mo. And it was pretty simple character to model and rig. Works pretty good as far as animating goes too. Anyway, just a little contibution to the community. Enjoy. Egg.wmv
  20. Hmmmm, I been looking around and it seems there are quite a few people who are having the c/f/a problem. Oh well, no biggie. I hope to have him finished by the end of the week, but no guarentees. Thanks for the comment.
  21. You could invest in The Setup Machine. It's about 80 bucks but worth it. I can rig, but prefer to model and animate. TSM2 makes life so much easier, just make sure you have the latest version of AM, not sure how far up you need to be updated but it doesn't work with version 10.5. Definitly worth the money though. Wish I had more time I'd rig'em for you but my hands are tied right now. Models look great though. Wish you guys the best.
  22. couldn't wait. Here's a render of what I have so far. Let me know what you think. The right hand is textured because I'm playing around with some of the new materials and some of the Dark Tree textures. Also, I've been having trouble getting the copy/flip/attach to work correctly. I select the center splines, 0 them on the x-axis and then select the whole model and c/f/a, but instead it creates a copy above the model. Am I the only one having this problem. I had to manually attach the head together. Thus the concentrated line in the center of the face.
  23. He looks great! 3ds huh? I've played warhammer and you've definitly got the look down, although he is a bit thick. Good luck with it.
  24. Got my version of 13 in last week so I've had about 4 days to play with all the goodies. The particle hair is extremly awesome! One question though, when you add say 4 control points to the brush-lines I can only manipulate the outside point. Is this correct or is there someway to manipulate all the points? By the way, great render. As soon as I get finished with my knight model I'll post a few picks.
  25. 6 versus 29.......well, I've had the chance to play with helmet hair a bit more. Not really that hard...just a pain to shape the stuff the way you want. My copy of AM12 came in today so I'll have all the new nifty tools for hair. Soon as I get something done on my new character I'll post for everyone's opinion. Thanks again guys.
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