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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. *bump* like this? i think it's better.
  2. Been messing around modeling Beavis & Butthead. Just wondering which do you fellow AMers think looks better. Below is a render of helmet hair and particle hair. Which is better looking?
  3. Just my 2 cents, you could also create a path for the camera to follow and then place an aim-at constraint so the camera is always facing the model.
  4. He's looking good. If your going to attempt to reshape the chest use mirror mode so you can work on one side and the other mirrors it. Nice model. Waiting to see him animated.
  5. Perhaps you should pull the legs in closer to the body? The chest could be widened a tad. Overall a very nice model. If your using TSM I advise you to go ahead and read up on smartskinning, cp weighting, and fan bones. The Setup Machine does a very good job, I own a copy, and it is quick, but for places like the elbows, knees, and under the arms you'll definitly have to tweak. I usually set up fan bones around the knees, elbows, and wrists. I use cp weighting in the chest and armpit areas. Check out the ARM for anything on these subjects. Good model. I can't wait to see it animated.
  6. I think it looks pretty good. How about a wire frame, that'll help to determine how it'll animate.
  7. I found it! Thanks guys. Of course I have changed my mind about using this rig. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice rig but just doesn't suit my needs. I have learned to install it though and have actually tested it out. Very nice features, especially the face rig (which I will use). Keep up the good work guys.
  8. He is the main character. I've been sketching out drawings of diffrent emotions based on body positioning and such. The hat will actually help convey feelings by way of bones that allow if to bend, stretch, and squetch. So far the overall effect it very convincing I think. *Update* I pulled the squetch rig out and went back with the TSM2 rig instead. The squetch rig is good but the TSM2 rig is more customizable and easy to install. It took me two days just to get the squetch rig installed, with several errors. It took me about 1 hour to install the TSM2 rig with only two errors. And that was simply two cps assigned improperly. Nice job on the rig itsjustme, but way more work than I want to get involved in. Now I simply need to do a couple fan bones, a little cp weighting, and a smart skinning and he'll be ready for a face rig. I also need to redo the area around the corners of the mouth but it simply a matter of breaking a couple splines and adding an extra spline in the corner area. I started writing up the script yesterday, and I've talked my girlfriend into narrating the story for me. I should have him completly rigged within a few days and I'll start roughing in the animation. I'll keep you all updated. Of course this is for the MMC#4 so I can't show you everything but I'll show you enough to make you go hhmmmmmmm....
  9. I've been rigging my characters with the new squelch rig. Here's a simple pose I finished with him. Anyone not using this rig, take my advice, start using it!
  10. I've got the squetch rig and have it in position and ready. In itsjustme's tutorial there is a plugin out there designed to allow you to install it...only problem I haven't been able to find it. I've searchrf the forums, checked .svn, nothing. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  11. It's really just prefrence. I do cartoon type models that usually have alot of spline detail to help me animate the face but like I said it depends on the amount of detail you want. Although, amount of splines doesn't really mean greater detail. Take a look at this character, he comes in at only 1200 patches. He has only about 8 or 9 spline rings around the facial area.
  12. bump
  13. Latest update. I've been working on a tavern and another character for my little short film. This character is a wizard. The tavern is about 40% complete. I rendered a close-up of the taverns front lanterns. Anyone have any advise on making glass. I just made it blue, with a white specular, and a small refraction, reflection. Comments and advise plz.
  14. She looks asthough she keeps lifting her arms. Try having her swing them at the shoulders and using the elbows for follow-through. She could also use a little a little bounce. Try lowering her hips a bit whenever she's changing the weight from one leg to the other.
  15. What can I say....Awesome! Good work.
  16. Check this place out. http://www.colins-loft.net/tutorials.html
  17. Tried to open your project file but it didn't have any of the needed files to open it.
  18. The ball of the foot could use tweaking, maybe add a back claw there? You could model a human foot and then tweak it to the shape you want. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.
  19. Its one of the darktree simbionts. They are now included in v13, but I downloaded these a while back. They have several varieties of shaders available for free download....about 4 or 5 dozen, I think. They sell a product that allows you to create your own packaged shaders for lightwave, am, 3ds, maya, etc. Roger Cool. I've got v13 with the Darktree shaders I just haven't messed with them much. Thanks for the info.
  20. Just out of curisoity what shader are u using for the clay look?
  21. I think it looks really good. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  22. Thanks for the link, but there isn't much information on sweeper. How about a tutorial someone?
  23. How do you get the bias handles to show? I've tried everything and your supposed to be able to see bias handles in the dopesheet as well. Can anyone explain this to me?
  24. Thanxs Dhar. I forgot about that one.
  25. What version of AM are u using. Perhaps you could zip your project up and let me look at it. I use AM v13.
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