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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by the_black_mage

  1. actually glow looks better in a choreography and inside a scene. try putting the star in that stage i modeled for you with the glow on. also i want you to know that all models with specularity in a stage scene needs a speculant only(diffuse or cast shadows off) light on them, the primary light should have specularity off.so the star in the scene needs its own speculant light, as well as the mountains... you don't need to worry about the specularity intensity though just change the light intensity.
  2. ah so much learning for us all, for some reason i knew things weren't easy. maybe thats cause i used gmax first and thinking that was gonna be easy...unfortunately it was freaking hard on every thing. then i got A:M and i was at ease,compared to my experience with gmax anyway...
  3. there are some free ones you can find on the internet.... http://www.debugmode.com/wax/ theres one...
  4. i like the silver surfer btw, do you wanna try a more metallic toon look?
  5. hey nun you need to learn about toon shading...
  6. nothing wrong with it looking like the boondocks any show(or cartoon) with a black character and an afro can look like the boondocks,like Pokemon and final fantasy taking every ones idea and having people say "hey is that from Pokemon" or "is that from final fantasy". as long as the characters traits and actions are different then theres no problem...
  7. reminds me of the boondocks... nice work btw
  8. how about a stage, that pretty much full of props
  9. man case watch the language, i don't don't even curse as much as you do with my freinds....but then again i really dont think those words should be counted as curse words anyway. the only one that i think if wrong is F$#*@....any other word i'm ok with..so...carry on.
  10. I LOVE YOU! Object collisions was it! I figured I could cut some calculation time by turning it off, but I didn't know it had anything to do with forces! Thank you SO much! lol you give me to much credit lol....btw i know what you mean by calculation time. what you need to do is turn off hair when your not rendering, never make changes or move the frames with hair on. turn it on only when your moving frames in a positive direction never backwards. type in frames if necessary. these will stop the annoying long calculating.
  11. yeah true but that logo doesn't cut it as presentable at all....
  12. what did you expect, for it to find the mouth for you and make the splines magically move? you didn't think it was gonna be that easy did you?
  13. File size? is it under 8mb...
  14. hmmm, no thanks I'm not much of an athletics person. i wanna know about world events that are wars and tragedies, i need something crazy to suite my short attention span for when I'm doing research.... EDIT:something that makes me think and ponder would help too...
  15. the angle limit.... put it back to 90 degrees. And plus your hair isn't that long, also turn object collisions on.
  16. This is version 2.2. About 6 times of total deletion and recreation. This was the first that I got up the nerve to actually stitch together. Thank you for the encouragement, though. I'd still be interested any spline optimization y'all have. so... when i first started modeling i made a head around that many times before i was finally satisfied. the worst part was i never got to do the body, my mom doesn't like me modeling(or drawing) female characters....
  17. For then next 2 months(about anyway), i will be working on a video for national history day. the theme for this year is triumph and tragedy. the movie i am making is a documentary on any triumph and/or tragedy i choose, the video will be a maximum of 10 mins long . i know what i need to do how to do it but theres only one thing....I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M GONNA DO !!!!! does any one know any great,not commonly known, history changing and important events? i may be asking to much there but i would like something amazing or interesting. no need to provide links or anyway thing since i need to do that my self.... http://www.nhd.org/ http://www.flheritage.com/museum/programs/historyfair/
  18. you could use my site as an example. i would also recommend an account on Brave net to provide most of the things that a free account on freewebs won't. And yeah i would say a image logo, or even a .gif would be betterBaner maker might be what you need though i haven't tried it. the logo on my site i made with pixa. also you should have an account at photobucket and box.net for files. Try looking for html programs for your site, use those to improve different things on your site, but don't go over board with it.also is you want a domain name heres free one i have .co.nr and heres the link to my site... Wolf Works
  19. (snickers) lol nice job man. but there are some smart skinning problems in the back of the neck, it just sinks in.
  20. i seriously don't think thats gonna happen(btw it might be a bit longer before i can get to Yoshi i have allot of school work to get to in the next 2 months....
  21. i think you did a very good job on this, and you say modeling isn't something your good at..... lol it would be cool so see him a a scene. he dosn't have ot be in action, just something like him laying on a bed or something. it would be a great chance to improve on posing, lighting, and modeling(as in the bed and/or the backgorund). try it...id be looking very forward to it if you do.
  22. several lighting tutorals from A:M and other software, any of them should help. but 3 of them are pretty advanced, but read them anyway if you want.... http://www.andrew-whitehurst.net/3point.html http://www.ypoart.com/tutorials/skylights-intro.htm http://warpedspace.org/Tutorial_Files/TutorialBIG.htm http://warpedspace.org/lightingT/part1.htm http://www.ypoart.com/tutorials/Photon-Mapping.htm
  23. ok TO EVERYONE! LIST ALL MODELS YOU ARE WORKING ON FOR THIS PROJECT BLACK:Yoshi(starting in a few weeks) TOTLOVER:I am making the shell guy with the spikes in one of your recent posts(trying) dARKLIMIT: NUNS: fOR ME IM MAKING THE GAME AND ANIMATING SO YEAH! Fill this out plz!
  24. well dark limit didn't declare he was doing on the forums, but he did ask about it. instead of declaring what your going to model ask first, that will lower any confusion. I'm sorry if it ticked you off but in a sense it was kinda your fault, but then again maybe we should have declared earlier that dark was doing it. either way from now on lets declare clearly what everyone is doing.
  25. here it is... 3d painter
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