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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by the_black_mage

  1. add some focal blur...it works nice with the back ground. in case any ones been wondering were i've been, i've been outta town.
  2. lol now the plane is too slow lol...way to slow. it moving at the speed of looking at the plane high in the sky from the ground. i mean seriously thats not even 200mph its more like 60 which is impossible to stay in the air. that part when this comes out them most is the pass by part, that whole part is impossible to do at that speed.that plane needs to appear that it is going at least 300 mph.
  3. awsem!
  4. in case any one is wondering why there aren't any updates on Yoshi, I've had to put it on hold...school and all.
  5. find the post about it and ask him about the problems...
  6. lip poses arint nessesary, this video isn't going to be based on realism right? how the goomba talks is fine with me....
  7. btw theres more i have problems with the site it seems like you advertising for A:M more than your work. i understand you want people to know what your using but that shouldn't be your site focus really. on my site i used to have a direct link in the top but i can;t figure out how to do that now, what i need to do is e-mail hash and ask for a html link to have....anyway your site is more advertising A:m than your work(though theres not much yet). change that site title from animation master to your company name and have a:m in your subtitle, not the other way around...let your work speak for you not words...
  8. (third edit) nvm i guess this is it....they must have started charging since then... http://www.3d.sk/
  9. sorry for the misconception...i forgot you started it lol, no offense meant by it....
  10. ok, but i expect the final movie to be something over 620 x 480 which is a common render resolution...
  11. theres some thing called am teraform heres the link... http://www.tachyonburst.com/software/amterraform/
  12. if it helps i can fix up the lighting to lighten the shadows on him....
  13. hey uh were are the bomb-om's eyes? btw you haven't told s exactly what your planning....
  14. i think it need more effect to match the name, find a video of a storm and turn it emerald or some thing then incorporate it some how, companies always make their video logos match the name of their company. maybe you could have some particle effects rushing through the screen at one point....i like the logo but keep that and add to it. also if you want your own image at the top of the page the image resolution is 750 x 150, heres an example... my recent neww logo, i actually plan on improving it
  15. well they are similar...ok..
  16. i wasn't saying that i don't approve of it(like it matters) you can take the censors off, i just think for the younger users you should have that on there, i have no problem with it really. being able to model a female figure shows great skill in my eyes. with those censors we can be of any help....also i know a great web site with many reference images to use but i for got the site i'll try and find it. and f.y.i. what i have in my sig. is basically nothing...its just something i have to match my name...why do people always take it seriously?...
  17. you know what i think....maybe you should make that into Luigi's head too, that way they would look similar than completely different, you know what i mean. tido can model Luigi's and Mario's body and you do the head...
  18. would you mind putting some thing like "topic(nudity)" on post like this...
  19. nice, he looks a bit cross-eyed though
  20. theres still that lack of shoulders thumbs and actual eyes....
  21. yeah he needs shoulders, lol if it helps i could draw a side view of Luigi's head...
  22. woa, woa, woa, woa....just because your done modeling doesn't mean its right. Luigi is much skinnier than that, the buttons are to small, and that head will not work, the mouth appears to be un-animatable , and he has 5 fingers and no thumb....to tell the truth it doesn't actually look like luigi....sorry just telling my thoughts. also what i ment about the head is how in the world is luigi gonna look around, his eye needs to be a sphere....
  23. ok heres an image so far(and i ment half way finished with half of the head lol). i'll make a decal so that the body can go from green to white later....i'll use a boolean cutter to get the nostrils in and i need to work on the inner of the mouth i i need to work on the eye socket so that there are no holes...and i think thats it... EDIT: lol forgot the image
  24. thx I'm half way though modeling the head....
  25. here are my two rotos, i'll have another for the shoes...
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