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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by the_black_mage

  1. lol I'm 14 a fast learner never used photoshop and i think I'm very good at it a:M I've had it for around 2 years. cheak out my site Wolf Works i would recommend A:M to anyone any age.
  2. hey were did that staff come from?
  3. ever thougth of using a rotoscope i think his head is too flat .... also the lighting on the helment in the picture dosn't match the back ground,just saying. and yeah fix the splining, i have a problem with that too, messy splines but some how it still looks smooth.
  4. star patches do not work, fix up the side of the mouth. and the arms on the girl are to scrany
  5. ah man even i know what your talking about
  6. the smoke is the wing being damaged. sometime its used to keep the plan in balance when an engine goes out on a passenger plane. either way its a result of damage. also in a jet you only see afterburner when a get is accelerating. as of the speed yet that turn is possible, jut the way it turns is what makes it unbelievable, the angle that he end of the turn would make the jet move down more. also the jet is moving at a constant speed, it would be more believable if the jet de-accelerated at some point in the turn. but truly theres no problem with the speed, think about it, how fast you you expect a jet going over 500 miles per hour to pass right by the camera? also to explain speed a bit more heres a time line. jet on run way= 0 minimal speed of launch=200(=175 0n a carrier ship, thats why they some times move down a bit be for going up.) maximum speed of launch= 320(depending on length 300) average speed while in the air= 350-450(depending on type of plane) top speed in the air= 1000-1400(mach 2 depending on altitude) top tuning speed to make that turn 400 to 600 de-accelerating at one point and accelerating at another
  7. there seems to be allot of creasing in different areas of the head.... could you post a wireframe? and somthing abut the reflection bothers me...maybe its the lighting...hmmmm. recommended scythe image, just an idea of what it should look like.
  8. also its the turning i'm most disrupted about, you can practicly useany speed you want, any thing up to mach 5
  9. lol don't you just love it....its something you can do when your bored.
  10. well i'm gonna say what i know about the flight. its possible to turn like that but not like that (if i have the perspective right), you need to keep g force in mind, think a bit more about the guy in the jet(unless your going for unrealism). and matt i think a some one could go that fast with out blacking out, ever heard of mach 5?(back to the jet turn) you see its vary hard to turn at the angle the jet is at first. then some how the jet rolls and turns at the same time? now if it rolled first and then turned it would be more believable. just my thoughts....
  11. i've gotten this before i just found a way to cover it up....
  12. i did it but...it increased the brightness, i just need to darken up the white right? it also caused aliasing errors....
  13. ooooohhhh, very nice!!!
  14. ok, your gonna need a head modeling tutorial and i think you should definaly restart I'm gonna link some tutorials... http://www.colins-loft.net/tutorials.html http://home9.highway.ne.jp/katakata/title.htm witch you need to translate with.... http://www.babelfish.altavista.com/ these are the sites used when i made my head, thought the older one i did is gone(corrupted), heres the one i did when i use the image on the site as a rotoscope.
  15. wel.. i still think you should restart... but while your still going, you gotta fix that eye, its the thing i can't stand the most out of the model...the eyelids need to cuve around the eye ball. also one thing you have to consider is what its gonna look like when you flip it(copy/flip/attach), I've made heads before (more animeish though) i would have the whole face seemingly perfect then flip it and it looks very weird, i kept getting that until l started using a rotoscope(my mom got a scanner).if you do restart use a drawn or computer made rotoscope of a perfectly measured front and side view, this way you'll have exactly what you want. right now no one knows what your going for, whether its a boy or girl(that would help), the age(if your going for one). this information will help determine what his face shape should be, the sises or shapes of the eyes and among other features. there are more things too, determining your vision of the character is very important even to those who are helping you....but these are my thoughts.
  16. newton physics plugin.
  17. dude you need to restart....badly....looks for some tutorials, make a drawing of what you want and scan it. then use that as a rotoscope, lastly...burn that model. sorry, just telling the truth.....i do the same thing when something looks bad to point of no return.
  18. *Off topic* did you try reinstalling it? as it unistall it reinstall it, reinstall v12+ and see if that works. also very nice face image....and once i realise....I SUCK!!! i gotta get back to improving cya!!!
  19. this ia the render i got, it looks really good!!!
  20. btw is this a boy or a girl...
  21. so case does give criticism^_^, and i agree! btw,case did you get the file?
  22. lol i was about to say....when i tried it it turned out like this [attachmentid=23294] though it looks very nice(i'm gonna experiment with this more) BIG THANX! i'll try it!
  23. maybe....i'll try it.
  24. I've been looking around to get a really good render of a car I'm working on. one of the tutorals i found seems like it would work but i need to do the thing called primary visibility. in other words the model is there but not there and can be reflected by another surface with out showing on the camera, you know what i mean? heres what i'm talking about.... Rendering better cars look at no.1
  25. did you give the marbles bones? if you did that might be it....
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